Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Jeremiah - At A Glance

52 Chapters - Written about 627 BC by Jeremiah.

Theme: Jeremiah ministered under Judah's last five kings. His book was written from approximately 627-586 BC. His message was to urge God's people to turn from their sins and back to God. The book is a combination of history, poetry, and biography. At God's direction Jeremiah often used symbolism to communicate his message.

Jeremiah 1
At a Glance (19 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The words of Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, of the priests of the land of Benjamin, to whom the word of the LORD came in the thirteenth year of Josiah, until the exile of Jerusalem in the fifth month of the eleventh year of Zedekiah.

__4-6_The word of the LORD came to me saying, before I formed you in the womb I consecrated you and I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.

I immediately felt that I was incapable for I was only a youth and didn't know how to speak in public.

__7-10_But the LORD said, do not make any excuse. Everywhere I send you, you shall go. What I tell you to say, that you shall speak. Do not be afraid. I will deliver you. Then the LORD reached out and touched my mouth and said, see, I have put My words in your mouth.

__11-16_The LORD showed me the rod of an almond tree. Another time He showed me a boiling pot facing away from the north. The LORD said that evil would break out from the north and fall upon all the inhabitants of the land. He was calling the people of the north to fight against Jerusalem as a judgment on their wickedness.

__17-19_The LORD said, gird up you loins and say everything I tell you to say. No one will be able to overcome you, though they will try. But I have made you as a fortified city. I am with you, says the LORD.

Jeremiah 2
At a Glance (37 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_The LORD told me to speak to those in Jerusalem who would listen. He said, I remember your devotion to Me in your early days, and how you followed Me in the wilderness. Israel was holy to the LORD. Then evil came upon them. Did I ever treat Israel wrong that they should turn their back on Me?

__8-13_The keepers of the law did not know Me. The prophets prophesied by Baal. Therefore, I will contend with you. What other nation has changed gods? My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

__14-19_Was Israel born a slave? Why are you edging toward Egypt or Assyria? Your own evil choices will end up a reproof to you because you have forsaken the LORD your God. You are disregarding what Moses wrote.

__20-25_Long ago I broke the yoke of those you were serving. After I freed you I thought you would be happy to serve Me. But you have played the harlot. No matter how carefully you wash yourselves, your iniquity is before Me. You have chosen to be with strangers.

__26-35_You are only shamed when you have been caught. I gave you life and yet, you follow everyone except Me. You have killed your prophets. You are so wicked you instruct the wicked. Because you deny your sin I will enter into judgment with you.

__36-37_You will be put to shame by Egypt as you were put to shame by Assyria. The LORD has rejected those in whom you trust. You shall not prosper with them.

Jeremiah 3
At a Glance (25 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_God says, if a husband divorces his wife and she goes from him to belong to another man, will he then return to her? Take not of your own wickedness. Therefore the rains have been held back, yet you refuse to recognize your sin.

__6-10_The LORD said to me in the days of Josiah the king, have you seen the faithlessness of Israel? I thought that eventually she would return to Me. But she has not.

__11-15_And the LORD said to me, faithless Israel has proved more righteous than treacherous Judah. Call Israel back and I will be gracious to her. I will give you shepherds after My own heart. I will feed you on knowledge and understanding.

__16-25_The day will come when they call Jerusalem the throne of God and all the nations will gather there. In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel. You have departed from Me as a woman treacherously departs from her lover. Return that I may heal you.

Jeremiah 4
At a Glance (31 V)
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1-6_If you put away your detested things and commit to take them back no more then the LORD will be glorified. Circumcise the foreskins of your hearts lest I destroy you for your evil deeds. Seek refuge for I am bringing evil from the north, and great destruction.

__7-13_Your cities will be ruined and your land made a waste place. In that day your leaders hearts will fail them. The priests will be appalled and the prophets will be astounded. I will pronounce judgments against them.

__14-22_Wash your heart from evil, O Jerusalem, that you may be saved. Your ways and your deeds have brought these things on you.

My heart is pounding in me because I have heard the trumpet, the alarm of war. Disaster is proclaimed. How long must this go on? My people do not know how to do good.

__23-31_I looked at the earth. It was formless and void. There was no man. The birds were gone. Everything was wilderness. The LORD's anger was fierce. He has declared that the whole land shall be desolate.

