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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Theme: Samuel begins in the days of the judges and describes Israel's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy. This book deals with great beginnings and tragic endings. Eli and Saul are two such examples. David was another great beginner whose great failings were overcome by his faith in God, evidenced by his obedience. 1 Samuel 1 __5-8_But to Hannah he would give a double portion because he loved her and the LORD had closed her womb. Her rival provoked her bitterly because she did not have children. This happened every year and she got so she wouldn't eat. Elkanah asked her why she wept. Wasn't he better to her than ten sons?
__9-11_Hannah went near the doorpost of the temple where Eli was sitting. In her great distress she prayed that the LORD would give her a son. She promised to give him to the LORD all the days of his life and his hair would never be cut.
__12-17_As Hannah prayed Eli saw her mouth move without actually speaking. He thought she was drunk and reprimanded her. Hannah explained that she was not drunk but praying out of great concern and provocation. Eli answered, go in peace and may the LORD grant your petition to Him.
__18-20_Hannah said may I find favor in your sight and then went her way satisfied and able to eat. After worshipping the next day the family returned home. In the course of time, the LORD remembered Hannah and she conceived. Eventually a son was born. She named him Samuel, saying, because I have asked him of the LORD.
__21-23_Each year after that when Elkanah went up to offer his yearly sacrifice to the LORD, Hannah would not go. She told him that she would not go up until the child was weaned and then she could present him to the LORD to stay there forever. Elkanah agreed to this.
__24-25_When Samuel was weaned, Hannah took him and a three year old bull, an ephah of flour and a jug of wine, and brought him to the house of the LORD in Shiloh. The child was young. They slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to Eli.
__26-28_Hannah said, I am the woman who stood beside you praying to the LORD. Remember, you thought I was drunk? I prayed for this boy and the LORD has answered my petition. So I have dedicated him to the LORD. As long as he lives he is dedicated to the LORD.
1 Samuel 2 __12-14_The sons of Eli were worthless men. They didn't know the LORD or follow the correct customs with the people. When any man brought a sacrifice to the LORD and would boil the meat in a pot, the priest's servant was allowed to thrust a three pronged fork into the pot. Whatever came out on the fork was for the priest.
__15-17_When the fat of the sacrifice was about to be burned the priest's servant would demand a portion of meat before the fat had been removed. If it was not given it would be taken by force. Thus the sins of Eli's sons were very great.
__18-20_Samuel ministered before the LORD. He wore a linen ephod. Each year his mother made another and brought it when the family came to make their yearly sacrifice. Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife, and say, may the LORD give you children from this woman in place of the one she dedicated to the LORD. Then they went home.
__21-22_Then the LORD visited Hannah and she gave birth to three sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew before the LORD. Now Eli was very old and he heard of all the evil his sons did to Israel, even having illicit relations with the women who served at the door of the meeting tent. He asked them, why do you do such things.
1 Samuel 3 __4-8_The LORD called Samuel and he said, here I am and ran to Eli thinking it had been him who had called. Eli said he had not called and told him to go lie down. The LORD called two more times and each time Samuel ran to Eli and was sent back to bed. But the third time Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy.
__9_Before sending Samuel back the third time Eli said to him, go lie down and if He calls you again, you should answer Him by saying, Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
__10-13_Then the LORD called Samuel again. And Samuel answered, speak Lord, for your servant is listening. And the LORD said, behold, I am about do something that will make everyone's ears tingle. In that day I will carry out everything that I have spoken against Eli's house because he knew the iniquity of his sons and did not rebuke them.
__14-15_I have sworn to the house of Eli that its iniquity shall never be atoned for by sacrifice. So Samuel lay down until morning. Then he got up and opened the doors of the LORD's house. But he was afraid to tell the vision to Eli.
__16-18_Eli called Samuel and asked him what the LORD had said to him, cautioning him to leave nothing out. So Samuel told him everything, and Eli said, it is the LORD. Let Him do what seems good to Him.
__19-21_Thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him, letting none of his words fail. All Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the LORD. Now the LORD was again revealing himself at Shiloh through Samuel.
1 Samuel 4 __4-5_So the ark of the covenant of the LORD of Hosts, who sits above the cherubim, was brought from Shiloh and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark. When the ark was brought into the camp all the Israelite soldiers shouted with a great shout so that the earth resounded.
__6-10_When the Philistines heard the shout and understood the reason for it, they were afraid. They remembered the stories of what had happened to Egypt. They knew that they must fight very hard lest they become the slaves of the Hebrews. So they fought Israel with a great slaughter and killed thirty thousand foot soldiers.
__11-17_The ark of God was taken and Hophni and Phinehas died. That same day a man of Benjamin ran from the battle line bringing news to Shiloh. His clothes were torn and he had dust on his head. He gave the news throughout the city. Last of all, he came to Eli telling him that the ark had been captured and that his sons were dead.
__18_When he mentioned that the ark had been captured, Eli fell backward off the bench by the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was old and very heavy. He was ninety-eight years old. He had judged Israel forty years.
