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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Theme: Solomon's wisdom, power and achievements brought honor to Israel and to God. The temple he built was a beautiful place of worship. Somewhere in the middle of his reign he lost sight of God and set the stage for a divided Israel. Each of the kings who followed Solomon had God's word, priest or prophet and lessons from the past. 1 Kings 1 __5-7_Adonijah the son of Haggith decided he would be king in place of his father. So he prepared chariots and horsemen with fifty men to run before him. David had never had cause to reprimand him for anything and he was a very handsome man. He was the younger brother of Absalom. He had conferred with Joab and Abiathar the priest.
__8-10_But Zadok the priest, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimer, Rei and the mighty men who belong to David were not with Adonijah. Adonijah made a great sacrifice of sheep and oxen. He invited all his brothers and the king's servants. He did not invite Nathan the prophet, Benaiah, the mighty men or Solomon.
__11-14_Nathan spoke to Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, and told her that Adonijah had made himself king in David's place and David does not know it. If you will save your life, go to David and say, did you not say Solomon would sit on your throne? Why has Adonijah become king? Then I will come in after you and confirm your words.
__15-18_So Bathsheba went in to the king's bedroom where Abishag was ministering to him. Bathsheba bowed before the king and he asked her what she wanted? She said, my Lord, did you not tell me that your son Solomon would sit on your throne after you? Adonijah has made himself king and you were not told of it.
__19-21_He has sacrificed oxen and sheep and invited all the sons of the king, Abiathar the priest, Joab the commander of the army, but not Solomon. Israel is watching you to see who will sit on your throne. If you do nothing Solomon and I will be considered offenders.
__22-25_While she was still speaking with the king, Nathan the prophet came in. He bowed to the ground and asked David, did you say that Adonijah should be king after you? For today he has made many sacrifices and invited many important people to the feast. They are eating and drinking and saying, long live King Adonijah!
__26-31_But Zadok the priest, Benaiah the son of Jehoida, Solomon and me were not invited. Has this thing been done at your word? King David answered, saying, call Bathsheba. She came and stood before him. He then said, I vowed to you that Solomon should be king after me. So it will be today. And Bathsheba bowed herself to the ground.
__32-34_David called for Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada. He said, take my servants and have Solomon ride on my own mule and bring him to Gihon. Then let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him as king over Israel. Blow the trumpet and say, long live King Solomon.
__35-38_Then he shall sit on my throne and be king in my place for I have appointed him king in my place. And Benaiah answered the king and said, Amen. As the LORD has been with you, so may He also be with Solomon. So Zadok and Nathan, Benaiah, the Cherethites and the Pelethites went down and made Solomon ride on David's mule to Gihon.
__39-40_Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tent and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the trumpet and all the people said, long live King Solomon! Many people followed after him playing on flutes and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth shook with the sound.
__41-43_As Adonijah and his guests were finishing eating they heard the noise in the city. When the trumpet sounded, Joab said, why is the city making such an uproar? Then Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came in with news. He told them, King David has made Solomon king.
__44-46_The king has sent with him Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the Cherethites and the Pelethites. They have made him ride on the king's mule. Zadok and Nathan have anointed him king in Gihon. The city is in an uproar with rejoicing. And Solomon has taken his seat on the throne.
__47-49_And in addition, the kings servants said to David, may God make the name of Solomon and his throne greater than your throne. And King David said that he was happy that one sat on his throne while he was alive to see it. Then all of Adonijah's guests were very afraid. Everyone got up and went his own way.
__50-53_Adonijah was afraid of Solomon and went and took hold of the horns of the alter. He said, let King Solomon swear to me that he will not put me to death. When Solomon was told of this, he said, if he is a worthy man, nothing will happen to him. Solomon sent for him and they brought him and he prostrated himself before Solomon.
1 Kings 2 __5-9_You know how Joab killed Abner and Amasa during peace time. Use your wisdom to deal with him and do not let him die in peace. Show kindness to Barzillai who came to my aide when I fled from Absalom. Deal with Shimei the Benjamite who cursed me violently at that time. Do not let him go unpunished or go to his grave in peace.
