Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Matthew - At A Glance

28 Chapters - Written about AD 65 by Matthew

Theme: Jesus Christ is revealed as King of Kings. His miraculous birth, His life and teaching, His miracles and His triumph over death show His true identity. As the Messiah he did not meet the expectation of the Jews. They did not understand that God's anointed deliverer who must die to set people free from sin's oppression.

Matthew 1
At a Glance (25 V)
See Each Verse

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1-17_The genealogy of Abraham to Jesus in three sets of 14 with 14 generations in each set.

__18-20_Before Joseph and Mary were actually married, Mary became pregnant. Joseph being a righteous man, considered divorcing her secretly because he did not want to make more trouble for her. An angel told him that the Holy Spirit had made her pregnant.

__21-23_He said that she will bear a Son and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. This fulfilled the scripture that said, 'Behold, a virgin shall bear a Son and His name shall be Immanuel, which means, God with us. '

__24-25_So Joseph took Mary as his wife as the angel of the LORD had commanded him, but she remained a virgin until she gave birth to a Son who was named Jesus.

Matthew 2
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-4_The magi from the east came to Jerusalem looking for Jesus, asking, where is He who is born king of the Jews. We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Hearing of this Herod was troubled, as was the rest of Jerusalem. He gathered the chief priests and scribes to ask where the Christ was to be born.

__5-10_They said to him, 'In Bethlehem of Judah, for the prophet predicted that a ruler would come our of her to shepherd Israel.' Then Herod secretly talked with the magi, asking when the star had appeared and then sent them to Bethlehem to search for the Child and report back to him. They rejoiced as the star led them to the Child.'

__11-12_They came into the house and fell down and worshiped the Child, presenting gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Then God warned them not to go to Herod and they went home another way.

__13-15_After the magi had left an angel told Joseph to flee to Egypt with his family and remain there until he was told to come back, for Herod would search for the Child to destroy Him. So they went to Egypt until Herod had died. Then when they came back, scripture was fulfilled where it said, 'Out of Egypt I called My Son. '

__16-18_When Herod realized he had been tricked he killed all baby boys up to 2 years old in and around Bethlehem. This fulfilled Jeremiah's prophecy of Rachel weeping for her children.

__19-23_After Herod died an angel told Joseph to go back to Israel, because Archelaus was reigning in place of his father Herod, so he was afraid to go there. God warned him in a dream and he went to Nazareth of Galilee. This fulfilled what the prophet predicted: He shall be called a Nazarene.

Matthew 3
At a Glance (17 V)
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1-4_John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Isaiah referred to him as A voice crying in the wilderness, making ready the way of the LORD. John wore a garment made of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.

__5-7_People from Jerusalem, Judea and all the district around the Jordan came out to hear him. He was baptizing them in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins. When John saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to be baptized, he said to them, you brood of vipers. Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

__8-10_Your fruit must be in harmony with repentance. Do not think that you can say to yourselves that you have Abraham for your father? I say to you, God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. The axe is already laid at the root of every tree that does not bear good fruit. Such trees will be burned with fire.

__11-12_I baptize you with water for repentance. But One mightier than me is coming after me. His winnowing fork is in His hand. He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor. He will gather His wheat and completely burn the chaff.

__13-16_Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. John tried to prevent this saying that Jesus should baptize him. But Jesus persisted, saying that all righteousness must be fulfilled. After Jesus had been baptized, as He came up out of the water, the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended as a Dove upon Him.

__17_And behold a voice from heaven was heard, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Matthew 4
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-2_Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After He had fasted 40 days He became hungry.

__2-4_The tempter came and suggested that if He was the Son of God He could make bread out of the stones. But Jesus answered, it is written, man shall not live on bread alone but by every word coming from the mouth of God.

__5-7_The devil took Him to a high pinnacle in the holy city and said, if You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written, He will charge His angels to bear You up, lest You strike Your foot on a stone. Jesus replied, it is also written that you shall not put the LORD your God to the test.

__8-11_Then the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Jesus, I'll give it all to You if you will fall down and worship me. But Jesus replied, be gone, for it is written that you must only worship God. So the devil left Him and angels came and ministered to Him.