Jeremiah 5
At a Glance (31 V)
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1-6_If you can find one righteous man in Jerusalem, I will pardon her. They are all poor and foolish, not knowing the way of the LORD. Even those with the most opportunity to know me have not done so. Their apostasies are numerous. They face destruction.

__7-17_Why should I pardon them? They have forsaken Me. They have dealt treacherously with Me and think that they will go unpunished. Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar. It is an ancient and enduring nation whose language you do not understand. They will destroy everything.

__18-19_When I have made a complete destruction you will ask, why has the LORD done this to us? And you shall say to them, because you have forsaken Me serving foreign gods. So you shall serve strangers in a foreign land.

__20-25_You foolish people who have ears, but do not hear and eyes, but you do not see. Do you not fear Me? I have set up the rules of nature. But this people have a stubborn and rebellious heart. Their iniquities have turned them away from Me.

__26-29_Wicked men are among My people setting traps to catch men. They are full of deceit and have become great and rich. They do not defend the rights of the poor. So I shall punish them, declares the LORD.

__30-31_A terrible thing has happened in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own authority. And My people love it so!

Jeremiah 6
At a Glance (30 V)
See Each Verse

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1-8_Flee for safety, O sons of Benjamin, for evil looks down from the north bringing great destruction. Thus says the LORD concerning the daughter of Zion. Her palaces will be destroyed, her trees cut down. A siege will be cast up against Jerusalem. Her wickedness is continually renewed.

__9-15_To whom shall I give the warning? Their ears are closed. The word of the LORD is a reproach to them. Everyone will be taken and their homes will be given to others, for I will stretch out My hand against the inhabitants of the land. They have said peace, peace, when there is no peace. They do not even blush when they lie.

__16-21_Thus says the LORD, ask for the ancient paths and walk in them. But since they will not listen, I am bringing disaster on this people. They have not listened to Me. They have rejected My law. Their offerings are not acceptable. I am laying stumbling blocks before this people and all will perish.

__22-30_Thus says the LORD, behold a great nation from the remote parts of the earth will come from the north. They are cruel and without mercy. They will come suddenly upon us. My people are stubbornly rebellious. They are rejected by the LORD.

Jeremiah 7
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-4_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah telling him to stand in the gate of the LORD's house and speak to all who come to worship. Say to them, the LORD says, amend your ways and I will let you live here. Never think this temple will be your salvation.

__5-11_Practice justice instead of oppressing the alien, the orphan and the widow. Do not shed innocent blood or walk after other gods. You have broken My law. The house you have called by My name has become a den of robbers.

__12-18_Go see what I did in Shiloh because of their wickedness. And now, because you have done these things and have not listened, I will do to this house what I did to Shiloh. I will cast you off as I did to Ephraim. Do not pray for this people. Whole families participate in the preparation of cakes for the queen of heaven.

__19-26_This people spite Me to their own shame. My anger will be poured out against this place. I brought your fathers out of Egypt? All I asked was that they walk in the ways I commanded that it would be well with them. But they have not obeyed. I sent My servants the prophets, but each generation did more evil then their fathers.

__27-34_You are to warn these people but they will not listen. Remind them of their evil and tell them they must change. Therefore the days are coming when the dead bodies of the people will be food for birds. There will be no one to drive them away. I will bring an end to the cities of Judah. The land will become a ruin.

Jeremiah 8
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-7_At that time, declares the LORD, all the bones of the leaders will be brought from their graves and laid out under the sun, moon and stars which they worshiped. They will not be buried. The people left alive would rather die than live. Ask them, does anyone repent? Why have the people followed apostasy? They deny their sin.

__8-12_They think they are wise and the law of the LORD is with them. They shall be put to shame and lose everything. They have been greedy for gain. From the prophet to the priest they have practiced deceit. They assure everyone of peace when there is no peace. They are without shame and will be punished.

__13-17_The LORD says, there will be no harvest. An enemy from the north is coming to devour the land. The LORD will have departed. The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no healing for my people?

Jeremiah 9
At a Glance (26 V)
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1-9_I feel like weeping for my people day and night. Their sins have brought this upon them. Their lives were full of deception. Therefore, the LORD says, I will refine them. What else can I do?

__10-16_The land is laid waste because of them. Jerusalem will be a heap of ruins and Judah's cities will be desolate. And all of this is because they have forsaken My law. They have chosen to walk after the stubbornness of their own hearts and after the Baals as their fathers did. I will scatter them among the nations.

