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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Theme: God gave success to the Israelites when they obeyed His master plan. At first they demonstrated their faith by trusting the Lord. Joshua was an example of an excellent leader. He was confident in God's strength, courageous in the face of opposition, and willing to seek God's advice. Israel failed to finish conquering Canaan. Joshua 1 __10-18_Joshua had the people prepare provisions for travel. In three days they would cross the Jordan River. The soldiers from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh, would come with them to help take the land. The people responded by saying, just as we obeyed Moses, so we will do all that you command.
Joshua 2 __8-21_She told the two men that everyone in the land was afraid of Israel. She asked them to spare her and her family. They told her to hang a scarlet rope on her window and she and her family would be spared. She did this immediately. Then she let them down by a rope from her window which was on the city wall.
__22-24_When the two men returned to Joshua they said, surely the LORD has given us all the land. The people are afraid of us.
Joshua 3 __7-17_Joshua had the priests carry the ark down to the edge of the Jordan and step into the water. The river stopped flowing and piled up by the city of Adam upstream. It was the time of year for flooding. The priests stood in the middle of the river bed while all the people crossed to the other side.
Joshua 4 Joshua 5 The LORD told Joshua to have all the men circumcised. None had been circumcised during their wilderness travel. Then they rested until everyone had healed.
__11-12_On the day after the Passover the people ate some of the produce of the land. They made unleavened cakes from parched grain. The manna stopped falling from that day on.
__13-15_Joshua went out early and saw a man standing with a drawn sword. He went up to him and asked him if he was for them or against them. The man said that He was the captain of the LORD's host. Joshua fell on his face. The man said, take off your shoes, for you are on holy ground. Joshua immediately took off his shoes.
Joshua 6 __4-5_Seven priests shall carry seven trumpets. On the seventh day you shall march around Jericho seven times and the priests shall blow their trumpets. When they make a long blast the people shall make a loud shout and the wall of the city will fall down flat.
__6-17_The children of Israel did just as Joshua instructed. For six days they marched around the city once each day and returned to camp for the night. On the seventh day they walked around Jericho seven times without saying one word until the trumpets were blown. They had been told that everything in the city belonged to the LORD.
__18-27_Rahab and her family were to be spared because she had hid the two spies. Everyone else was killed. The city was burned with fire. Only the silver and gold, the bronze and iron went into the LORD's treasury. Joshua made everyone take an oath saying, cursed of the LORD is anyone who rebuilds this city. The LORD was with Joshua.
Joshua 7 Joshua continued the conquest of Canaan by sending spies to Ai. They returned with confidence, saying, two or three thousand men could take the city.
__4-9_Joshua sent three thousand men and they were routed by the men of Ai who killed about thirty six of them. Joshua tore his clothes and fell on his face before the ark of the LORD until evening as did the elders of Israel. Joshua asked, why Lord? What will become of us when all of Canaan rises up against us?
__10-15_The LORD told Joshua to get up. Israel had sinned by taking some of the things under the ban. I will not be with Israel unless you destroy these people from your midst. Rise up and consecrate yourself for this purpose. In the morning it shall be revealed who has done this and he and his family shall be burned with fire.
__16-18_The next day Joshua brought the leaders of each tribe before the LORD and the tribe of Judah was selected. Working his way through heads of families Joshua eventually came to Achan and he was selected by the LORD.
__19-23_Joshua asked him, what have you done? Achan said, I have sinned. I took a beautiful mantel, 200 shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels. I buried them under my tent. Joshua sent men to investigate. They found the things and brought them back to lay before the LORD.
__24-26_Joshua asked Achan, why have you troubled Israel? Then Joshua and all the people brought Achan and his family to a place that became known as the valley of Achor. Joshua pronounced sentence and all Israel stoned them, burned them and all their things, and then piled a great heap of stones over the ashes.
Joshua 8 __15-23_When the men of Ai saw Israel approaching they went out to meet them. Israel turned and ran and all the men of the city came out to pursue them. Joshua gave the signal to the men in ambush behind Ai and they went into the city and burned it. When Israel saw Ai burning they turned and killed all the men of Ai.
__24-29_The men of Israel brought the king of Ai alive to Joshua. He had the king hanged and that evening they took the body down, threw it at the gates of the burned city and raised a great heap of stones over it.
