Chapters: 1 2 3

Zephaniah - At A Glance

3 Chapters - Written about 621 BC by Zephaniah, great great grandson of Hezekiah.

Theme: Destruction was coming because Judah had forsaken the Lord. The people worshiped Baal, Molech, and nature. Even the priests mixed pagan worship with faith in God. The people were prosperous and no longer cared about God. God will purify His people, purging away sin and evil. He will restore His people and give them hope.

Zephaniah 1
At a Glance (18 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_The word of the LORD came to Zephaniah in the days of Josiah, king of Judah.

I will completely remove man and beast from the earth. So I will stretch out My hand against Israel. I will cut off those who follow Baal, those who swear by Milcom, and have turned from following Me.

__7-12_Be silent before the LORD God, for the day of the LORD is near. He has prepared a sacrifice. He will punish all who leap over the temple threshold and fill the LORD's house with violence. Commerce will stop. I will search Jerusalem and punish the stagnant in Spirit who say that the LORD will do neither good or evil.

__13-16_They will build and not inhabit. They will plant vineyards and not drink the grape juice.

The great day of the LORD is near. It will be a day of wrath, trouble, distress, destruction, desolation, darkness, gloom, clouds, and thick darkness.

__17-18_I will bring distress on men because they have sinned against the LORD. Their money will not deliver them. The LORD will make a complete end of the earth and all its inhabitants.

Zephaniah 2
At a Glance (15 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_Seek the LORD before the terrible day of His burning anger. All the humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances are to seek righteousness and humility. Perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the LORD's anger. The inhabitants of the surrounding nations will be abandoned and see desolation.

__8-15_Moab has taunted My people. Therefore the LORD declares that it shall become like Sodom and Gomorrah. Moab will be a perpetual reminder to those who would be arrogant against the people of God. The same may be said for Ethiopia and Assyria. They have exalted themselves and shall be brought low.

Zephaniah 3
At a Glance (20 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_Woe to those who are defiled with rebellion. They did not trust in the LORD by drawing near Him. The prophets and priests do not represent the LORD. They know no shame.

I have cut off the nations around you. I said, surely you will revere me and accept instruction. Because of your corrupt deeds you will be taken out of your place.

__8-13_Wait for Me, declares the LORD. I have decided to gather the nations in order to pour out my burning anger. Then I will give the people pure lips. I will remove the haughty and proud from among you. The remnant of Israel will do no wrong or tell any lie.

__14-20_Shout for joy, O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph, O Israel. The LORD is in your midst. He is your king. He will restore your fortunes. The LORD has spoken.

Chapters: 1 2 3

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