__12-17_When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He went to Galilee and settled in Capernaum. This fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy of the land of Zebulun and Naphtali seeing a great light after they had sat in darkness. From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

__18-22_Walking by the sea Jesus saw two brothers, Simon Peter, and his brother Andrew were casting a net into the sea. Jesus said, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. They left their nets and followed Him. Going on from there He saw James and John, sons of Zebedee mending their nets. He called them and they followed Him as well.

__23-25_Jesus went about Galilee teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and sickness among the people. News of Him went into all Syria and many were brought to Him for healing. Great multitudes followed Him from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and beyond the Jordan.

The Sermon On The Mount

Matthew 5
At a Glance (48 V)
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1-6_Jesus went up on a mountain and taught His disciples. He said, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They shall be satisfied.

The Beatitudes

__7-10_Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

__11-13_Blessed are you when men cast insults on you and persecute you, accusing you falsely of evil, on account of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for you have great reward in heaven, for they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

You are the salt of the earth. If salt becomes tasteless it is good for nothing and is thrown out.

__14-16_You are a light to the world. You are like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp just to put it under a basket. Instead it is placed on a lamp stand so everyone can see. Let your light shine before men so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

__17-19_I came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it. Until heaven and earth pass away, nothing in the law will pass away. Anyone teaching others to disregard any part of the law will be least in the kingdom of heaven. Those who teach others to keep the law shall be great in the kingdom of heaven.

__20_Your righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

__21-24_You have heard that murder is a great sin, but I say that anger resulting in calling someone a fool will result in going into the fires of hell. When you are approaching the altar and remember a disagreement between you and your brother, leave you offering and go to your brother and make things right. Then you can give your offering.

__25-28_Make friends with your opponent before you come before the judge, lest he throw you into prison and you can't get out until you pay every last cent. You have been told that you must not commit adultery. But I say to you, if you look at a woman with lust in your heart, you have already committed adultery.

__29-32_If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out. It is better that one part of your body perish in this life than for your whole body to perish in hell.

You have been told that you may divorce your wife. But I say that when a man does this, unless there has been unfaithfulness, he causes his wife to commit adultery.

__33-37_Do not make oaths by heaven or by God's throne. These are not under your control. Neither make an oath by Jerusalem. It is not yours either. Do not make an oath even by your own head, for you have no control over even the color of each hair. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Anything more is evil.

__38-42_You have heard it said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say, do not resist evil. If you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other also. If someone takes your shirt, give him your coat as well. If you are forced to carry a load one mile, carry it two. Give to him who asks and loan to him that wants to borrow.

__43-48_You have been told to love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say you should love your enemies and pray for them. In this way you will be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes the sun to shine on the evil and the good. It is the same with the rain. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

The Sermon On The Mount Continued

Matthew 6
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-4_Do not be good in order to be seen as good. If you pay alms in secret, your Father in heaven, Who sees in secret, will repay you.

__5-15_When you pray do not make a show of it. Go to a private place and your Father in heaven who sees in secret will repay you. Your prayer should have meaning and not be repetitious words.
The LORD's Prayer.
You must forgive others in order for your heavenly Father to forgive you.

__16-18_When you fast do not make it so that everyone knows you are fasting. In other words, do not neglect your appearance. Go about your daily business, washed and presentable. Then your Father in heaven who sees you doing this in secret will reward you.

__19-26_Save for the future by caring for others right now. What your eye sees will make a difference to your whole body. No one can serve two masters. He will serve either one or the other. You cannot serve God and money. Do not be anxious about your needs. Your Father in heaven will provide for you.

__27-34_You cannot add to your life by worrying. The lilies are more beautiful than Solomon on his best day. If God chooses to give the grass of the field such beauty, surely He will clothe you. Have faith. It is the same when it comes to what you will eat. Do not be anxious. Each day has enough trouble.

The Sermon On The Mount Continued

Matthew 7
At a Glance (29 V)
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1-6_Do not judge others. Remember, you are judged by the way you judge others. And do not try to straighten out someone else while you have greater need of being straighten out. Do not give what is holy to dogs, or pearls to swine. They will not appreciate it and you may come to harm.

