Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5

1 Peter - At A Glance

5 Chapters - Written about AD 64 by Peter

Theme: 1 Peter offers encouragement to suffering Christians. Our safety and security is in God. Because we are all accountable to God, we can leave the judgment of others to Him. And we must not hate those who persecute us.

1 Peter 1
At a Glance (25 V)
See Each Verse

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1-12_A letter to those chosen by God so that they may be sanctified and obey Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus' resurrection, God has, in His great mercy caused us to be born again with a living hope. Much better things are reserved for us in heaven. Prophets of old foretold what was revealed when Jesus came.

__13-25_Fix your hope on the grace revealed in Jesus. Your obedience will have the result of turning you from your former lusts so that you will be holy as God is holy. You were not redeemed with silver and gold but instead with the precious blood of God's Son. By obedience to truth your souls are purified. God's word abides forever.

1 Peter 2
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-12_Most of mankind has rejected the One that you have put your trust in. You have been chosen to tell others of what you have received from God. Give up the old ways that destroy your soul. Your good behavior glorifies God.

__13-25_You should submit to earthly authority. Never use your freedom for any evil purpose. Why should anyone feel sorry for you if you suffer because you have done evil? But if you suffer for your obedience to God you are only following Christ's example.

1 Peter 3
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-12_Wives should submit to their husbands. The beauty they possess should be on the inside and not the result of trying to make the outside extra beautiful. It's the heart that counts because everything else will perish. Husbands are to be very understanding of their wives. The goal is to live in harmony in all humbleness.

__13-22_Who can do you lasting harm when you are zealous for what is right? In all cases your goal should be to rightly represent God in word and deed. Even in Noah's day very few were submissive to God. Baptism is one of the ways we demonstrate our hope in Jesus Christ. Through Him we become right with God.

1 Peter 4
At a Glance (19 V)
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1-6_Be willing to suffer as Christ suffered, even to the point of willingly giving up your former lusts. The gospel is preached to those who are dead in sin so that some may be made alive in the Spirit.

__7-11_The end of all things is at hand. Act accordingly. Above all, love one another with all your heart. Love covers a multitude of sins. Let your speech be Godly. Use your strength to glorify God. This strength comes by the grace of Jesus Christ.

__12-19_Do not be surprised when you share in Christ's sufferings. Think it a privilege. Judgment begins with God's people. If the righteous are saved with difficulty, imagine the fate of those who do not entrust their souls to their faithful Creator.

1 Peter 5
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-5_Those who are leaders should never seek to force anything. Never personally benefit from your position as a leader. Your example should show your own eagerness to partake of what you are offering to your flock. Be humble toward each other. When the Chief Shepherd appears He will give each one an unfading crown of glory.

__6-11_Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and when it suits Him He will exult you. Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you. Be alert. The devil is always looking for someone to destroy. Resist him through your faith in Jesus. After a short time God will perfect, strengthen and establish you.

__12-14_Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace be to you all who are in Christ.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5

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