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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Theme: The book of Ezekiel chronicles the prophet's life and ministry. He fearlessly preached the word of God to the exiled Jews. Because of the nation's sins God allowed Judah to be destroyed. But there was still hope. God promised to restore the land to those who remained faithful to Him. Ezekiel 1 __4-7_As I looked, a north wind was bringing a storm. Fire flashed continually in a great cloud with what appeared to be glowing metal in its midst. Four living creatures with human form were in the fire. Their legs were straight and their feet were calves hooves. They appeared like burnished bronze.
__8-11_They had wings on four sides with human hands under them. Each being had four faces looking straight ahead. Each had the face of a man, a lion, a bull and an eagle. Their wings spread out with two used to touch another being's wings. With two of their wings they covered their bodies.
__12-14_Each being went straight forward according to where the spirit was about to go. In the midst of the four beings there was something like burning coals of fire. This fire was like torches darting back and forth between them. Lightning flashed from the fire. And the living beings ran to and for like bolts of lightning.
__15-17_As I looked at the living beings I saw a wheel on the earth beside each of the four. The appearance of the wheels was like sparkling beryl. It seemed as though each wheel was within another wheel. When they moved they moved in any of four directions. They did this without turning.
__18-21_Their rims were lofty and filled with eyes all around. Wherever the living beings moved the wheels followed. Wherever the spirit was about to go the living beings went in that direction. The spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.
__22-25_There was something like crystal extending over the heads of the beings. As they stretched out two of their wings toward each other their other two wings covered their bodies. The sound of their wings made a sound like rushing waters. When they stood still they dropped their wings. A voice came from the expanse over their heads.
__26-27_Above the expanse above their heads there was something like a throne, sapphire in appearance. On it was a figure with the appearance of a man. From His waist up He looked like glowing metal with fire within. From His waist down He appeared something like fire. There was radiance all around Him.
__28_The surrounding radiance was as a rainbow in the clouds. Such was the glory of the LORD. When I saw it I fell on my face. Then I heard a voice speaking.
Ezekiel 2 __4-6_They are stubborn and obstinate like children. I am sending you to tell them what I have to say. Whether they listen or not, they will know that a prophet has been among them. Do not fear them or their words. You will be among thistles and thorns. You will sit on scorpions. They are a rebellious lot.
__7-10_No matter how they react, you must speak My words to them. Now you, Son of Man, listen to Me. Do not be rebellious as they are. Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you. I looked and saw a hand extended to me with a scroll in it. He spread it out and I saw Lamentations, mourning and woe, written on it front and back.
Ezekiel 3 __8-13_Behold, I have made your face and forehead like emery, harder than flint because they are hard. They are a rebellious house. You must tell them everything I have said whether they listen or not. Then the Spirit of the LORD lifted me up and I heard a great sound of wings behind me and the sound of the wheels.
__14-17_So the Spirit lifted me up and carried me away, His hand was strong upon me. Then I came to the exiles living beside the river Chebar at Tel-Abib. I sat there seven days and this caused consternation among them. At the end of the seven days the word of the LORD came to me saying, whatever I tell you, that you must say to them.
__18-21_When I say to the wicked you shall surely die, if you do not tell them this, you will be held accountable for their sin. Whether or not they respond to my words, if you faithfully relay My words to them, you will have delivered yourself.
__22-24_And the hand of the LORD was on me telling me to come out to the plain where He would speak to me. So I went there and the glory of the LORD was there like it had been by the river Chebar. I fell on my face. The Spirit entered me and stood me on my feet. He said, go shut yourself in your house.
__25-27_As for you Son of Man, they will bind you with ropes so that you cannot go out among them. Besides this, I will keep you from speaking for they are a rebellious house. But when I speak to you I will open your mouth. Then you are to tell them what I have said. If they refuse to listen, you have at least done as I asked.
Ezekiel 4 __4-6_You are to lie down on your left side and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on it. You shall do this three hundred and ninety days, one day for each year of their iniquity. When you have completed these days you shall lie down on your right side for forty days, a day for each year.
__7-9_Then you shall set your face toward the siege of Jerusalem with your arm bared to prophecy against it. I will keep you from turning one way or the other until you have completed the days of your siege. Prepare a vessel of wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt as food for the three hundred and ninety days.
__10-13_Each time you eat you are to eat eight ounces of your food. From time to time you will drink two or three cups of water. The barley cake you eat you shall bake over human excrement while they watch. Thus shall the children of Israel eat their bread, being unclean among the nations where I shall banish them.