__17-24_Thus says the LORD, consider the pain and the tears. Let no one boast of his wisdom, or of his strength, or of his riches. Let him only boast that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises loving kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth. For I delight in these things, declares the LORD.

__25-26_The days are coming when I will punish all who are circumcised and yet uncircumcised. For all the house of Israel is like the nations around her. Her heart has not been circumcised.

Jeremiah 10
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-5_Hear the word of the LORD. Do not learn the way of the nations. Do not be terrified by the signs in the heavens, even though the nations are terrified by them. Their gods are like a scarecrow in a cucumber field. They cannot speak. They must be carried. They can do neither good or harm.

__6-10_There is none like Thee, O Lord. Thou art great. Who would not fear Thee? Their gods are made of beautiful materials, but they are only the work of skilled craftsmen. But the LORD is the true God. He is living and everlasting. In His wrath the earth quakes. The nations cannot endure His indignation.

__11-18_It is He who made the earth by His power, His wisdom and understanding. By contrast, every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols that do not breath. The LORD of Hosts is the Maker of everything. Israel is the tribe of His inheritance. He says, I am removing you from the land that you may find truth.

__19-25_Woe is me. I have been injured with a wound that will not heal. I have lost everything. I hear a report that the cities of Judah have been made a desolation.

I understand that a man does not choose what is right. Correct me, O Lord, but with justice and not with Thine anger, lest I be destroyed.

Jeremiah 11
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-8_Hear the LORD's covenant. To ignore it will result in a curse. It is the same covenant I made with your forefathers way back when they came out of Egypt and I promised them a land flowing with milk and honey. Tell all the cities of Judah that I solemnly warned them and they did not obey My commands.

__9-13_The men of Judah have committed a conspiracy by turning back to the iniquities of their ancestors. They refuse to hear My words and have gone to other gods. So I will bring disaster on them and there will be no escape.

__14-23_Do not pray for this people. I will not listen when they call to Me. No sacrifice will take away what is coming.

My message caused some to make threats against me. The LORD told me to no longer prophesy to them in His name. He was about to punish them.

Jeremiah 12
At a Glance (17 V)
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1-4_Because you are righteous, O Lord, I will plead my case with You. Why do those who do wrong live a life of ease? They seem to have all the benefits of Your blessing. Why don't You drag them off as sheep to the slaughter?

__5-13_If you run with the footmen and tire, how can you run against horses?

Do not believe someone just because he says nice things to you.

I have turned my back on my inheritance. That which I cared most about is gone.

The whole land has been made desolate. The LORD's sword has devoured the land. No one has peace.

__14-17_Thus says the LORD concerning the wicked: I am about to uproot you from your land. Later I will have compassion on you and bring you back, each to his own inheritance. It will come about if you really learn My ways instead of the false ways of Baal, then you will be built up. Otherwise I will uproot and destroy you.

Jeremiah 13
At a Glance (27 V)
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1-6_The LORD told me to buy a linen waistband to begin wearing it. He told me not to put it in water. I did just as He had directed.

The word of the LORD came to me a second time. Go to the Euphrates and hide your waistband in a crevice of the rock there by the river. After many days the LORD told me to go dig it up.

__7-10_I went to the Euphrates and dug up the linen waistband. It was totally ruined. The LORD said, just as the waistband is ruined, I will totally destroy the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. This people refuses to listen to Me. They have gone after other gods.

__11-14_For as the waistband clings to the waist of a man, so I wanted the whole household of Israel to cling to Me. As My people they would be renown for praise and glory. But they would not listen.

Therefore have them fill every jug with wine. I am about to fill everyone with drunkenness. I will destroy everyone without pity.

__15-19_Listen to what the LORD has said. Give glory to God before it is too late. But if you will not listen, My soul will sob in secret for because of your pride as you are taken captive. Your royalty will lose their power. All of Judah will be carried into exile.

__20-23_Look, see those coming from the north? Where is the flock you were given to care for? If you are wondering why this is happening it is because of your iniquity. You who are accustom to doing evil can no more change then a leopard can change his spots. I am going to scatter you like straw in a desert wind.

__24-27_This is the portion I have measured out for you, says the LORD. Because you have forgotten Me and trusted falsehood, I am shaming you. I have seen the abominations of your adulterous behavior. Woe to you, O Jerusalem. How long will you remain unclean?

