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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Theme: Acts is the history of how Christianity was founded and organized. It tells how the early church solved it problems. Their faith in the risen Christ and his Holy Spirit enabled them to witness, to love and to serve. They did this in spite of imprisonment, beatings, plots and riots instigated by both Jews and Gentiles. Acts 1 __6-8_The disciples asked Him if the time had come for Him to restore the kingdom of Israel. He said, it is not for you to know this. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses in Jerusalem and all the surrounding areas, and after that to the utter most parts of the earth.
__9-11_Then Jesus was lifted up from them while they stood on the Mount of Olives. Angels told them that this same Jesus would return in the same manner as they had seen Him depart.
__12-14_The disciples returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem. The eleven went to the upper room where they were staying and devoted themselves to prayer.
__15-26_At this time Peter stood up in the midst of about one hundred and twenty people and proposed that Judas, who was now dead, be replaced. They chose two men who had been with them from the beginning. After praying over them they drew lots. Matthias was chosen to replace Judas. He was now numbered with the eleven.
Acts 2 __5-13_Devout Jews from every nation lived in Jerusalem. They were amazed to hear the apostles speaking in their own languages. But some people mocked them, saying, they are full of wine.
__14-21_Peter refuted this and quoted Joel 2, verses 28-32, saying that God has said that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit on all mankind.
__22-36_Peter went on to say that God had shown ample evidence that Jesus had been sent by Him and the Jewish nation had crucified Him. God had then raised Him up to sit at His right hand.
__37-42_When the people heard this they were pierced to the heart and asked what they should do. Peter said, Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the Holy Spirit. And about three thousand were baptized.
__43-47_There was a great sense of awe as the apostles performed many signs and wonders. Everyone looked out for one another and shared all things in common.
Acts 3 __11-26_The people began crowding around Peter and John. Peter gave the glory to God. He said, God's purpose in all of this is for you to turn from your wicked ways.
Acts 4 __5-12_The next day these officials came together with Annas and Caiaphas and questioned Peter and John asking them by what power they healed the man. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit said, this was done in the name of Jesus Christ whom you crucified. God raised Him from the dead. Salvation comes through Him alone.
__13-18_As they observed the confidence of Peter and John they realized that they were uneducated, and marveled as they recognized that this was because they had been with Jesus. Wondering what to do, they commanded them not to speak to anyone in Jesus name.
__19-22_Peter and John replied, which is better? Shall we listen to you or to God? We cannot stop telling of what we have seen and heard.
__23-31_When they had been released they went to their own companions and reported all that had happened. Everyone praised God and then the place shook and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of God with boldness.
__32-35_The congregation believed with one heart and soul. They shared all things in common. The apostles witnessed to the resurrection of Jesus with great power. Abundant grace was on them all.
__36-37_Joseph, A Levite from Cyprus, also called Barnabas, sold some land gave the money to the apostles.
Acts 5 __7-11_About three hours later Sapphira came in without knowing what had happened to her husband. Peter asked her if she and her husband had given the entire amount. She assured him that they had. Peter asked why she had lied to the Holy Spirit. She died immediately and they buried her beside her husband. After this fear fell on the whole church.
__12-16_The apostles were doing many signs and wonders. They were all of one accord in Solomon's portico. No one dared to confront them because they were held in high esteem. Many were added to their number. Even when Peter's shadow fell across someone sick, that person was then healed.
__17-32_The high priest and his associates were very jealous of the apostles and hauled them off to prison. During the night an angel released them and told them to preach the whole message in the temple. The high priest confronted them. Peter said that God had raised Jesus up and they must obey God rather than man.
__33-39_This cut the leaders to the quick. They wanted to kill the apostles. But one of the Pharisees named Gamaliel told them that if what these men were doing was from God, no one could stop it. If it was not of God, it would die out on its own.
__40-42_The leaders took this advice, but flogged the apostles and told them to speak no more of Jesus. The apostles went their way rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. They continued every day teaching and preaching about Jesus in the temple and from house to house.
Acts 6 __7_The word of God kept spreading. Many of the priests were converted.
__8-15_Stephen was full of grace and power performing signs and wonders. Those opposed to the church could not refute his wisdom. Then they got some people to say that he had blasphemed Moses and God. He was accused before the council. Stephen's face shown like the face of an angel.
Acts 7 __51-53_Then Stephen said, You stiff necked, you who have uncircumcised hearts and ears. You are always resisting the Holy Spirit just as you fathers did. Your fathers persecuted and killed those who prophesied of the coming Messiah. And now you have killed the Messiah.
__54-56_The council leaders gnashed their teeth at Stephen as he, filled with the Spirit, gazed up into heaven as he saw the glory of God with the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.
__57-60_Covering their ears they rushed upon him and took him outside of the city. They laid their robes at the feet of a young man named Saul and stoned Stephen. As they did this, he called out, Lord Jesus, receive My Spirit and do not hold this sin against them. Then he fell asleep.
Acts 8 __4-8_As the Christians were scattered they preached the word. Philip went to Samaria and proclaimed Christ to them. The Samaritans believed and were healed.