__14-17_I protested to the LORD that I had never eaten what is defiled from my youth until now. So He allowed me to use cow's dung in place of human excrement to prepare my bread. Then he added, Son of Man, I am going to make bread and water so scarce in Jerusalem that they will measure out their allowance day by day and they will not waste away.
Ezekiel 5 __4-6_Then throw even some of those into the fire. From these fire will spread to all the house of Israel. Thus says the LORD God. This is Jerusalem; I have set her at the center of the nations. She rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than other nations. She has rejected My ordinances and not walked in My statutes.
__7-11_Therefore I am against you and will execute judgments among you in the sight of the nations. What I will do to you I have never done before, and I will I do it again. Things will be so bad that fathers will eat sons and sons will eat fathers. You have defiled My sanctuary with your idols. My eye will have no pity. I will not spare.
__12-17_One third of you will die by plague or famine, one third will fall by the sword and one third I will scatter to the wind with a sword unsheathed behind them. In this way My anger will be spent and they will know that I am the LORD. You will be a desolation and a reproach among the nations. I will severely chastise you.
Ezekiel 6 __8-10_However, He will let a remnant escape the sword. They will be scattered in the nations. These will remember how they hurt the LORD with their adulterous hearts. They will know that I am the LORD, and I will not have inflicted this disaster in vain.
__11-14_Thus says the LORD God, clap your hand, stamp your foot, because all the abominations of the LORD's house will fall by the sword, famine and plague. You will know that I am the LORD when you see the slain among their idols. Wherever they are I will stretch out My hand against them. The land will be a desolate waste.
Ezekiel 7 __10-19_Your doom is eminent. The time has come for wrath against everyone. There will be no point in going to battle for My wrath is against you. Between sword, plague and famine, destruction is sure. None will feel able to do anything. They will throw their silver and gold aside for it cannot help them either.
__20-25_They transformed My blessings into images and detestable things. I shall give it all to foreigners and I will turn My face from these people. The land is full of violence. So I will bring the worst of the nations to possess their houses and land. Though they look for peace, they will not find it.
__26-27_Disaster will follow disaster. Rumors will be rife. They will wish for a vision from a prophet but the law has been lost to the priest and elder. According to their conduct I shall deal with them. I will judge them by their own judgments. And they will know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 8 __5-9_He said, Son of Man, look up toward the north. There I saw an idol of jealousy. He said, see this idol. This abomination should be far from My sanctuary. Then He brought me to the entrance of the court where there was a hole in the wall. He said, dig through the wall. So I did and when I looked through I saw wicked abominations.
__10-13_So I entered and looked around. I saw every sort of unclean thing carved on the walls and idols were everywhere. Seventy elders stood in front of them, each with a censer in his hand a cloud of incense rising around them. They think I do not see them because I have forsaken the land. I can show you even greater abominations.
__14-16_He brought me to the entrance to the LORD's house were women sat weeping for Tammuz. He said, do you see this Son of Man? I will show you even greater abominations. He brought me to the inner court of the LORD's house. Between the porch and the altar there were about twenty five men facing the sun with their backs to the temple.
__17-18_He said, Son of Man, do you see the things they do to repeatedly provoke Me? In My wrath I will deal with them and without pity.
Ezekiel 9 __4-6_The LORD said, go through the city putting a mark on the forehead of any who are distressed by the abominations committed here. All the rest you are to strike without pity. Slay young and old alike but do touch any man with the mark. Start in My sanctuary. So they started with the elders who were before the temple.
__7-8_He said, defile the temple by filling it with the slain. So they went out and struck down the people in the city. As I watched it seemed as though I alone was left alive. I said, Lord, will you destroy the whole remnant of Israel as you pour out Your wrath on Jerusalem?
__9-11_He said, the iniquity of Israel and Judah is very, very great. The city is full of perversion. They think I have forsaken the land do not see. But I shall bring their conduct on their heads. Then the man with the writing case reported that he had done just as he had been commanded.
Ezekiel 10 __3-6_As the man entered a cloud filled the inner court. The glory of the LORD went up and the cloud filled the temple. The court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the LORD. The wings of the cherubim could be heard like the voice of God Almighty. The man in linen stood beside a wheel.
__7-11_Then the cherub took some of the coals and placed them in the hands of the one clothed in linen and he took them and went out. I saw four wheels, one for each cherub. The wheels gleamed like Tarshish stone. It appeared as though one wheel was within another wheel. When they moved they went in any of four directions without turning.
