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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Theme: John shows us that Jesus is unique as God's Son. He always was and always will be fully God. Because of this He is able to clearly and accurately reveal God to us. John 1 __6-8_John came to witness to the light so that people might believe in Him.
__9-13_Jesus came as the true light and to all who believe, He then gives the right to become children of God.
__14-18_The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John bore witness of Him. The Law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
__19-28_The Pharisees and Levites asked John who he was. He said that he was not the Christ. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the LORD.
__29-34_The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.
__35-42_The next day two of John's disciples followed Jesus to where He was staying. One of them was Andrew who then went to find Peter the next day and brought him to Jesus.
__43-46_The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. Finding Philip He said to him, Follow Me. Philip found Nathanael and told him, We have found the One of whom Moses and the prophets wrote about. He is Jesus of Nazareth. Nathanael said, can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip said, come and see.
__47-51_Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him and said, Here is an Israelite in whom there is no guile. Nathanael said, how do you know me? Jesus said, before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree. This convinced Nathanael that Jesus was the king of Israel. Jesus said, you will see greater things than this.
John 2 __6-11_There were six stone waterpots for the Jewish custom of purification. Jesus told the servants to fill them with water. Then He said, Draw some out and take it to the master of the feast. When the master of the feast had tasted it he said, this is excellent wine. This was the beginning of Jesus signs and His disciples believed in Him.
__12_After this Jesus and His mother and brothers went down to Capernaum for a few days.
__13-22_The Passover was at hand Jesus went up to Jerusalem. He cleansed the temple of merchants and money changers. His disciples remembered that it was written, Zeal for Thy house will consume Me in Psalm 69:9.
__23-25_While Jesus was at the Passover He did many signs and many believed. But He knew that people could be fickle.
John 3 __16-21_God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. He who practices truth comes to the light that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.
__22-30_After this Jesus and His disciples came into Judea baptizing people. Some of John's disciples were not happy that Jesus was baptizing but John said that Jesus must increase and I must decrease.
__31-36_Jesus said, He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides in him.
John 4 __27-38_The disciples returned and were surprised to find that Jesus was no longer hungry. He said that He had had something more satisfying than food.
__39-42_The woman brought many people back from the city to see Jesus.
__43-45_Jesus stayed there for two days and then headed to Galilee. He knew that He would not be honored as He had been in other places. The people who had witnessed what He had done in Jerusalem were interested in Him.
__46-54_There was a royal official in Capernaum who had a sick son at the point of death. He came to ask Jesus to heal his son. Jesus did heal his son without actually going to his house. This was the second sign Jesus performed in Galilee.
John 5 __10-18_Because it was the Sabbath, and Jesus had healed him and told him to carry his pallet, the Jews were incensed. They wanted to kill Jesus.
__19-24_Jesus told them that He could not heal without His Father's approval. He also said, He who hears My words and believes Him Who sent Me, has eternal life.
__25-29_Jesus said that the Father has life in Himself and so does His Son. The hour would come when those in the tombs would hear His voice and come forth. Some would come out to the resurrection of life and some to the resurrection of judgment.
__30-47_The Father Who sent Me has born witness of Me. The scriptures bear witness of Me. I have come in My Father's name. If you believe Moses then you will believe Me.
John 6 __15_After the miracle of the loaves and fish the people wanted to take Jesus by force and make Him king. Jesus withdrew to the mountain to be by himself.
__16-21_The disciples started across the sea when a storm came up. They had rowed for three or four miles when Jesus appeared walking on the water. This frightened them. Jesus assured them that it was Him. He got into the boat and they were immediately at their destination.
__22-40_The next the day the people found Jesus. He told them that they should not look for bread that perishes but rather food that endures to eternal life. They wanted another sign like Moses had shown when manna fell from heaven for their fathers. Jesus said that He was the manna come down from heaven.
__41-51_The Jews grumbled when Jesus said that He had come from heaven because they knew Him as the son of Joseph and Mary. Jesus asserted that He was the living Bread and they must eat His body and drink His blood.
__52-59_Eating His body and drinking His blood was too hard a saying for many of them.
__60-65_Many of His disciples grumbled about this saying. Jesus said to them that no one comes to Him unless it has been granted to him by the Father.
__66-71_As a result many of His disciples withdrew from following Him. Jesus asked the twelve if they would also leave. Peter said, To Whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. You are the Holy One of God. And yet, Jesus knew that one of the twelve would betray Him. He knew it was Judas Iscariot.
John 7 __6-9_Jesus said, It is not yet My time. It is always your time. So they went to the feast without Him.
__10-13_After His brothers left, He went to Judea secretly. The Jews were looking for Him. Some of the people thought He was a good man. Some thought He was the Christ. Still others thought He was leading the people astray. No one spoke of Him openly because they feared the Jewish leaders.
__14-16_In the middle of the feast Jesus began to teach in the temple. The Jews were amazed at His wisdom. They wondered how He knew these things when He hadn't been taught in their schools?
__17-24_Jesus said that His teaching was not His own. It came from the One Who had sent Him. He knew they were unhappy with His Sabbath observance. He pointed out that Moses had told them to circumcise even if it was the Sabbath.