__30-35_Joshua then offered sacrifices to the LORD and read all the book of the law to everyone in camp. Half the people stood on Mount Gerizim and half on Mount Ebal. He also read all the blessings and curses according to what Moses had written in the book of the law. Everyone listened, even the women and little children.
Joshua 9 __14-27_So the men of Israel made a decision without counsel from the LORD. After three days Israel learned that they had been tricked. Since they could not go back on their covenant, they made the Gibeonites hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the alter of the LORD.
Joshua 10 __16-43_The five kings who had started the fight hid in a cave. They were brought out and killed. God gave Israel additional victories in all of the hill country, the Negev, and the low lands as well as the slopes, from Kadesh-Barnea to Gaza and all the country of Goshen even as far as Gibeon.
Joshua 11 __6-9_The LORD told Joshua not to be afraid. The next day these kings would be delivered into Israel's hand. Joshua and all Israel surprised them the next day by attacking them by the waters of Merom. They killed them all, burned their chariots and destroyed their horses, just as the LORD had directed.
__10-15_Joshua then captured Hazor which had been at the head of all the kingdoms. They burned Hazor and utterly destroyed everyone in it. The rest of the cities they did not burn. They killed all the people but kept the spoil of the cities and did not destroy them. But they left no person alive.
__16-23_Joshua waged war for a long time. No city made peace with Israel except the Hivites living in Gibeon. Joshua took the whole land according to all that the LORD had spoken to Moses. Thus the land had rest from war.
Joshua 12 Then a listing is given of all the kings and their territories conquered by Joshua west of the Jordan. In all, thirty-one kings were conquered.
Joshua 13 Joshua 14 __6-15_Caleb came to Joshua and recounted with him how he had been 40 years old when he was sent to spy out the land. He was now 85 years old and as strong as ever. He asked permission to take, with the LORD's help, the hill country of Hebron. These fortified cities of the Anakim became his inheritance.
Joshua 15 Joshua 16 Joshua 17 Joshua 18 __11-28_The tribe of Benjamin was assigned his portion which lay between the sons of Judah and the sons of Joseph.
Joshua 19 __49-51_Israel gave Joshua the city of Timnath-Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. He built the city and settled in it. So Joshua and Eleazar had finished dividing the land.
Joshua 20 Joshua 21 The LORD gave them rest from every side, having kept every promise He had made to them.
Joshua 22 __21-34_The tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh said they did not want the tribes of Israel west of the Jordan to forget that they were all brothers. This pile of stones was to be a reminder that they were all part of Israel. The tribes west of the Jordan were pleased with their answer. The alter was called 'Witness'.
Joshua 23 Joshua 24 __5-8_God brought Israel out of Egypt after sending plagues on that land. At the Red Sea God saved Israel and destroyed the army of Egypt. Israel had lived in the wilderness a long time. Then God brought them into the land of the Amorites and had gave Israel victory over them.
__9-10_Balak had hired Balaam to curse Israel but God would not let him speak anything except blessings. Then he delivered Balak into Israel's hand.
__11_Israel crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho. They fought against Jericho, the Amorite, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. God had given them all into Israel's hand.
__12-13_God sent the hornet to drive out the two kings of the Amorites. Israel didn't take them with sword or bow. God gave Israel a land they did not labor for. He gave them cities they did not build. They were eating from vineyards and olive groves they had not planted.
__14-18_Joshua told them to put away the false gods their fathers had served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt. Joshua said, choose this day Whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. The people answered, God preserved us and gave us this land. We will serve the LORD.
__19-24_Joshua said, you will have difficulty serving such a holy God. If you forsake the LORD and serve other gods, then He will do you harm and consume you. The people promised to serve the LORD and obey His voice.
__25-28_So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day. He wrote the law on a large stone and set the stone up under the oak by the sanctuary of the LORD. Joshua said that this stone was a witness against them lest they deny God. Then he dismissed the people and they went home.
__29-33_After this Joshua died. He was one hundred and ten years old. They buried him at Timnath-Serah. All Israel served the LORD all the days of the elders who survived Joshua and knew what the LORD had done for Israel. They buried Joseph's bones at Shechem as Joseph had been promised in Egypt. Eleazar, Aaron's son died.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for each book of the Bible. Some books have more detail than others.
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