Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Mark - At A Glance

16 Chapters - Written about AD 64 by John Mark

Theme: Mark is the most chronological of the four Gospels and emphasizes that Jesus Christ alone is the Son of God. As the Messiah Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies. He came as a suffering servant rather than a conquering king. Mark records Jesus' miracles more than his sermons. Jesus came to the Jews first.

Mark 1
At a Glance (45 V)
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1-8_Isaiah's prophecy foretold of John the Baptist, which said, I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way. He will be one crying in the wilderness, saying, make ready the way of the LORD. Make His paths straight.

John came preaching and saying, I baptize with water but one comes after me who baptized with the Holy Spirit.

__9-11_Jesus came to John to be baptized. When He came up out of the water He saw heaven open and the Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a Dove. A voice came from heaven, saying, You are My beloved Son. I am well pleased with You.

__12-13_Immediately Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He was there for forty days and was tempted by Satan. He was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered to Him.

__14-15_After that John was put in prison. Jesus went to Galilee and began preaching the gospel of God, saying, The the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.

__16-20_Jesus called Peter and Andrew as they fished. Then He called James and John who were also fishermen.

__21-28_Jesus amazed people by teaching with authority, unlike the scribes, and He cast out demons.

__29-31_He went to the house of Peter and Andrew. Peter's mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus raised her up and her fever left her. Then she waited on them.

__32-34_That evening people began bringing Him all who were ill or demon possessed. And He healed many, including the demon possessed. But He would not allow the demons to speak because they knew who He was.

__35-39_Jesus got up very early to go out and pray. He then began traveling throughout Galilee preaching and casting out demons.

__40-45_Jesus healed a leper and asked him not to tell anyone. But the man told everyone and Jesus could no longer publicly enter a city. Instead, He stayed out in unpopulated areas and people came from everywhere.

Mark 2
At a Glance (28 V)
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1-12_Jesus healed the paralytic after he was let down through the roof. He also forgave his sins.

__13-14_Jesus called Levi as He passed by his tax office. Later Jesus reclined his table.

__15-17_The Pharisees found fault with Jesus because He was eating with sinners. Jesus stated that He came to call sinners and not the righteous.

__18-20_When asked why His disciples were not fasting Jesus said that the attendants to the bridegroom will fast when the bridegroom is no longer with them.

__21-22_Jesus said that you cannot patch old cloth with new. And you can't put new wine in old wine skins.

__23-26_Jesus explained that washing the inside is more important than washing the outside.

__27-28_Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Consequently, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.

Mark 3
At a Glance (35 V)
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1-6_Jesus wanted to heal a man and asked the Pharisees if it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath? After this the Pharisees began to plot His destruction.

__7-12_Jesus withdrew to the sea where he healed many who followed Him there. Even the demons were crying out identifying Him as the Son of God.

__13-19_Jesus appointed twelve disciples to be with Him and to preach.

__20-30_The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Satan. Jesus warned against blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

__31-35_Jesus made it clear that His earthly family had no preeminence over people in general.

Mark 4
At a Glance (41 V)
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1_Jesus taught from a boat because of the crush of the people who came to hear Him and be healed.

__2-9_Parable of the Sower and tells of various types of ground. 1) Beside the road, 2) rocky ground, 3) among the thorns, 4) and good soil.

__10-20_Jesus explains the parables to His disciples and says that there are some things of the kingdom they are to understand that the multitude will not understand.

__21-25_Jesus said, A lamp is not lit and then hidden away. Rather it is placed where it can give the most light. By your own standard of measure you will be measured. Those who have will be given more and those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away from them.

__26-29_The kingdom of God grows in the heart just as God makes the plants grow. We do not have to understand how this happens. God makes it happen.

__30-32_The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. It is small to begin with, but it grows very large.

__33-34_Jesus spoke only in parables to the multitude. But to His disciples He explained everything.

__35-41_Jesus got into the boat with His disciples and fell asleep. A Very bad storm came up and He was sleeping through it. The disciples, fearing for their lives, woke Him up. He got up and stilled the storm. They marveled that He even had power over the storm.

Mark 5
At a Glance (43 V)
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1-20_Jesus healed the man with the unclean spirits and sent the spirits into the pigs. This was in Gerasenes. The man wanted to go with Jesus. Instead Jesus sent him home to witness.