__7-14_Ask for what you are looking for. God gives good gifts to those who ask, the way a father gives what is good to his child. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is what the Law and the Prophets are saying. Choose the narrow gate which leads to life rather than the wide and easy path that leads to destruction.

__15-23_Beware of false prophets who do not have your best interest in mind. You can tell them by their fruits. Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who enter will have done the will of My Father who is in heaven. In that day many will come to me claiming to have done My work, but I will not know them.

__24-27_Those who hear My words and follows My instructions will be prepared for whatever comes.

__28-29_Jesus taught with authority and the people were amazed. His teaching was unlike that of the scribes.

Matthew 8
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-4_A leper came to Jesus when He had come down from the mountain. He said to Jesus, if You are willing You can make me clean. Jesus said, I am willing. Be cleansed. And immediately, his leprosy was gone from his body. Jesus told him to tell no one, but to take an offering and present himself to the priest as Moses commanded.

__5-15_The Centurion has faith in Jesus' power to heal, even from a distance.

__14-17_Jesus came to Peter's home and saw that his mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever. He touched her hand the fever left her. She got up and waited on Him. After that many were brought to Him for healing and He healed them all and cast out many evil spirits.

__18-22_As Jesus was departing for the other side of the sea, a scribe ran up to him and said, Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go. Jesus said, foxes have holes, and birds have nests. But the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. Another disciple asked to be allowed to first bury his father. Jesus said, Let the dead bury the dead.

__23-27_Jesus stilled the storm out on the Sea of Galilee. The disciples marvel because He even has power over the wind and the sea.

__28-34_Jesus healed the two demoniacs living in the tombs. The demons asked to be allowed to enter the pigs not far away. The pigs ran down into the sea and drowned. The entire city came out to tell Jesus to leave. The two healed men wanted to follow Jesus but instead He sent them to the surrounding unbelieving towns to tell what Jesus has done for them.

Matthew 9
At a Glance (38 V)
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1-13_Jesus forgave a paralytic's sins and then healed him to prove that He is not just talking.

Jesus passed Matthew at his tax office and called him to follow Him. Matthew got up and followed Jesus. When the Pharisees found fault with Jesus for eating with sinners, He said, I have come to take care of the sinners.

__14-17_The disciples of John asked Jesus why John's disciples fast and the Pharisee's disciples fast, but His disciples did not fast. Jesus said the attendants of the bridegroom do not fast while He is with them. Only after He has left. For some, understanding this is like sewing new cloth on old garments. It tears a bigger hole in the old garment.

__18-26_While going to the house of the synagogue official to raise his daughter from the dead, Jesus heals the woman afflicted for twelve years. Then He raises the little girl from the dead. (The gospel of Mark says this little girl was twelve years old. When this girl was born the woman received her affliction. ).

__27-37_Jesus healed the two blind men by touching their eyes. Later Jesus healed a demon possessed man who was unable to speak. The Pharisees said He was casting out demons by the ruler of demons.

Jesus went about in all the cities and villages proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, healing every kind of disease.

__38_He said, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray to the LORD of the harvest to send out workers to the harvest.

Matthew 10
At a Glance (42 V)
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1-15_Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to heal and preach. They were not to acquire anything extra or take anything extra. If their message was not accepted they were to go elsewhere.

__16-23_Jesus told them to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves when working among those who would harm them. At times they would be hated on account of Jesus name. When they had done all that could be done, they were to go to another city.

__24-33_They persecuted Jesus and they would also persecute His followers. He said they should not fear those who could kill the body but could not kill the soul. Nothing would happen without their Father in heaven knowing of it.

__34-39_The truth about Jesus does not always bring peace to those who carry it. We must love God more than our own family members. He who looses his life for My sake will find it.

__40-42_By receiving those who bring Jesus' message, we receive Jesus, and therefore, they are receiving the One who sent Jesus.

Matthew 11
At a Glance (30 V)
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1-6_Jesus finished instructing His disciples and departed to teach and preach in other cities.