Jeremiah 14
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-9_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah regarding the drought. Judah mourns because there is no water. The ground is cracked. There is no rain in the land. Even the doe in the field abandons its young. Truly, O Lord, our apostasies have been many. We have sinned against You. You are our only hope. Do not forsake us.

__10-12_Thus says the LORD to His people. You have loved to wander. Now you are being called to account for your sins.

The LORD told me not to pray for this people. Their fasting and their offerings will make no difference. He said, I am going to make an end of them using sword, famine and pestilence.

__13-18_I told the LORD that there were prophets telling them false prophesies. The LORD said, they and the people who listen to them will suffer greatly for their wickedness. At best they have disease and famine to look forward to.

__19-22_Have you completely rejected Judah? We wait for peace and healing. We know our wickedness, O Lord, we have sinned against You. Do not despise us, for Your own name's sake. It is You, O Lord, Who gives us rain. Therefore we will hope in You, for You are the one Who does all these things.

Jeremiah 15
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-9_Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me pleading for you, I would not listen. Some of you are destined for the sword and death. Some of you are destined for famine and captivity. I shall make this people an object lesson to all the kingdoms because of their sins. I am tired of relenting.

__10-21_People will wish they had never been born. They will curse each other. Just as iron cannot be smashed, just so the enemy will not be resisted.

I will watch over those who have loved My words. They will become My spokesmen. I am with you to save you during this very hard time.

Jeremiah 16
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-4_The LORD told me that I could not take a wife or have children. Wives and children would die of deadly diseases. There would be so many dying so that they would not be lamented. The birds would eat them for they would not be buried.

__5-13_Do not lament the dead for I have withdrawn My loving kindness and compassion. And do not go into a house that is feasting. I am going to eliminate all rejoicing from this place. Tell this people that all of this has come because their forefathers' detestable idols and they have been even worse. I will hurl you out of the land.

__14-21_The day will come when I bring you back. But for now I will doubly repay this people for their iniquity. They have polluted My land with their detestable idols and their abominations. I am going to make them know My power and might. They shall know that My name is the LORD.

Jeremiah 17
At a Glance (27 V)
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1-4_The sin of Judah is engraved on their heart. So they remember their alters and their Asherim. You are giving up your inheritance and are going to serve your enemies in a place you have never seen. You have kindled a fire that in My anger will not go out.

__5-11_Thus says the LORD. Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and whose heart turns away from the LORD. Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD. He will be like a fruitful tree planted by the water. The heart is more deceitful than anything else. It is desperately wicked. Who can understand it?

__12-18_Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed. Save me and I will be saved. Thou art my refuge in the day of disaster.

__19-23_Thus the LORD said to me. Go and stand in the public gate where everyone goes in and out. Say to them, listen to the word of the LORD. Do not carry any load on the Sabbath day or bring anything in through the gates of Jerusalem. You are to keep the Sabbath day as I commanded your forefathers. Yet you have not listened.

__24-27_If you listen to Me and bring no load in through the gates on Sabbath, but keep the day holy, then kings and princes will continue to sit on David's throne and there will be much thanksgiving. But if you do not listen to me to keep My Sabbath day holy, I will kindle a fire in Jerusalem's gates that will not go out.

Jeremiah 18
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-4_The LORD told me to go down to the potter's house where He would have something to tell me. When I got there the potter was having difficulty with the lump of clay on his potter's wheel. So he decided to make it into something different than he had originally intended.

__5-12_Then the LORD said to me, I will deal with Israel just as the potter deals with a difficult lump of clay. I can make revised choices for a nation based on how it reacts to My messages to it. Tell the men of Judah to turn back for I am fashioning calamity against them. But I know they will follow their own plans.

__13-17_My people have forgotten Me. They burn incense to worthless gods. I will scatter them like the east wind. I will show them My back and not My face.

__18-23_Some who would not believe that you could do this to their nation are devising plans against Jeremiah.

O Lord, listen to me. Should good be repaid with evil? You know their deadly designs against me. Deal with them in the time of Thine anger.

Jeremiah 19
At a Glance (15 V)
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1-2_The LORD told me to buy a potter's earthenware jar and take some of the leading elders and senior priests to the valley of Benhinnom near the potsherd gate and there proclaim the words I shall tell you.

