Ruth And Boaz

Ruth is a story in the Bible giving a good description of courtship and marital love. In four short chapters we are provided with a picture of a time and place where the greatest glue a relationship could have was need. Romance seems to have been farther down the list. But romance always seems to come given the right opportunity.

The setting is in a culture with customs different from ours. It was a time when rule of law was less developed. Though people clearly knew right from wrong, many could not be trusted if they thought they would not be caught. It sounds something like today, doesn't it. Ruth could have suffered harm had she not been careful to follow her mother-in-law's advice.

Ruth is fun to read because one sees here a woman not afraid to work. She did not expect a handout. And though Naomi knew the rules and recognized charity when she saw it, she did not expect too much, either. Everything depended on Ruth having good character and not ceasing in industry and integrity. And, of course, there is Boaz whose charity turns into love.

The end of this enchanting story is not disappointing. Ruth, a foreigner and a distant relative of Abraham, became a part of the lineage of David and Christ. Ruth 4:17-22

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