While John the Baptist was in prison, he sent a message to Jesus asking if He was the Messiah? Jesus answered by continuing to heal and then replied, Blessed is he who does not stumble over the way I work.

__7-19_Jesus told the people that John the Baptist was the greatest of all the prophets.

__20-24_Jesus reproached those who receive light and do not see its value.

__25-30_Jesus praised His Father for revealing truth to those who do not see themselves as wise. Then He said, come to Me, all who are weighed down and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy. Learn from Me. Find rest for your souls.

Matthew 12
At a Glance (50 V)
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1-8_The disciples picked grain on the Sabbath. Some Pharisees found fault with this. Jesus said that God desires mercy more than sacrifice.

__9-14_Jesus went to a synagogue where there was a man with a withered hand. Those in charge of the synagogue asked Him if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath? Jesus answered, if one of you has an animal that falls in a pit on Sabbath, will you not lift it out? Then He told the man to stretch our his hand it was healed.

__15-21_Isaiah foretold of Jesus as the suffering servant chosen by God. He says, I will put My Spirit upon Him and He will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. In His name the Gentiles will hope.

__22-37_The people questioned whether Jesus could be the Son of David. The Pharisees said that he cast out demons by the ruler of the demons. Jesus said that Satan would not cast out Satan, but that He, Jesus, cast out demons by the Spirit of God. Then He said, there is one sin that cannot be forgiven. That is speaking against the Holy Spirit.

__38-45_The Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. This is the only sign that will be given.

Leaving the house empty is bad because it will become filled by evil spirits. The Queen of the South came to see the wisdom of Solomon, and Someone greater than Solomon is here right now.

__46-50_While Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, He was told that His mother and brothers wanted to speak to Him. Jesus stretched out His hands to His disciples and said, behold, these are My mother and My brothers.

Matthew 13
At a Glance (58 V)
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1-9_Jesus taught the parable of the Sower while sitting in a boat by the seashore.

__10-23_Jesus explained that the teaching that leads to salvation is only for those who are really interested. The goal is to hear His teaching, understand it, and bear fruit.

__24-30_Good seed that is sown can be compromised by bad seed using up the ground. However, let them grow together as more damage is done by pulling the bad plants out of the ground before the harvest. This may uproot the good plants.

__31-33_He presented another parable comparing the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed, which though it is small, when planted grows into a plant big enough for the birds to net in.

Then He compared the kingdom of heaven to leaven which a woman used to make her bread rise.

__34-35_Jesus spoke in parables to the multitude so that what the prophet had spoken was fulfilled when they said, I will open My mouth in parables, uttering things hidden since the foundation of the world.

__36-43_Jesus went into a house with His disciples and they asked Him to explain the parable of the tares to them. He said that the Son of Man sows the good seed. The devil sows the tares. At the end of time the tares will be gathered and burned and the righteous will be gathered into the kingdom of God.

__44-46_He said, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. The man who finds it sells all that he has and with joy buys the field. And the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. Finding that one pearl, he is happy to sell everything so that he can buy that one pearl.

__47-50_The kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet. When it is pulled into the boat the fish will be sorted, the good from bad.

__51-52_The things we learn about the kingdom of heaven are like treasure, old and new.

__53-58_Jesus taught in His home town and they were offended because of His wisdom.

Matthew 14
At a Glance (36 V)
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1-12_John the Baptist paid with his life for telling Herod that his marriage to Herodias is not right.

__13-21_Jesus tried to find a place to get away and ended up teaching and healing. Then he fed more than 5,000.

__22-33_Jesus sent the disciples back across Galilee and then dismissed the multitude. Later Jesus comes walking on the water. Peter asked if he could walk with Him. Then he slipped beneath the waves, and Jesus reached out and saved him. Then the disciples believed that Jesus was the Son of God.

__34-36_They go back to Gennesaret and Jesus is recognized. These people are now ready to listen to Him.

Matthew 15
At a Glance (39 V)
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1-20_Jesus explains what defiles a man and how the heart is defiled. We are defiles when we ignore God's commands and when we replace His commands with man's traditions.