__21-24_Jairus, a synagogue official asked Jesus to come and heal his very sick 12 year old daughter. They started toward the official's house.

__25-34_A woman who had had a hemorrhage for 12 years touched the fringe of Jesus garment and was healed.

__35-43_When Jesus got to the official's house, He put everyone out except the parents and three of His disciples. Then He raised the little girl to life and asked that it be kept quiet.

Mark 6
At a Glance (56 V)
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1-6_Jesus came to His hometown and on the Sabbath began to teach in the synagogue. The people were astonished to see this carpenter's son teaching such things and took offense at Him. So He could not do much for them.

__7-13_Jesus sent His disciples out two by two to preach and to heal.

__14-29_Jesus' fame spread everywhere. Herod thought that Jesus must be John the Baptist, whom he had beheaded.

__30-44_When the disciple returned from their missionary journey, Jesus tried to get them away to a quiet place to rest and review what had happened with them. But the multitudes followed and eventually Jesus fed 5,000 men plus families.

__45-52_Jesus sent the disciples by boat to Bethesda while He dismissed the crowds. Later during a terrible storm He came walking on the water toward the boat. The disciples were frightened at the sight of Him. When He got into the boat the storm stopped.

__53-56_Everywhere Jesus went, as soon as He was recognized, the people brought others to be healed. Many times as He walked in the market place, the sick would just touch the fringe of His garment and they were healed.

Mark 7
At a Glance (37 V)
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1-23_Pharisees came from Jerusalem and gathered around Jesus to ask why His disciples didn't follow the tradition of the elders and wash before eating? Jesus called them hypocrites because they set aside teaching from the scripture and followed their traditions.

__24-30_Jesus went to Tyre to get away and get some rest. A Syrophoenician woman begged Him to heal her daughter from the demon that possessed her. Jesus answered that food for the children shouldn't be given to dogs. She answered that the dogs eat the crumbs the children drop. Jesus commended her faith and healed her daughter.

__31-37_Jesus left Tyre and came through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee. They brought a deaf man to Him. He also spoke with difficulty. Jesus healed his deafness and his trouble with speaking, and told him to tell no one. But the more He told them not to tell what He had done, the more widely they proclaimed Him.

Mark 8
At a Glance (38 V)
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1-10_There was a great multitude and Jesus told His disciples that He wanted to feed the people. The disciples didn't see how this could be done. Jesus asked them how much food they had? They said seven loaves of bread and a few fish. Jesus blessed the bread and the fish and they fed 4,000 people.

__11-13_The Pharisees asked for a sign but Jesus said no sign would be given to this generation.

__14-21_Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. They thought He was talking about bread.

__22-26_They came to Bethsaida and a blind man was brought to Jesus. He healed the blind man by spitting on his eyes.

__27-30_Jesus asked the disciples who people were saying He was. They replied, John the Baptist, Elijah, or some other prophet. But who do you say that am, He asked. Peter said, You are the Christ. He then warned them to tell no one.

__31-38_When Jesus was telling them that He must suffer many things Peter rebuked Him. Jesus said, get behind me Satan. Then He said that anyone who would follow Him must take up his cross, too.

Mark 9
At a Glance (50 V)
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1_Jesus said, Some are standing here who will not see death before they see the kingdom of God.

__2-8_Three of the disciples witnessed Jesus as He was transfigured to His heavenly glory while talking with Moses and Elijah.

__9-13_Jesus told the three disciples not to mention the transfiguration until after He rose from the dead.

__14-29_A man brought his son to the disciples to be healed. The boy had a demon that took control of him and the disciples could not heal him. Jesus did heal him and later the disciples asked why they could not heal the boy? Jesus said, this kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.

__30-32_Jesus began teaching His disciples that He would be killed and would rise up again in three days. They did not understand were afraid to ask what He meant.

__33-37_Jesus talked about what makes for greatness. He pointed to childlike attitudes of trust.

__38-42_Jesus said that no one should be restrained from preaching His name. He who is not against us is for us.

__43-50_If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. Better to live life as a cripple than to enter hell with two hands.

Mark 10
At a Glance (52 V)
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1_Jesus got up early and headed for the region of Judea beyond the Jordon. Crowds gathered and He began to teach them.