__19-22_Phinehas' wife was about to give birth. When she heard the news that the ark of God had been captured and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she gave birth to a son and died. Before she died she named her son Ichabod, saying, the glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God was taken.
1 Samuel 5 __4-5_The following morning they found Dagon had fallen before the ark of the LORD again. This time his head and both his hands had broken off and were on the threshold. After that neither priest or anyone else entering the house of Dagon would step on the threshold.
__6-9_The hand of the LORD was heavy on the people of Ashdod. He smote them with tumors in Ashdod and in all its territories. The people decided that the ark of the God of Israel must not remain with them so they sent it the Gath. Then the hand of the LORD was heavy against Gath and tumors broke out on young and old men.
__10-12_So they sent the ark of God to Ekron but they did not want it. They gathered the llords of the Philistines and said, send the ark of the God of Israel back to its own place so that we will not die. Already men there were dying and tumors had broken out on those who did not die.
1 Samuel 6 __6-8_Why should you harden your hearts as the Egyptians did. Prepare a new cart and two newly freshened milk cows which have never yet been yoked. Take their calves away from them. Place the ark of the LORD on the cart and put the articles of gold in another box beside the ark of the LORD. Send it away and see where it goes.
__9_Watch to see if the cows take the cart to Bethshemesh which is its own territory. If it goes there you may be sure that the hand of the LORD God of Israel has done this great evil against us. If it does not go that way, then it happened to us by chance.
__10-12_The men did as directed with the cows and the cart. They shut the two calves away from their mothers. And the cows went straight away toward Bethshemesh. They went along the road lowing as they went but they did not turn to the right or left. The llords of the Philistines followed them to the border of Bethshemesh.
__13-14_The people of Bethshemesh were reaping their wheat. When they looked up and saw the ark they were glad. The ark came into the field of Joshua the Bethshemite and stood near a large stone. The men split up the wood of the cart and offered the cows on it as a burnt offering to the LORD.
__15-18_The Levites has placed the ark and the articles of gold on the large stone. When the five llords of the Philistines saw all of this they returned to Ekron that day. There were five golden tumors, one for each of the llords of the Philistines. There were five golden mice, one for each of the Philistine cities under the five llords.
__19-21_The LORD struck down some of the men of Bethshemesh because they looked into the ark of the LORD. All together He struck down 50,070 men and the people mourned the great slaughter. Then they sent to Kiriathjearim saying come and take the ark of the LORD which the Philistines have brought back.
1 Samuel 7 __3-4_Then Samuel spoke to all Israel saying, if you return to the LORD with all your heart, if you remove all the foreign gods from among you and serve God alone, He will deliver you from the Philistines. So the children of Israel removed the Baals and the Ashtaroth and served the LORD alone.
__5-7_Then Samuel said, gather all Israel at Mizpah. They drew water and poured it out before the LORD and fasted. They said, we have sinned against the LORD. And Samuel judged Israel at Mizpah. Now the Philistines heard that Israel had gathered at Mizpah so they went up against Israel. When Israel heard of it they were afraid.
__8-10_The children of Israel asked Samuel to pray for them that God would save them from the Philistines. Samuel sacrificed a suckling lamb for a whole burnt offering to the LORD and prayed. The Philistines were drawing near for battle and the LORD thundered a great thunder and confused the Philistines. They were routed before Israel.
__11-13_The men of Israel went out of Mizpah and pursued and struck down the Philistines as far as Bethcar. Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer saying, thus far the LORD has helped us. So the Philistines were subdued and did not come any more within the border of Israel all the days of Samuel.
__14-17_The cities taken by the Philistines were restored to Israel and there was peace between them. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life. He would make a circuit through Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, judging Israel in all these places. Then he would return to Ramah where he had built his house and an alter to the LORD.
1 Samuel 8 __6-9_The request displeased Samuel and he prayed to the LORD. The LORD told him to listen to the people. They are not rejecting you, Samuel. They are rejecting Me from being king over them. They are following the same pattern they have followed since I brought them up out of Egypt. But warn them of what a king will do to them.
__10-18_So Samuel told everything the LORD had said to the people who had asked for a king. He explained how a king would take their sons and daughters as soldiers and servants. He will take the best of your fields, vineyards and olive groves and give them to his servants. Then you will cry out to the LORD but He will not listen.
__19-22_The people refused to listen to Samuel. Instead they continued to say, we want a king so we can be like other nations when we go out to battle. Samuel repeated all their words to the LORD and He said, listen to them and appoint a king over them. So Samuel sent every man to his city.
1 Samuel 9 Kish had lost some donkeys and sent Saul to find them. He looked everywhere but could not find them.
__5-7_Saul decided that his father might think he was lost as well, so he decided to head for home. On the way he remembered that there was a man of God in the city he was passing. Perhaps he would be willing to help him find his father's donkeys. He wanted to bring a present to the man of God but couldn't think of what to give him.