__21-28_Jesus made a trip out of country to heal the Canaanite woman's daughter after demonstrating her humble faith, being willing to be called a dog.

__29-39_Jesus went up to the mountain and the multitudes came to Him bringing their lame, crippled and dumb for Him to heal. Jesus said to His disciples, I feel compassion for the multitude because they have remained with Me three days with nothing to eat. He then fed more than 4,000 people and these were not Jews.

Matthew 16
At a Glance (28 V)
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1-4_The Pharisees and the Sadducees came to test Jesus by asking for a sign to prove who He was. He told them that they should be able to read the existing signs. The only other sign they could have was the sign of Jonah.

__5-12_Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Since they had not remembered to bring bread, they thought He was talking about this. But in their culture, leaven was usually an example of sin.

__13-20_The disciples all said that they believed that Jesus was the Son of God.

__21-28_Jesus began to tell the disciples that He must suffer and die and Peter rebuked Jesus. Jesus then rebuked Peter but also said that the time would soon come when some of them would see His kingdom and its glory.

Matthew 17
At a Glance (27 V)
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1-8_Six days after Jesus told His disciples that some of them would see Him coming in His kingdom, three of them then did witnesses Him being transfigured with Moses and Elijah. They heard the Father's voice say that Jesus was His Son.

__9-13_Jesus said that they should tell no one what they had witnessed until after His resurrection. The disciples asked why Elijah had not come first. Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah.

__14-18_They returned to where other disciples were and they had not been able to cast out a demon.

__19-21_Later the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked why they had not been able to cast this demon out? Jesus explained that their faith was too small and that this type of healing took much prayer.

__22-23_Jesus again warned them that he must be killed but He would be raised on the third day.

__24-27_Those who collected the two drachma tax asked Peter if his teacher paid the two drachma tax? Peter said that He did. Later Jesus saw him and asked him if tax collectors collected from their sons? Then he sent Peter fishing and he found a coin in the mouth of the fish he had caught. This was to pay the tax for both of them.

Matthew 18
At a Glance (35 V)
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1-6_To be great in the kingdom of heaven one must be like a child.

__7-14_Woe to those who cause others to stumble. If your hand is the problem, cut it off. Better to enter heaven with one hand than to go to hell with two hands.

Be careful for the little children whose angels are always watching.

If a man has a hundred sheep and one becomes lost, he will leave the ninety nine to fine the one.

__15-18_When someone needs correction, go to him by yourself. If he will not listen, take someone else with you. If he still will not listen take it to the church. What is bound on earth will be bound in heaven.

__19-20_When two of three agree on anything on earth, it shall be done for them by the Father.

__21-35_How often should we forgive? We will be forgiven by God according to how we forgive our fellowman.

Matthew 19
At a Glance (30 V)
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1-12_The Pharisees tested Jesus by asking Him is it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause? Jesus reminded them that God created them male and female and for this reason when they marry they become one. But for your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce, but only in cases of immorality.

__13-15_Children were brought to Jesus for His blessing. The disciples thought this was a misuse of Jesus time. But Jesus said, let the little children come to Me. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

__16-29_It is difficult for rich people to follow Jesus. But those who do follow Him will sit on His throne.

__30_Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.

Matthew 20
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-16_The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who hired laborers early in the morning promising each a day's wage. Throughout the day he hired more laborers. To each he promised what was fair. At the end of the day he paid them all a day's wages. Jesus finished by saying, 'Thus, the last shall be first and the first last.'

__17-19_Jesus once again told His disciples that He was going to Jerusalem where he would be delivered to the Gentiles and crucified.

__20-28_James and John ask to be allowed to sit at His right and His left in His kingdom.

__29-34_As Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho a multitude followed Him. Two blind men sitting by the road called out, saying, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us. He asked what they wanted. They said, Lord, we want to be able to see. Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately they could see.

Matthew 21
At a Glance (46 V)
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1-11_Jesus sent two disciples to get a donkey for Him to ride into Jerusalem.