__10-12_Then David slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David. He reigned forty years: seven years in Hebron over Judah and then he reigned from Jerusalem thirty three more years over all of Israel. Solomon sat on David's throne being firmly established as king in his place.
__13-18_Then it was that Adonijah the son of Haggith came to Bathsheba with a request and she was willing to hear him. He asked her to ask Solomon for David's maid, Abishag, to become his wife. So Bathsheba agreed to make this request to Solomon.
__19-25_Bathsheba went to Solomon and asked that he allow Abishag to be given to Adonijah as his wife. When Solomon heard this he said Abijah has asked this at the cost of his own life. He shall be put to death today. Then he sent Benaiah to fall on him and take his life.
__26-27_Then to Abiathar the priest Solomon said, go to Anathoth to your own field. You deserve to die for following Adonijah but I will not put you to death because you carried the ark and you went through many afflictions with my father. So Solomon dismissed Abiathar from being priest, thus fulfilling the word spoken of Eli's family.
__28-34_When the news concerning Abiathar came to Joab, who had also followed Adonijah, he fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the alter. Solomon heard of this and sent Benaiah to fall upon him. He would not come out of the tent and eventually Benaiah went into the tent to slay him.
__35-38_The king appointed Benaiah over the army and Zadok as priest in place of Abiathar. Solomon sent for Shimei and instructed him to build a house for himself in Jerusalem. He was to live there and not go out of the city. It he ever did leave the city, he would die. Shimei agreed to this and lived in Jerusalem many days.
__39-46_Three years later two of his servants ran away to Gath. Shimei saddled his donkey and went to Gath and brought them back to Jerusalem. When Solomon learned of this, he sent for Shimei. He said, you agreed to never leave Jerusalem. You have not kept your word. And he commanded Benaiah to fall on him.
1 Kings 3 __3-5_Solomon loved the LORD and walked in His statutes as his father David had. However he did sacrifice and burn incense in the high places. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on the alter at Gibeon. In Gibeon God appeared to Solomon in a dream. He asked Solomon to ask of Him whatever he wished.
__6-9_Solomon said, you showed great kindness to my father David because he walked before you in righteousness and truth. And you have placed me on his throne. I am as a child. I do not know how to go out or come in. I am in the midst of a great number of people. Give me an understanding heart to be able to judge this great people.
__10-13_Solomon's request pleased the LORD and He said, because you did not ask for long life or riches, nor the life of your enemies, I will give you discernment of judgment and these other things as well. There will be no one like you for wisdom and understanding. Riches and honor will be yours all of your days.
__14-15_And if you walk in My ways keeping My statutes and commandments, as David did, I will prolong your days. Then Solomon awoke and it was a dream. He came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he made a feast for all his servants.
__16-20_Then two women who were harlots came to the king with a dispute. The one woman said, we both live in the same house. I gave birth first and three days later she gave birth. There were only the two of us in the house. This woman's child died in the night because she laid on it. During the night she exchanged our babies.
__21-22_When I got up in the morning to nurse my son I saw that he was dead. Then I looked carefully and saw that it was not my son. Then the other woman said, no! The living boy is my son. The dead one is yours. Thus they each made their case to king Solomon.
__23-28_After restating the case, Solomon called for a sword. He said, divide the child and give half to each woman. The mother of the living child said, oh no! Let her have the child, but the other woman said, yes, divide the child. Then the king gave the baby to the first woman and all Israel saw the wisdom of God in this judgment.
1 Kings 4 __22-28_Yearly provisions required for Solomon's household are listed. Judah and Israel lived in safety from Dan to Beersheba all of Solomon's life. He had a great number of chariots, horses and horseman. Straw and feed had to be provided month by month. Nothing was lacking.
__29-34_God gave Solomon wisdom and discernment difficult to imagine. He was wiser than all the great men of his day. He spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He had a great knowledge of trees, animals, birds, creeping things and fish. Men came from all over the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon.
1 Kings 5 __6-10_Please cut cedars from Lebanon for me. And my servants will work for you in this project. None of us know how to cut timber like the Sidonians. Hiram was glad to do this. He said they would cut the timber and float it down the coast to one of Israel's seaports. He gave Solomon as much cedar and cypress timber as he wanted.