__8-14_His servant said he had a fourth shekel of silver. So Saul said let's go and see the man. As they approached the city they asked people if the prophet was home or traveling. They told him that the man was there. He was to bless a sacrifice and where they could find him. As they went up to the city Samuel was coming out toward them.
__15-17_On the previous day the LORD had said to Samuel, on the next day at about the same time I will send a man of Benjamin to you and you shall anoint him prince over My people. I have heard their cry for someone to rule over them. Now when Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said, this is the one who shall rule over My people.
__18-21_At that moment Saul approached Samuel at the gate and asked where the seer's house was. Samuel answered, I am the seer. Come eat with me and I will tell you all that is on my mind. And do not worry about your donkeys. They have been found. Today you and your family are greatly honored. Saul said, why me. I am nobody.
__22-24_Samuel brought Saul and his servant to the hall and seated them at the head of those who had been invited. There were about thirty men. Samuel told the cook to bring the portion he had previously arranged for and to set before Saul. So Saul ate with Samuel that day.
__25-27_When they came down from the high place, Samuel made a place for Saul to sleep on roof of his house. The next day at daybreak he got Saul up to send him on his way. As they were going out to the edge of the city, Samuel sent the servant on ahead and asked Saul to wait a moment to hear what the LORD had to say to him.
1 Samuel 10 __3-5_Then at the oak of Tabor three men will meet you carrying three young goats, three loaves of bread and a jug of wine. They will greet you and give you two of the loaves. When you come to the hill of God where the Philistines are garrisoned, a group of prophets will come out to meet you with music and prophesying.
__6-7_Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you and you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man. When all these signs have come to pass, do what the occasion requires, for God is with you.
__8-9_Go to Gilgal and wait for me to come down to you to offer burnt offerings. You shall wait seven days until I come down to show you what you should do. When Saul left Samuel, God changed his heart and all of these signs came about in one day.
__10-13_When they came to the hill Samuel had talked about, a group of prophets met him. The Spirit of God came upon him mightily and he prophesied with the prophets. Those who knew Saul asked each other, is this Saul? What has happened to him? And it became a proverb, "Is Saul among the prophets?"
__14-16_When Saul's uncle learned that Saul had visited with Samuel, he asked what Samuel had talked about? Saul said that Samuel had talked about where the donkeys were and he said nothing about being anointed.
__17-19_Samuel called the people together at Mizpah and told them what the LORD had to say. I brought you up out of Egypt and delivered you from all who oppressed you. Now you have rejected Me as your leader and asked for a king. Present yourselves before the LORD by tribes and clans. And Samuel cast lots.
__20-22_The lot fell to the tribe of Benjamin. Then it fell to the Matrite clan within the tribe of Benjamin. Finally the Kish family was selected and then Saul, the son of Kish, was selected from the Kish family. The people looked for him and could not find him. The LORD said, he has hidden himself in the baggage.
__23-24_So they ran and found him and brought him out. He was a head taller than everyone. Samuel said, you see who the LORD has chosen. And all the people shouted, long live the king.
__25-27_Then Samuel sent the people away and Saul went to his home in Gibeah. Some valiant men led of God accompanied him. There were some worthless men who despised Saul, saying, how can this man deliver us? And they did not bring him any present. But Saul kept silent.
1 Samuel 11 __4-6_The elders of Jabesh sent messengers throughout Israel asking for help. Saul was coming in from the field with a team of oxen when he heard the people weeping over the message from Jabesh. The message made Saul angry and the Spirit of the LORD came on him mightily.
__7-8_He took the yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces. He sent the pieces throughout Israel with the message that whoever did not come out after Saul and Samuel would have their oxen cut up. The dread of the LORD fell on the people and three hundred thousand men showed up.
__9-11_They sent word to Jabesh that tomorrow they would be delivered. The next morning Saul put the people into three companies. They entered the Ammonite camp at the morning watch and struck them down until the heat of the day. Any that got away were scattered with no two fleeing together.
__12-14_After this the people said, where are the men who said, shall Saul rule over us? Bring them here that we may put them to death. But Saul said that no man of Israel should be put to death today for the LORD has accomplished deliverance in Israel.
__15_Then Samuel invited the people to Gilgal to sacrifice peace offerings and renew the kingdom. It was there that they made Saul king before the LORD and everyone rejoiced greatly.
1 Samuel 12 __6-11_Samuel reviewed all the righteous acts of the LORD, starting with Jacob when he went down to Egypt and continuing with Moses and Aaron. He continued with the Philistines and with Moab. He mentioned Jerrubbaal and Jeptha and finally added his own name. You were delivered from your enemies so you could live in security.
__12-15_When Nahash the Ammonite came against you, you asked for a king to reign over you, even though the LORD God was your king. If you and your king fear the LORD and serve Him, then it will be well with you. If you do not listen to Him, but rebel against His commands, the hand of the LORD will be against you.
__16-17_Even now, take your stand watch the LORD work. Today is the wheat harvest. I will call to the LORD that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will see that your wickedness is great in the sight of the LORD because you asked for a king to reign over you.
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