__2-12_Some Pharisees were testing Jesus and asked Him if it was lawful to divorce. Jesus pointed them to scripture and said, Moses permitted divorce, but from the beginning this was never God's plan. Instead, those who become one flesh should never be separated.

__13-16_While Jesus was teaching, the disciples tried to prevent little children from being brought to Jesus for His blessing. He was indignant, and said to them, that the kingdom of heaven is made up of such as these.

__17-22_A rich young man asked Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life. Jesus first quoted several of the last six commandments. The young man said he already did these things. Jesus then told him he needed to sell everything he had and follow Him. The young man went away sad.

__23-31_Jesus said that it is very hard for a rich man to enter God's kingdom. Peter pointed out that they had left everything to follow Him. Jesus said that they would be rewarded for their sacrifice. And He added that many who are first will be last and the last first.

__32-34_As they headed for Jerusalem, Jesus told them that He would be killed and after three days He would rise again.

__35-45_James and John asked Jesus to let them sit with Him in His glory, one on the right and one on the left. Jesus asked if they could drink the cup He would be drinking, and be baptized with His baptism. They thought that they could. He then said they would do these things but where they sat was not His to give.

__46-52_As they came to Jericho, blind Bartimaeus cried out, Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus then healed him.

Mark 11
At a Glance (33 V)
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1-10_As they approached Jerusalem, at Bethphage near the Mount of Olives Jesus sent two disciples to get a colt for Him to ride into Jerusalem. People spread their cloaks on the ground for the donkey to walk over. They cut palm branches and sang, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.

__11_He came into Jerusalem and entered the temple. He looked around, and then departed with His disciples to Bethany.

__12-14_The next day as they left Bethany Jesus was hungry. In the distance He saw a fig tree in leaf. Going to it and finding no fruit, He said, May no one will ever eat from you again. His disciples heard Him say this.

__15-19_Jesus cleansed the temple of those selling things. Then He said, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. The chief priests and scribes began seeking a way to destroy Him, but the people were astonished at His teaching. That evening Jesus and the disciples went out of the city.

__20-26_In the morning they passed the fig tree that Jesus had cursed. Peter called attention to it. Jesus said, have faith in God. With faith you can command a mountain to be cast into the sea.

__27-33_The next day when they came into the temple the chief priests, scribes, and elders asked Jesus by what authority He did the things He was doing. He then asked them whether the baptism of John the Baptist was from heaven or from men? They would not answer and He did not tell them by what authority He did the things that He did.

Mark 12
At a Glance (44 V)
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1-12_In the parable of the vineyard, they mistreated the owner's servants, and killed his son. Jesus reminded them that the stone rejected by the builders became the chief corner stone.

__13-17_Some Pharisees and Herodians tried to trap Jesus by asking Him whether it was lawful to pay tax to Caesar. Jesus asked for a Roman coin. They admitted that Caesar's likeness was on the coin. Jesus then said that they should render to Caesar what was his and to God what was His.

__18-25_Some Sadducees questioned Jesus about a woman that had seven different husbands, wanting to know whose wife she would be in the resurrection. Jesus said that after the resurrection they do not marry but are like the angels.

__26-27_The Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection. Jesus pointed out that God is the God of the living. Those who have died will live again. There will be a resurrection.

__28-34_One of the scribes asked Jesus which commandment is the greatest of all? Jesus answered, Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is like onto it. Love your neighbor as yourself. The scribe agreed with Jesus' answer and Jesus commended him.

__35-37_Jesus asked how it was that the Christ could be the son of David, since He had existed before David?

__38-40_Jesus was teaching the people to beware of the scribes in their long robes, desiring respectful greetings and having the chief seats in the synagogues while devouring widows houses. They will have greater condemnation.

__41-44_Jesus watched people bringing their offerings to the temple treasury. When a poor widow put in two small copper coins, Jesus called His disciples and said that this poor widow has put more in the treasury then all the rest put together.

Mark 13
At a Glance (37 V)
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1-2_Jesus told His disciples that the temple would be destroyed.

__3-8_The disciples asked when the temple would be destroyed? Jesus then talked about the end of time.

__9-13_Jesus promised that when they were imprisoned they need not worry about what they should say. The Holy Spirit would give them words to speak. He also said that His disciples would be hated on His account.