__3-6_Hear the word of the LORD. I am about to bring calamity upon this place because they have forsaken Me. They have worshiped other gods and have filled this place with the blood of the innocent while offering burnt offerings to Baal. The days are coming when this place shall be called the valley of slaughter.

__7-11_I shall make this city a desolate place. They will eat each other in the siege.

Then you are to break the jar in the sight of those who accompany you. Say to them, thus says the LORD of Hosts, just so shall I break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter's vessel and it cannot be repaired.

__12-15_The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah will be defiled.

Jeremiah stood in the courts of the LORD's house and said to the people: the LORD says, behold I am about to bring calamity on this city and all its towns, because they have not heeded My words.

Jeremiah 20
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-2_When Pashhur, the priest, along with he chief officers of the house of the LORD heard Jeremiah prophesying these things, he had Jeremiah beaten and put in stocks at the upper Benjamin gate by the house of the LORD.

__3-6_The next day when Pashhur released Jeremiah, Jeremiah told him that he would watch while his friends fell by the sword of their enemies. Babylon would carry some of them away into exile. God says that He will give the wealth of the city in to the hand of their enemies who will take everything to Babylon.

__7-13_Lord, I have become the laughingstock of everyone. They mock me. Yet the LORD is with me. My persecutors will stumble and be ashamed. Sing to the LORD. Praise Him, for He will deliver the soul of the needy one from the hand of evil doers.

__14-18_Curse the day I was born. It would have been good if I had died before birth so that my mother would have been my grave. I came forth from the womb to look on sorrow and trouble. My days are spent in shame.

Jeremiah 21
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-7_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah when king Zedekiah sent Pashhur and Zephaniah the priest to inquire of the LORD concerning Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon who was besieging Jerusalem. Jeremiah told them that God would give them into Nebuchadnezzar's hand that resisting would only make things worse for them.

__8-14_God says, tell this people that I have set before them the way of life and the way of death. He who dwells in the city will die by the sword, famine and pestilence. He who goes out and surrenders will live. Tell the king of Judah, you should have administered justice. My wrath is going against you because of your evil deeds.

Jeremiah 22
At a Glance (30 V)
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1-3_The LORD told me to go down to the house of the king of Judah and tell him that he must do justice and righteousness, and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of his oppressor. And do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow. Do not shed innocent blood.

__4-9_If you do this your throne will continue. But if not, this house will become desolate and this place a wilderness. Your choicest trees will be cut down for firewood. People of other nations will ask why the LORD has done this to this great city. It will be explained to them that you forsook the LORD's covenant.

__10-16_Weep for those who are taken away. They shall never return. Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness, using his neighbor's labor without pay, whose highest goal is to build a fancier house. Kings before you pleaded the cause of the afflicted and the needy. Then it was well. Is not this what it means to know Me?

__17-23_But your heart is intent only on dishonest gain. You shed blood and practice oppression and extortion. I spoke to you in your prosperity. You would not listen. You have done this from your youth. You have not obeyed My voice. Very hard times are coming on you and you will groan like a woman in childbirth!

__24-30_As I live, declares the LORD, I shall give you into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon. I will hurl you and your mother into another country. And there you will die. Neither you or your children will rule again in Judah.

Jeremiah 23
At a Glance (40 V)
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1-3_Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture, declares the LORD. I am about to attend to you for your evil deeds. I Myself shall gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and bring them back to their pasture. And they will be fruitful and multiply.

__4-6_I shall raise up shepherds over them and they will tenderly care for them. Behold, the days are coming when I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch. And He will reign as king and act wisely doing justice and righteousness in the land. The name by which He will be called is the LORD our Righteousness.

__7-12_The days are coming when the people will no longer celebrate having been delivered from Egypt nearly as much as they will rejoice over being brought back from the countries where I have driven them. Then they will again live on their own soil. In the mean time, I shall bring calamity on them for all their wickedness.

__13-15_The prophets of Samaria led Israel astray when they prophesied by Baal. These prophets were guilty of committing adultery, walking in falsehood and strengthening the hand of the evil doer. The prophets of Jerusalem have done the same things, polluting the land with their teaching.

__16-22_The LORD says, do not listen to these prophets who are leading you into futility, speaking of visions of their own imagination, advising those working against Me that they will have peace. The anger of the LORD is coming upon you and will not be turned back until He has carried out His purposes. Eventually you will come to understand.