__11-15_Solomon sent a very large amount of wheat and oil for Hiram's household year by year. They made a covenant and enjoyed peace between them. King Solomon levied 30,000 forced laborers from Israel. 10,000 would work for a month and go home for two months. He had 70,000 transporters and 80,000 hewers of stone in the mountains.
__16-18_He also had 3,300 chief deputies to manage all of the work. Solomon had them quarry very large cut stones for the foundation of the temple. So Solomon's builders, Hiram's builders and the Gebalites prepared the timber and the stones to build the house.
1 Kings 6 __4-5_He made windows with artistic frames. He made side chambers for the house to enclose the inner sanctuary. The temple walls were thicker at the bottom than at the top. The inside of the wall was perpendicular and the outside had one and one half foot steps so that beams for each level of the side structure rested on a step.
__6_The lowest level was almost seven and one half feet from the inner wall to the outer wall. The next level was nine feet from inner to outer walls. The third level was ten and one half feet from inner to outer walls. These chambers ran along the sides and back of the temple. The beams rested on the steps in the wall.
__7-10_As the stones were put in place there was no sound of a tool. Every stone was prepared to dimension at the quarry. There was a doorway to the right for the lowest chamber and a winding stairway to the upper levels. Each level was seven and one half feet high. When the house was finished it was covered with cedar planks.
__11-13_The word of the LORD came to Solomon saying, if you walk in My statutes, execute my ordinances and keep My commandments, I will dwell among the children of Israel and not forsake My people Israel. So Solomon finished building the house.
__14-17_He finished the inside with cedar. The floor, walls and ceiling were overlaid with wood. The floor was then overlaid with cypress boards. The most holy at the rear of the sanctuary was thirty feet deep from the back wall to its front. The holy place at the front of the sanctuary was sixty feet long from front to back.
__18-20_No stone was visible inside the house. The cedar had carvings of gourds and flowers. The inner sanctuary was where the Ark of the Covenant with the LORD was to be placed. It was thirty feet long, thirty feet wide and thirty feet high. Its inside walls were overlaid with pure gold.
__21-28_Chains of gold hung across the inner sanctuary. An alter of incense was constructed of cedar and overlaid it with gold. In the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of olive wood, each fifteen feet high. Each wing was seven and one half feet. Their wing tips touched each other's and touched each wall.
__29-31_All the walls inside of the inner and outer sanctuaries had carved engravings of palm trees and open flowers. The floor of the inner and outer sanctuary was overlaid with gold. At the entrance to the inner sanctuary he made doors. Their combined width was one fifth of the wall.
__32-33_The two doors had carvings of cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. The doors with its carvings were overlaid with gold. The door posts for the door from the porch into the most holy place were made of olive wood. They were eight and one half feet high and one fourth of the wall in width.
__34-38_The doors were made of cypress. Each doors had a hinge in its middle so that it would fold. And he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers on the doors and overlaid with gold. He built an inner court about the sanctuary with stone and cedar beams. It took seven years to build the sanctuary to the LORD.
1 Kings 7 __4-12_There were artistic door posts, doors and window frames. He had a hall of judgment where he judged. He also made a house like his for Pharaoh's daughter whom he had married. There were costly stones cut to size with saws. Foundation stones were 12 feet and 15 feet long.
__13-15_King Solomon invited Hiram from Tyre. He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali. His father was a man of Tyre. He had been very skilled in working with bronze. So his son, Hiram, came to work for Solomon. He fashioned two pillars of bronze, each twenty nine feet tall and eighteen feet in circumference.
__16-23_Each pillar had a capital of bronze nearly eight feet high. The artistry was beautiful with lilies. These pillars were set on the porch of the temple and were called Jachin and Boaz. He cast a sea from metal. It was 15 feet across and nearly eight feet tall. Its circumference was forty five feet.
__24-26_Under its brim there were two rows of gourds, ten every eighteen inches. The sea stood on twelve oxen, with three facing out in each of four directions. The metal was cast a handbreadth thick. It could hold 11,000 thousand gallons.