__14-20_Jesus said that when they would see the abomination of desolation where it should not be, they were to flee to the mountains. They were not to worry about extra clothes. Just get out.

__21-23_If anyone claims to have seen Christ, do not believe him. False Christs and false prophets would show great signs and wonders, trying if possible, to lead even the elect astray.

__24-27_When Jesus is about to come the sun and moon will be darkened and the stars will fall. Then they would see the sign of the Son of Man coming in the clouds with power and great glory and then He would gather His elect from the earth.

__28-32_Learn the parable of the fig tree. In other words, you can know when Jesus coming is close. But no one but the Father knows the day and the hour.

__33-37_Be on the alert! You do not know when I will be coming. Be ready at all times.

Mark 14
At a Glance (72 V)
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1-2_Two days before Passover and unleavened bread the chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to secretly kill Jesus.

__3-9_Jesus was eating at Simon the Leper's house. A woman anointed His head with costly ointment. Some found fault with this but Jesus said that she had done a good thing for Him.

__10-11_Judas went to the chief priests and offered to betray Jesus.

__12-16_On the day the Passover lamb was sacrificed Jesus sent two disciples to prepare the Passover for Him and His disciples.

__17-21_As they ate the Passover, Jesus said that one of them would betray Him. Woe to that man.

__22-26_Jesus gave them bread and said, This is My body. He did the same with the cup saying, This is My blood. After singing a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives.

__27-31_Jesus warned them that they would all fall away. Peter said that he wouldn't fall away. Jesus told him that he would deny Him three times before the cock crowed twice.

__32-42_Jesus took them to Gethsemane to pray with Him. When He found them sleeping He admonished them to pray. He found them sleeping three times.

__43-50_Judas showed up with a crowd carrying swords and clubs. Judas kissed Jesus. Jesus asked that they let the disciples go and they fled.

__51-52_A young man dressed in only a sheet followed Jesus and when they grabbed him, he fled leaving the sheet in their hands.

__53_They led Jesus to the high priest. All the chief priests, elders and scribes were there.

__54-65_Peter followed at a distance. They questioned Jesus but He kept silent. When the high priest asked Him if He was the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One, Jesus said that He was. They then beat Him and spit on Him.

__66-72_Peter denied Jesus three times. Then the cock crowed a second time. Peter began to weep.

Mark 15
At a Glance (47 V)
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1-5_Early in the morning the chief priests with the elders and scribes, and the whole Council, bound Jesus and took Him to Pilate. Pilate questioned Jesus asking Him if He was the King of the Jews. Jesus said that He was.

__6-15_Pilate was in the habit of releasing a prisoner on the Passover feast day. He offered to release Jesus. The people cried, No. Crucify Him. Give us Barabbas. Barabbas was a murderer and an insurrectionist.

__16-20_Pilate's soldiers took Jesus into the palace, dressed Him in purple and put a crown of thorns on His head. They beat Him and spit on Him. Then they led Him out to be crucified.

__21_Simon of Cyrene was pressed into service to carry Jesus' cross.

__22-32_They crucified Jesus at the third hour on Golgotha with two robbers. The people, and especially the chief priests, hurled insults at Him.

__33-41_At the sixth hour darkness fell over the whole land. At the ninth hour Jesus died. At this time the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom.

__42-47_That Friday evening Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus body. When Pilate had determined that Jesus was dead, he gave permission and Joseph wrapped Jesus in a linen cloth and placed His body in a tomb.

Mark 16
At a Glance (20 V)
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1-8_Early Sunday morning the women came to anoint Jesus body with spices. They were surprised to find the stone rolled away. They went inside and saw an angel who told them that Jesus had risen. He told them to tell His disciples and Peter to meet Him in Galilee.

__9-11_Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. When she told this to the disciples, they did not believe her.

__12-13_Jesus then appeared to two others who were walking in the country. When they reported this, they were not believed either.

__14-18_Afterward He appeared to the eleven and reproached them for their unbelief. Then He commissioned them to go into the entire world and preach the gospel.

__19-20_When Jesus had spoken these things He went to heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And the disciples went out and preached everywhere.

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