__23-27_I am everywhere. I fill the heavens and the earth. I see everything. Nothing is hidden from Me. I have heard when the prophets have prophesied falsely in My name, saying that they had a dream from Me. These prophets intend to make the people forget My name, just as their fathers forgot My name because of Baal.

__28-32_What does straw have in common with grain, declares the LORD? Is not My word like fire, and like a hammer that shatters rock? I am against these false prophets who lead My people astray with their falsehoods. I have not sent them. They do not furnish this people the slightest benefit.

__33-40_When the people, or the prophet, or a priest, ask for the word of the LORD, tell them that the LORD has abandoned them. Say to them, what has the LORD already spoken? Therefore, I will surely forget you and cast you away. I will put an everlasting reproach on you. It will be an everlasting humiliation which will not be forgotten.

Jeremiah 24
At a Glance (10 V)
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1-2_Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, carried away captive Jeconiah, son of Jehoiakim, officials of Judah and craftsmen and smiths from Jerusalem. He brought them to Babylon. After this the LORD showed me two baskets of figs. One basket had good figs and the other had rotten figs.

__3-7_The LORD asked me what I saw and I said, figs, some good and some bad. The LORD then said, I will regard the captives who have gone to Babylon as good figs. I will build them up and give them a heart to know Me. I will be their God for they will return to Me with their whole heart.

__8-10_Just as the bad figs cannot be eaten, so I will abandon Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials as well as those remaining in Jerusalem. I will send the sword, famine and pestilence until they are destroyed from the land that I gave to them and their forefathers.

Jeremiah 25
At a Glance (38 V)
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1-3_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah - this was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Jeremiah said to the people, from the thirteenth year of Josiah I have told you the word of God for twenty three years, and you have not listened.

__4-11_The LORD sent you other prophets that you have not listened to, either. They have told you to turn from your evil deeds. Do not serve other gods and thus provoking the LORD to anger. Because you have not listened the LORD says that He will send many of you away to Babylon. He says that He will take away rejoicing and make this land desolate.

__12-26_After seventy years have passed I will punish Babylon and they will become slaves of other nations. I know which nations will drink the cup of wrath I have for them. This included Egypt, Uz, the Philistines, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon. Also Dedan, Tema, Buz and Arabia. Zimri, Elam, Media and Sheshach.

__27-31_The LORD says that you must surely drink this cup from the LORD God. I am beginning a work of punishment in Jerusalem and if they must suffer punishment, so must you.

Therefore, you must prophecy against all with these words. The LORD has a controversy against the nations.

__32-38_Thus says the LORD, a great storm is being stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth. Those slain by the LORD on that day shall be from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented or buried. The LORD's anger is fierce.

Jeremiah 26
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-6_In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the LORD said, speak to the people when they come to worship in the LORD's house. Maybe they will listen and turn from their evil ways so that I do not have to bring evil upon them. Tell them they are to walk in My law. Because they have not listened, I will make this city a curse.

__7-9_The priests and prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the LORD. They were the words the LORD had told him to speak. Everyone seized him, saying, you must die. Why have you prophesied in the name of the LORD saying these terrible things about this city?

__10-11_When the princes of Judah heard about this they sat at the New Gate of the LORD's house and listened to the priests and prophets make their case for Jeremiah's death because he had prophesied against the city of Jerusalem.

__12-15_Jeremiah spoke to the officials and all the people, saying, the LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and this city. Amend your ways and obey the voice of the LORD your God and He will change His pronouncements against you. Put me to death if you will but you will bring innocent blood on yourselves and on this city.

__16-19_Then the princes and all the people said to the priests and prophets, there can be no death sentence for this man. He has spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God. Some of the elders recalled how in the days of Hezekiah, Micah had given such a message and Hezekiah hadn't put him to death. God had changed His mind then.

__20-24_Then they recalled that there had been a message against this city from Uriah. He then fled to Egypt, was brought back and killed by Jehoiakim.

So the hand of Ahikam the son of Shaphan was with Jeremiah and he was not given into the hands of the people to be put to death.

Jeremiah 27
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-7_In the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, make for yourself bonds and a yoke for your neck, and send a message to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon. Tell them that I the LORD have made everything on earth and I am giving it into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.

__8-11_And it will be that any nation that will not serve Babylon, I will put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and that nation will be punished with sword, famine and pestilence. Do not listen to your prophets when they tell you not to let Babylon rule over you. If you submit, I will let you remain on your land.