__12-17_Jesus entered the temple and cast out those who were buying and selling. He said, it is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a robber's den. Then the blind and the lame in the temple came to him and He healed them.

__18-22_The next morning Jesus was hungry as He was returning to the city. He saw a single fig tree by the road. Going to it, He found leaves but no fruit. Then He said, you will never again bear fruit. Immediately the tree began to wither.

__23-32_The chief priests and elders ask Jesus by what authority He did what He had done? He then asks them, by what authority did John the Baptist baptized? They were not willing to answer.

__33-41_Parable of the land owner who left his vineyard in the care of an overseer who treated the servants very badly.

__42-46_Jesus talked about the stone that was rejected but became the chief corner stone.

Matthew 22
At a Glance (46 V)
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1-14_Parable of the wedding garment: 1 - We must value the invitation, 2 - we must wear the wedding garment, 3 - many are called, 4 - yet few are chosen.

__15-22_The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus in his words by asking, should we pay tax to Caesar?

__23-33_The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection. Some of them came to Jesus with a story. A man married a woman and then died. Each of his six brothers all had her as wife after which each died leaving no children. In heaven whose wife will she be? Jesus told them they did not understand the power of God. In the resurrection they do not marry.

__34-40_A Pharisee who was also a lawyer asked Jesus which was the greatest commandment? Jesus answered, You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul and mind. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

__41-46_Jesus asks the Pharisees if the Christ is David's son? This speaks to His origin, whether it is of God, or of men. It would seem that Jesus is referring to the mystery of the incarnation. Christ is both of God and man. But He is most assuredly God.

Matthew 23
At a Glance (39 V)
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1-12_Jesus said, The scribes and Pharisees have seated themselves in Moses chair. Do what they say, but not as they do. They love places of honor and to be called Rabbi. Do not be called Rabbi by anyone. You have one Teacher and you are all brothers. You have one leader and that is Christ. The one who is greatest shall be your servant.

__13-36_Woe to you scribes and Pharisees. You keep men from entering the kingdom of heaven and do not enter yourselves. You swear by that which you do not understand. You tithe mint, dill and cummin while you neglect the more important matters, such as justice, mercy and faithfulness. Do these without neglecting the others.

__37-39_How often I would have gathered you as a hen gather's her chicks. Now your house is left to you desolate.

Matthew 24
At a Glance (51 V)
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1-2_As Jesus was coming out of the temple, His disciples were admiring it. Jesus said to them, you see these building, the time is coming when not one stone will be left on top of another. Everything will be torn down.

__3-14_The disciples asked Him, when will this happen to the temple? Jesus then gave signs of the end of time along with information about Jerusalem.

__15-28_Jesus said not worry about anything about that time. He said that there would be false Christs and false prophets, but when the Son of Man comes, everyone will see Him.

__29-31_Then He gave more signs: the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall and the powers of heaven will be shaken.

__32-44_Listen to the parable of the fig tree. When it puts forth its leaves you know that summer is near. As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be in the days of the Son of Man.

__45-51_Blessed is the servant who is doing what his master has commanded.

Matthew 25
At a Glance (46 V)
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1-13_The kingdom of heaven may be compared to ten bridesmaids who went out to meet the bridegroom. Five were prudent and five were foolish. When the bridegroom tarried, they lay down to sleep. When he finally arrived, they woke up. The foolish did not have enough oil for their lamps, but the wise did, and could not provide oil for the foolish.

__14-30_The kingdom of heaven is like a man going on a journey and entrusting his possessions to his servants. To one he gave five talents and to another two talents. To the third he gave one talent. The first two doubled their talents, but the third servant hid his talent. The owner punished the third servant and rewarded the other two.

__31-46_Parable of the separating of the sheep and the goats. Help the poor and you are helping Jesus. Eternal punishment is the opposite of eternal life. It is eternal death.

Jesus Ministry On Earth Is Drawing To A Close

Matthew 26
At a Glance (75 V)
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1-5_Jesus told His disciples that in two days it would be Passover and He would be crucified. The chief priests and elders were at that time plotting this very thing.