__12-14_Their whole body, their backs, their hands, their wings and the wheels were full of eyes. I heard them called whirling wheels. Each had four faces. The first was of a cherub. The second face was of a man. The third was the face of a lion. The fourth face was of an eagle.
__15-22_Then the four living beings rose up. As they moved the wheels stayed right beside them. Then the glory of the LORD moved from the threshold of the temple over to the cherubim and continued to hover over them as they moved. These were the same as I had seen by the river Chebar.
Ezekiel 11 __5-12_Then the Spirit of God fell upon me and said, tell them thus saith the LORD, you are responsible for the death of many. I shall bring judgment upon you. I shall deliver you into the hands of strangers and you will fall by the sword. Thus you will know that I am the LORD, for you have not kept My commandments.
__13-17_When I prophesied and Pelatiah died, I fell on my face and said, O LORD God, will you bring a complete end to the remnant of Israel? And the word of the LORD came to me saying, Son of Man, everyone, does not have a right to the land I gave to them. I shall gather those I have scattered and bring them back.
__18-21_When they come they will remove all the detestable things. I shall give them one heart and put a new spirit within them. I will replace their heart of stone with a heart of flesh. This way they will be able to keep My commandments and I shall be their God. But I will destroy those who go after detestable things and abominations.
__22-25_Then the cherubim went up with the wheels beside them and the glory of the LORD hovered over them before it left the city and stood over the mountain to the east of the city. The Spirit of God then brought me to the exiles in Chaldea. While there I told them all the things the LORD had shown me.
Ezekiel 12 __7-12_So I did just as the LORD had told me. The next morning the LORD said to me, when they asked you what you are doing, say to them, this is a message from God for all Israel as well as the prince. Just as I have done, so you will go into captivity and exile. Prince and common man alike will leave and no longer see the land.
__13-16_I will spread my net over him and bring him to Babylon and he will die there. Those who are taken there will be scattered to the wind. A sword shall follow them and they will know that I am the LORD. But I shall spare a few of them from the sword and the pestilence and these will know that I am the LORD.
__17-20_Again the word of the LORD came to me saying, Son of Man, eat your bread and drink you water with anxiety. So shall the inhabitants of Jerusalem eat and drink with anxiety because their land will be stripped of its fullness on account of the all the violence in the land. Everything will be laid waste. Know that I am the LORD.
__21-25_Again the word of the LORD came to me saying, Son of Man, the people have said, the days are long and every prophesy has failed. The LORD says, the day draws near when there will no longer be any unfulfilled vision within Israel. I will no longer delay in what I perform against this rebellious house.
__26-28_Once more the word of the LORD came to me saying, Son of Man, Israel thinks the fulfillment of this prophecy is many years away. Thus says the LORD. None of my words will be delayed any longer. Whatever I say I will perform.
Ezekiel 13 __8-10_The LORD says, My hand will be against these false prophets. They will have no place in the council of My people, and neither will their words be recorded. They have misled My people by saying, peace, when there is no peace. They are like a person building a wall and plastering over it with whitewash.
__11-14_Tell those plastering the wall that the wall will fall. A great rain, hail and wind will come against the wall and it will fall. What then becomes of your whitewash? Thus says the LORD, I will tear down the wall which you plastered over with whitewash. The foundation will be laid bare. And you will know that I am the LORD.
__15-16_Thus I will spend My wrath on the wall and on those who plastered it over with whitewash. The wall will be gone and the plaster with it. The LORD declares that there will be no peace for those who make such prophesies.
__17-21_Thus says the LORD God, woe to the women who sew magic bands for their wrists and care only for themselves and no one else. For a little barley and a little bread you profane My name. You are willing to watch people die while the unworthy continue to live. I am against these magic bands. I am going to let you die.
__22-23_Because you have discouraged the righteous and have not encouraged the wicked to turn from his wickedness, thus preserving his life, you will no longer see false visions. I will deliver My people out of your hand you will know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 14 __7-11_I will set my face against anyone who comes to inquire of Me without first getting rid of the abomination he has set up. I will cut off such men from among My people and preserve My people by destroying those who defile themselves. I shall be their God.
__12-20_Then the word of the LORD came to me saying, Son of Man, if a country sins against Me I stretch our My hand against it and send a famine or some kind of pestilence. Even though Noah, Daniel and Job were in their midst, their righteousness would not save the inhabitants.
__21-23_Thus says the LORD, when I send my four severe judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild beasts and plague, you will see some survivors of whom I approve. You will know that what I have done has not been in vain.
Ezekiel 15 Ezekiel 16 __ |