Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Galatians - At A Glance

6 Chapters - Written about AD 50 by Paul

Theme: Paul refutes the Judaizers that were teaching the Gentile believers that they must obey Jewish law in order to be saved. Paul taught that when the Holy Spirit leads us He produces fruit in us.

Galatians 1
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-24_I Paul, an apostle sent by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead, greet the churches of Galatia. The gospel I preach is a revelation to me from Jesus Christ. He set me apart from my mother's womb to preach Him to the Gentiles. I used to persecute the church but now I preach the truth of Jesus Christ.

Galatians 2
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-10_Peter was appointed by God to preach to the Jews. I Paul, was appointed to preach to the Gentiles.

__11-21_When Peter came to Antioch I corrected him for not eating with the Gentiles.

Galatians 3
At a Glance (29 V)
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1-14_No one is justified by the law. Rather they are justified by faith in Jesus. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law.

__15-29_The promises of God have always been for all mankind and not just for Israel. The law is our teacher to lead us to Christ.

Galatians 4
At a Glance (31 V)
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1-31_In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son, born of a woman under the law, and He came to redeem us who were under the law.

Galatians 5
At a Glance (26 V)
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1-15_Christ set us free from those burdensome things that were meant to teach of the Christ who was to come. Our freedom should not be turned into an opportunity to satisfy the flesh. Instead it should be used to serve one another in love.

__16-21_As long as you walk by the Spirit you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. This means you may be free from the law as long as you walk in the Spirit. If you sin, you then come under the condemnation of the law again.

__22-26_There is fruit that comes to our lives when we walk in the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against this fruit there is no law. Those who belong to Jesus crucify the flesh. If we live by the Spirit we will also walk by the Spirit.

Galatians 6
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-5_When one of your brothers falls let those who are spiritual restore him. You fulfill the law when you bear each other's burdens. And yet, each one is expected to bear his own load when possible. In other words, we are not to come to expect others to meet all of our needs.

__6-10_Let those who hear the word share their resources with those who brought the word to them. What we do with what is ours shows where our heart is.

__11-18_Paul's closing remarks emphasizing that faith in Jesus takes precedence over the law, though the law is still important.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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