__6-13_A woman of questionable reputation anointed the head of Jesus with costly perfume while He was eating at Simon the Leper's house. The disciples were indignant. Jesus defended her, saying that she would remembered for her kindness.

__14-16_Judas then went to the chief priests and arranged to betray Jesus. They gave him thirty pieces of silver.

__17-19_On the first day of Unleavened Bread Jesus sent the disciples to prepare the Passover. He told them who to see and to tell him that the Teacher says, My time is at hand. I am to keep the Passover at your house with My disciples. So they did as Jesus had directed and prepared the Passover.

__20-25_Evening had come and Jesus was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples. As they ate, He said, Truly, one of you will betray Me. Each one said, Surely it is not I, Lord? And He answered, He who dips his hand in the bowl with Me will betray Me. The Son of Man must go as it is written, but woe to him who betrays Me.

__26-29_While they ate, Jesus took some bread, blessed it and broke it before giving it to His disciples. He said, Take and eat. This is My body. Then He took a cup and gave thanks, and gave it to then, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

__30-35_After they sang a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives. Jesus warned them that they would all fall away. Peter said, Not me. Jesus told him that he would deny Him three times. Peter said, I am willing to die for You. All the disciples said the same thing.

__36-46_Coming to Gethsemane, Jesus asked His disciples to pray. Then taking Peter, James and John a little farther, He asked them to keep watch with Him. Going a little farther from them, He asked His Father to take this cup away. Yet, not His will but the Father's. He had hoped His disciples would pray, too, but they slept. Then His betrayer came.

__47-56_While Jesus was speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, came up, accompanied by a mob. He kissed Jesus as a sign of who they were to take into custody. One of the disciples stuck the high priest's servant and cut off his ear. Jesus said, Put away your sword. He then healed the man's ear. And the disciples ran away.

__57-68_The mob took Jesus to Caiaphas. Peter followed at a distance. The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders tried to get Jesus to incriminate Himself. Jesus eventually did say that He was the Christ, the Son of God. The high priest tore his robes. Then they spit on Jesus and beat Him with their fists.

__69-75_Peter sat in the courtyard. He was asked three times if he had been with Jesus. He denied that he even knew Jesus. When he heard the cock crow, he went out and wept bitterly.

Matthew 27
At a Glance (66 V)
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1-10_The chief priests and the elders delivered Jesus to Pilate to be put to death. Judas felt great remorse and took the money back and then hung himself.

__11-26_Pilate examined Jesus and found nothing deserving death. He tried to release Him but the crowd asked for Barabbas instead.

__27-32_Pilate's soldiers put a scarlet robe on Jesus. They wove a crown of thorns and put it on His head. Then spat on Him and mocked Him saying, Hail, king of the Jews! Then they led Him away to be crucified. They found Simon of Cyrene whom they pressed into service to carry Jesus cross.

__33-44_When they tried to give Jesus wine mixed with gall, He would not drink it. They cast lots for His garments. A sign was placed over His head that read, This Jesus is king of the Jews. Jesus was crucified with two criminals on Golgotha. The leaders of the Jews mocked Him, saying, He saved others, He cannot save Himself.

__45-56_Darkness was over the land from noon until three o'clock. Then Jesus died. The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.

__57-61_When it was evening, a rich man, named Joseph of Arimathea, asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. He then buried Jesus in his own unused tomb.

__62-66_The chief priests and Pharisees asked Pilate to have a guard posted to make sure that no one would steal Jesus body and claim that He has risen from the dead.

Matthew 28
At a Glance (20 V)
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1-4_On the first day of the week the two Marys came to look at the grave. An angel of the LORD descended from heaven and rolled the stone away. He had the appearance of lightening. The guards fainted.

__5-10_The angel of the LORD told the women to not be afraid, but to tell the disciples to go to Galilee to meet Jesus. Then Jesus appeared and repeated the invitation to be given to His disciples.

__11-15_The chief priests paid the soldiers to lie about Jesus resurrection.

__16-20_The eleven disciples went to Galilee. Some believed but some of them doubted. Jesus gave them the gospel commission and promised to be with them to the end of the age.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

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