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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Theme: Jeremiah is called the weeping prophet. He was heart broken over the destruction of Jerusalem. Lamentations has prophecy, ritual and wisdom. It is written in the rhythm and style of ancient Jewish funeral songs or chants. Each chapter is a poem. Lamentations 1 __6-11_Her majesty is departed. Her princes have fled before the pursuer. In these days of affliction she remembers how it used to be in the good old days. Jerusalem has become an unclean thing, despised, naked. Other nations have entered her sanctuary. The people give their precious things for bread.
__12-16_It might seem like nothing to you but the LORD in His fierce anger has dealt severely with me. He has given me into the hands of those I cannot resist. The young men are without strength. The virgin daughter of Judah is trodden by the LORD as in a winepress. For these things I weep. My children are desolate.
__17-22_Zion stretches out her hands and no one comforts her. The LORD Who is righteous has ordained what has happened because I rebelled against His command. Those I loved now want nothing to do with me. See, O Lord, how I am distressed. My spirit is greatly troubled with no one to comfort. I have been so rebellious.
Lamentations 2 __8-10_The LORD determined to destroy the walls of Zion. Now her walls languish and her gates sink into the ground. Her royalty is dispersed among the nations. The law is no more and her prophets have no vision from the LORD. The elders sit on the ground in silence. They wear sackcloth and throw dust on their heads.
__11-15_My eyes fail me because of my tears. I am greatly troubled over the destruction of my people. Little ones beg their mothers for food. To what shall I liken you as I try to comfort you? I wonder who can heal you? Your iniquity has been exposed. All who see this city marvel at how low she has been brought.
__16-22_All your enemies deride you. The LORD has done what He said He would do, causing the enemy to rejoice over you. Let your tears fall day and night. What has become of us? Should people eat their children? Should priest and prophet be slain in the LORD's sanctuary? The dead lie everywhere. No one has escaped the LORD's anger.
Lamentations 3 __19-38_Remember my afflictions and bitterness. I recall that the LORD's loving-kindness never ceases. It is renewed every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. You are good to those who seek You and wait for You. The LORD will not reject forever. Neither does He approve of injustice. Only good comes from His mouth.
__39-66_In view of one's sins, how can he complain? Let us examine our ways and return to the LORD. We have transgressed and rebelled, and You have not finished punishing us. Do not hide Your ear from hearing my request for relief, O Lord, You have pleaded my cause and redeemed my life. Judge my case and note the schemes of mine enemies.
Lamentations 4 __9-15_It is better to have been slain with the sword that to be waiting to die of hunger. Once compassionate women now boil their children for food. The LORD has poured out His wrath on Zion, down to its very foundations. No one thought Jerusalem could be over thrown. The sins of her prophets and priests are called into judgment.
__16-22_The presence of the LORD has scattered them. Looking for help has been of no avail. Those who pursue us are swifter than eagles. Do not be overly happy, Edom. The cup will come to you as well. Zion's punishment has been completed. Edom's sins will also be exposed.
Lamentations 5 __14-22_Elders no longer sit in the gate. Young men are without their music. Our joy is no more. Instead of dancing we now mourn. Our hearts faint. Mount Zion is desolate. Thou Lord shall rule forever. Why have You forgotten us for so long? Renew us as in former days. Please do not reject us forever.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
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Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for each book of the Bible. Some books have more detail than others.
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