__12-22_I spoke these words to Zedekiah telling him to submit to Babylon so that he and the people might live. I told the same thing to the priests. Thus says the LORD, if you will not listen, those vessels in the house of the LORD which Babylon did not carry away, and the laver and the pillars, will be carried away into Babylon.

Jeremiah 28
At a Glance (17 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_In the fourth year and the fifth month of Zedekiah, Hananiah the prophet from Gibeon spoke to me in the house of the LORD and in the presence of the priests and the people, saying, God told me He has broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.

__3-6_He said that within two years He will bring back all the vessels of the LORD's house that were taken to Babylon. And He will bring back all the exiles, too. Jeremiah responded by saying to Hananiah in the presence of the priests and all the people, may the LORD confirm your words.

__7-11_Yet hear what I am about to say. The prophet whose prophecy comes true has been sent of God.

Then Hananiah took the wooden yoke from Jeremiah's neck and broke it, and said, even so, God will break the yoke of Babylon in two years. And Jeremiah went his way.

__12-17_The LORD told Jeremiah to give a message to Hananiah. You have broken the yoke of wood. It shall be replaced with a yoke of iron. The LORD has not sent you. Because you have made the people believe a lie, you will die.

So Hananiah died in the seventh month of the same year.

Jeremiah 29
At a Glance (32 V)
See Each Verse

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1-10_Jeremiah sent a letter from Jerusalem to the elders of the exile, the priests, the prophets and all the people Nebuchadnezzar had taken into captivity in Babylon. The letter said that God was telling them to get on with their lives while in captivity. It would be 70 years before they returned from Babylon.

__11-14_For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will restore your fortunes and bring you back from exile.

__15-20_You may think I have raised up prophets in Babylon telling you something other than what I say to you now. Remember, I caused everything bad to happen to you because you have not listened to My prophets. So I advise you, listen to them from now on.

__21-23_I have this to say concerning those who are prophesying falsely in My name, behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, and he will slay them while you watch. The memory of their end will become a curse that people will use. They acted foolishly in Israel. I am a witness to the false things they have said in My name.

__24-32_Shemaiah the Nehelamite claimed that the LORD had made him priest instead of Jehoiada. He refuted Jeremiah's prophecy that the exile would be long.

Then Jeremiah sent a letter to the exiles saying that the LORD would punish Shemaiah and his descendants because he had preached rebellion.

Jeremiah 30
At a Glance (24 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah telling him to write the words He spoke.

Behold, the days are coming when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah and bring them back to the land of their forefathers. They will experience Jacob's distress but will be saved from it.

__8-11_In that day, declares the LORD, I will break the yoke of slavery from off their neck. You will serve the LORD your God, and David your king, whom I will raise up for you. O Jacob, My servant, I will save you, declares the LORD. But if you will not obey I will chasten you justly and will by no means leave you unpunished.

__12-17_Thus says the LORD, your wound is incurable, and your injury is serious. There is no one to plead your cause. Your lovers have forgotten you. Because of your many sins I have done these things to you. I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.

__18-22_Thus says the LORD, I will restore the fortunes of Jacob. The city will be rebuilt and the palace shall stand in it rightful place. Thanksgiving will be heard once again. I will multiply and honor them. I will punish their oppressors and one of their own will lead them. You shall be My people and I shall be your God.

__23-24_Behold, the tempest of the LORD will burst on the head of the wicked. His fierce anger will not be turned back until it accomplishes the intent of His heart. In the latter days you will understand this.

Jeremiah 31
At a Glance (40 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_At that time, declares the LORD, I will be the God of all Israel and they shall be My people. I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore, I have drawn you to Me with loving kindness. Once again you will plant vineyards and enjoy them. Once again you will prepare to go to Zion to the LORD your God.

__7-9_Thus says the LORD, I am bringing them from the north country and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth, all those in the most need. A great company shall return here. They will come with weeping and I will make them walk by streams of water on a straight path in which they will not stumble.

__10-14_Hear the word of the LORD, O nations. He who scattered Israel will gather them once more and keep them as His flock. He has redeemed them and they shall shout for joy. I will turn their mourning into joy. My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.

__15-20_Thus says the LORD, Rachel is weeping for her children in Ramah, refusing to be comforted because they are no more. The LORD says, stop your weeping for your work shall be rewarded. There is hope for your future and your children shall return. Ephraim is My dear son. I certainly remember him and will have mercy on him.