__9-13_Simon, a magician who had been very successful in his art, believed and was baptized.
__14-24_Hearing of the success in Samaria, the apostles sent Peter and John. When they arrived they prayed that the Samaritans might receive the Holy Spirit. When Simon the magician witnessed this, he offered money for this power for himself. Peter told him, your money perish with you.
__25_When Peter and John had finished speaking God's word, they returned to Jerusalem.
__26-40_An angel told Philip to take the south road from Jerusalem to Gaza. There he met an Ethiopian and after explaining a passage in Isaiah, the man asked to be baptized. When they came out of the water the LORD snatched Philip away. He next found himself in Azotus.
Acts 9 __10-18_The LORD came in a vision to Ananias telling him to go to a certain house on a street called Straight. He was to ask for Saul of Tarsus. Jesus also gave Saul a vision of Ananias healing him. Ananias did as directed by the LORD and then Saul was baptized.
Acts 10 __9-16_The next day as the centurion's men were approaching Joppa, Peter was on the roof praying at the place where he was staying. He was hungry and had a vision of a sheet full of unclean beasts being let down to him. It happened three times. Each time he was told to arise, kill and eat. Each time he refused.
__17-22_Peter was perplexed by the vision. Then the Spirit told him that three men were arriving at the house and to accompany them. So it was that the men arrived asking for Peter. They told him of Cornelius vision. The men were invited in and given food and lodging for the night.
__23-33_The next day Peter accompanied the men back to Caesarea. When they arrived they found a large group of people waiting for them. Cornelius wanted to worship Peter. Peter explained that he was just a man. He then explained that God had shown him that he should not regard the Gentiles as unclean.
__34-43_Peter explained that God wanted the Gentiles to receive the good news about Jesus Christ, of how He had died and had then risen again and returned to heaven. God has appointed Him to judge the living and the dead. Through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.
__44-48_While Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles. The Jews that had come with Peter were amazed for the Gentiles were speaking in tongues in praise of God. Peter said to the other Jews, these Gentiles must be baptized. He then stayed with them a few more days.
Acts 11 __19-21_There were those scattered by persecution who went to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch speaking first to the Jews. Then they began telling Greeks. A large number believed.
__22-26_The church at Jerusalem heard of this and sent Barnabas to Antioch. Many were brought to the LORD. Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul. Bringing him back to Antioch, they worked there for a year. Antioch was where the believers were first called Christians.
__27-30_One of their men from Jerusalem, Agabus, was a prophet and said that there would be a worldwide famine. Antioch took up a contribution to send to Jerusalem.
Acts 12 __18-19_When day came there was no small disturbance as the soldiers wondered what had become of Peter. Herod searched for him but could not find him. So he examined the guards and then ordered their execution.
__20-23_As Herod was accepting the worship of people from Tyre and Sidon an angel of the LORD struck him dead.
__24-25_The church continued to grow. And Saul and Barnabas continued to work together with the help of John Mark.
Acts 13 __4-12_Barnabas and Saul went to Cyprus and John Mark accompanied them. A magician known as Bar-Jesus opposed them by seeking to influence people against them. Saul, also known as Paul, being full of the Holy Spirit, called him what he was and pronounced him blind. And those watching believed in the teaching of the LORD.
__13-16_Paul put out to sea for Perga. John Mark left them to return to Jerusalem. At the synagogue in Perga, after the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the officials invited Paul to speak.
__17-41_Paul gave a brief history lesson of how God led Israel from Egypt down to the time of King David. Then he talked about John the Baptist. Finally he told of Jesus ministry, of His death and resurrection.
__42-43_As Paul and Barnabas went out the people begged them to come back on the next Sabbath.
__44-49_The next Sabbath nearly the whole city assembled to hear the word of God. The Jews were filled with envy and began speaking against Paul and Barnabas. Because the city ended up rejecting the word of God, Paul and Barnabas told them they would take the good news to the Gentiles who rejoiced to hear it.
__50-52_The Jews instigated persecution against them and drove them from the district. Paul and Barnabas shook the dust from their feet and went to Iconium.
Acts 14 __8-18_At Lystra Paul healed a man who had been lame from birth. The people wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas stopped them from making sacrifices to them explaining that it was God Who had healed the man.
__19-28_Some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and stirred up the crowd who then stoned Paul. They drug him out of the city and left him for dead. Later he got up and the next day they left for Derbe. After much success preaching in Derbe they returned to Iconium and Antioch and preached in various other cities.
Acts 15 __6-11_In Jerusalem the apostles and elders came together. Peter stood up and recalled how God had shown him that there should be no distinction between Jew and Gentile and he didn't think that circumcision should be required of the Gentiles.
__12-21_Everyone listened as Paul and Barnabas told how the LORD had blessed their work among the Gentiles. James then stood up and said that the only requirement of the Gentiles should be that they have nothing to do with food sacrificed to idols, fornication, strangled meat or blood.
__22-29_The apostles and elders sent a letter along with Judas and Silas back to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. The letter said to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled and from fornication.
__30-35_This message was received with rejoicing in Antioch. Silas decided to remain in Antioch with Paul and Barnabas.
__36-41_After a time Paul wanted to visit the cities where they had preached. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along. Paul remembered how he had deserted them in Pamphylia and did not want him with them. Barnabas ended up taking John Mark with him to Cyprus and Paul took Silas with him through Syria and Cilicia.
Acts 16 |