__27-39_Then he made tens stands that were each six feet square and four and one half feet high. They were patterned after the large sea having lions and oxen beneath and a basin on top. Each was mounted on four wheels with axles. Everything was cast. He set five stands on the right side of the house and five on the left side.
__40-47_After Hiram had made the basins, shovels and bowls, he had finished his work for Solomon on the house of the LORD. The polished brass was cast in the clay on the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan. There was so much bronze that the total weight was never determined.
__48-50_Solomon made all the furniture in the house of the LORD. This included the golden alter, the golden table which was for the bread of Presence, five lampstands on the left and five on the right in the inner sanctuary and toward the front. All were of pure gold. There were also tongs, cups, snuffers, spoons and firepans of pure gold.
__51_Everything was now completed on the house of the LORD. Solomon brought the silver and gold things dedicated by David into the treasuries of the house of the LORD.
1 Kings 8 __5-9_King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel with him came before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen without number. Then the priests brought the Ark of the Covenant into the inner sanctuary into the most holy place and put it under the wings of the golden cherubim. There was nothing in the ark except the two tables of stone.
__10-14_When the priests came from the holy place the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD and the priest could not go in. Solomon said, the LORD has said that He will dwell in the thick cloud. I have surely built You a lofty house and a place for You to dwell forever. Then he faced about and blessed the assembly of Israel.
__15-21_Then he said, blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who led Israel out of Egypt. David, my father, wanted to build a house for the name of the LORD, but God said it should be his son who would build it. The LORD has fulfilled His word and I have built Him a house. And the Ark of the Covenant is in its place.
__22-23_Then Solomon stood before the alter of the LORD in the presence of all the people and spread his hands toward heaven. He said, O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven or earth. You keep Your covenant and show loving kindness to your servants who follow you with all their heart.
__24-28_You promised my father David that if his sons walk before You, there will always be one of his sons on the throne. Please let this be confirmed. Heaven and earth cannot contain You. How much less this house which I have built for You! Yet You have regard for the prayer of your servant.
__29-36_Please listen to the prayer of Your servant when he prays toward this place. Hear and forgive. Help us when we sin. Help us when we are defeated by our enemies. When we have no rain and pray for it, hear us and forgive our sin. Send rain on the land that You have given the people.
__37-43_If there is famine in the land, or pestilence, or plague, hear the prayer of supplication prayed toward this house. Render according to each man's heart for You know the heart of all the sons of men. When a foreigner comes from a far country for Your name's sake, and prays toward this house, hear his prayer and answer it.
__44-53_When Your people go to battle according to Your will, and they pray toward this house, hear their prayer and maintain their cause. When they sin against You And You send them to a far land, when they confess their sin and return to You with all their heart, praying toward this house, hear their prayer and maintain their cause.
__54-57_When Solomon had finished praying he arose from kneeling before the alter of the LORD and blessed all Israel with a loud voice, saying, blessed be the LORD Who has given rest to his people Israel. Not one word of all His promises have failed. May the LORD our God be with us as He was with our fathers. May He not forsake us.
__58-61_May He incline our hearts to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments and statutes and ordinances so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; There is none other. Devote your heart wholly to the LORD our God to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments.
__62-66_Solomon and the people offered many sheep and oxen as peace offerings to the LORD. They observed the feast seven days. People had come from the far edges of the kingdom. On the eighth day he sent them away to their tents rejoicing in all the goodness the LORD had shown David His servant and Israel His people.
1 Kings 9 __4-7_As for you, if you always walk before Me in uprightness, doing all I have commanded, keeping My statutes and ordinances, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom forever, as I promised David. But if you or your sons turn away from following Me, serving other gods, I will cut off Israel from the land.
__8-9_This house that you have built for Me will become a pile of ruins if you or your sons adopt other gods, and worship and serve them.
__10-14_It took twenty years for Solomon to build the house of the LORD and his house. Hiram, king of Tyre had supplied him with as much cedar and cypress as he needed. So Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in Galilee. But Hiram was not happy when he came out to see the cities. Hiram did send 120 talents of gold to the king.
__15-25_All of Solomon's projects required builders and he used forced labor to accomplish this. Much of the forced labor came from the nations Israel had been unable to completely destroy. Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and peace offerings on the alter at the LORD's house.
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