__25-36_Jesus told them that He had come from God. This made the Jews want to kill Him even more. Because of His miracles many of the multitude believed in Him. The chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to seize Him.
__37-39_On the last day of the feast Jesus stood up and cried out, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit that would come after He was glorified.
__40-44_Many of the people considered Jesus as the Prophet. Others said that He was the Messiah. Still others said, Surely the Christ will not come from Galilee. The scriptures say that He comes from the offspring of David.
__45-49_When the officers who were sent to seize Jesus came back without Him, they were asked why they hadn't brought Him? They answered, no man ever spoke like this man. The Pharisees said, Have you also been led astray? None of us believe what He teaches. This accursed multitude knows nothing about the law.
__50-53_Nicodemus said, Our law does not judge a man without giving him a hearing. They asked him if he was from Galilee? No prophet ever came from Galilee.
John 8 __6-11_Jesus did not answer but instead began writing on the ground. They kept asking Him, so He said, the one who is without sin may cast the first stone. One by one they began going away until she alone was left. Does anyone accuse you? He asked. She said, no one, Lord. Jesus said, neither do I accuse you. Go and sin no more.
__12-20_Jesus said, I am the light of the world. The Pharisees questioned His witness to Himself. He said that a person can be his own witness. Then He said that His witness was true. In addition to His witness, His Father witnessed of Him.
__21-30_Jesus said that He was going away. They would search for Him and not find Him. Then He said, unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. When you lift the Son of Man up, then you will know that I am He.
__31-47_If you abide on My word you are truly My disciples. He who is of God hears His words.
__48-59_The Jews called Jesus a Samaritan and said He had a demon. Jesus then said that Abraham rejoiced to see the time of the Messiah. The Jews said, You are not yet fifty years old. Have you seen Abraham? Jesus said, Before Abraham was born, I am. They would have stoned Him but He hid Himself and left the temple.
John 9 __13-23_This had happened on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were trying to discover who had healed him on the Sabbath.
__24-34_The man told the Pharisees that the one who had healed him must be from God. So they put him out of the synagogue.
__35-38_Jesus found the man and asked him if he believed in the Son of Man? The man asked, Who is He that I may believe? Jesus answered, I am He and the man worshiped Him.
__39-41_Jesus said, I came into the world for judgment so that those who do not see may see and those who see may become blind. The Pharisees heard this and asked Him, are we blind? Jesus answered, if you were blind you would have no sin. But since you claim to see, your sin remains.
John 10 __7-18_Jesus explained, I am the door. He who would enter must come through Me. I Am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The hireling will not do this. He runs away. The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have other sheep that are not of this fold.
__19-21_The Jews disagreed with one another concerning Jesus. Some said that He was insane or had a demon. Others said, demons do not say things like this. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?
__22-30_It was the time of the Feast of Dedication. It was winter. The Jews gathered around Jesus and said, tell us plainly if you are the Christ. Jesus answered, I have told you plainly but you do not believe. My sheep hear my voice and follow Me. I give eternal life to those who believe. I And my Father are One.
__31-39_The Jews picked up stones in order to stone Him. Jesus asked, for which good work are you stoning Me? They said, we are stoning you for blasphemy because you make yourself equal with God. He eluded them and went away from that place.
__40-42_Jesus went again beyond the Jordan where John had first baptized. Many believed in Him there.
John 11 __17-29_When Martha heard that Jesus approached Bethany she went out to meet Him. She said, if You had been here Lazarus would not have died. Jesus said your brother shall rise again. Martha thought that He meant at the resurrection in the last day. Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life. Martha went to call Mary.
__30-37_When Mary came to where Jesus was she said, if You had been here Lazarus would not have died. They took Jesus to where Lazarus was buried. Some bystanders were saying, could not this Man who opened the eyes of the blind have kept this man from dying?
__38-44_Jesus asked them to roll the stone away from the mouth of the cave. Martha protested because Lazarus had been in the grave for four days. After they had rolled the stone away, Jesus called out in a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he who had died came out bound in linen wrappings. Jesus said, take the wrapping off of him.
__45-46_Some of the bystanders believed while others went away to inform the Pharisees of what Jesus had done.
__47-53_The chief priests and the Pharisees held a council. They all agreed that if Jesus was allowed to go on doing so many signs, all men would believe on Him and the Romans would destroy their nation. Caiaphas said, it is expedient that one man died for the nation. From that day they planned to kill Him.
__54-57_From that time Jesus no longer walked publicly among the Jews. When it was the time of the Passover, the Jews wondered if He would show Himself. The Pharisees had given orders that anyone who knew His whereabouts should report it to them so that they might seize Him.
John 12 __3-8_Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard and anointed Jesus feet. Judas, who intended to betray Jesus, found fault with this act. Jesus said, let her alone in order that she may keep it for the day of My burial.
__9-11_Because so many of the people were wanting to see Lazarus as well as Jesus, the chief priests decided to kill Lazarus, as well.
__12-19_Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people were crying out, Hosanna. They were also calling Jesus the king of the Jews.
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