__21-26_Set up road marks and guideposts that you may find your way back. How long will you wander in faithlessness? For the LORD has created a new thing. A woman will encompass a man. Once again they will live as I originally intended. I will satisfy the weary and refresh everyone who languishes.

__27-34_The day is coming when I will manage Israel and Judah, removing the bad and keeping the good. I will make a new covenant with them, and put My law within them by writing it on their hearts. I will be their God and they shall be My people. They will not need teaching for they will all know Me and their sin will not be remembered.

__35-40_Thus says the LORD Who created the sun for daylight and the moon and stars for ordering the night. Just as these shall continue, so shall my loyalty to Israel remain forever. Behold, the days are coming when the city shall be rebuilt and it shall not be overthrown any more.

Jeremiah 32
At a Glance (44 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah. This was also the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar. At this time the army of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem. Zedekiah had shut up Jeremiah the prophet in the court of his guard because he had prophesied that Jerusalem would fall to Babylon.

__4-5_Jeremiah had prophesied that Zedekiah would not escape but be taken to Babylon. It would be useless to fight against Babylon.

__6-15_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah saying that he would be approached with the right of redemption to purchase a field and that he should exercise that right. So Jeremiah bought the field for seventeen shekels. The transaction was properly witnessed and the deed stored in a safe place to show that the land had a future.

__16-25_Jeremiah prayed to the LORD saying that nothing was too difficult for Him. Everything happening to Jerusalem was within His will. Even though the city would surely fall Jeremiah would own the land he, or his family, would benefit.

__26-35_Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah saying, I am about to give this city to Nebuchadnezzar who will burn it and the places where the people offered incense to Baal. From their youth the children of Israel and Judah have done evil in My sight. They have brought detestable things into the house which is called by My name.

__36-44_Even though I have given Israel and Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, I will one day gather them from all the lands into which I have driven them. They shall be My people and I will be their God. They will buy fields and sign and seal deeds in this place. I will rejoice over them and restore their fortunes.

Jeremiah 33
At a Glance (26 V)
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1-9_Thus says the LORD, even though Jerusalem is about to fall, the day will come when I restore its fortunes. And I will cleanse them of all their iniquity. Jerusalem shall be to me a name of joy, praise and glory, before all the nations of the earth. They shall fear and tremble because of all the good I do for it.

__10-11_Yet again there will be heard the voice of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the bride, the voice of those who say, Give thanks to the LORD of Hosts, for the LORD is good, for His loving kindness is everlasting. And you will hear the voices of those bringing their thank offerings. I will restore the land.

__12-18_The days are coming when I will fulfill the good word that I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and Judah. In those days I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth. He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth. In those days Jerusalem shall be called, the LORD is our Righteousness.

__19-26_Thus says the LORD, My covenant is as certain as day and night in their appointed time. I will restore Israel's and Judah's fortunes and I will have mercy on them.

Jeremiah 34
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah when Nebuchadnezzar and his armies were fighting against Jerusalem and all of it cities. Tell king Zedekiah that I am giving this city to Nebuchadnezzar and he will burn it with fire. You will be captured and meet him face to face, and then you will go to Babylon.

__4-11_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah with these words to say to Zedekiah: Hear the word of the LORD, O Zedekiah. You will not die by the sword. You will die in peace and be lamented at your death.

Zedekiah had made a proclamation that every slave should be set free. The people did this and then went back on their word.

__12-16_Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah saying, I made a covenant with your fathers when I brought them out of Egypt saying that every seven years you shall set your Hebrew brother free. But your fathers did not obey Me. By taking back your servants after freeing them, you too have profaned My name.

__17-22_Because you have not obeyed Me by releasing each man his brother, you will suffer by the sword, pestilence and famine. I will give into the hand of their enemies those who have transgressed My covenant. This city shall be made a desolation without inhabitant.

Jeremiah 35
At a Glance (19 V)
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1-10_The LORD told Jeremiah to call the whole house of the Rechabites into the house of the LORD and offer them wine to drink. When they were offered the wine they said they would not drink it because Rechab, their forefather, had forbidden any of his descendants to drink wine or live in houses. We have obeyed the voice of our father Jonadab, the son of Rechab.

__11-16_Because Nebuchadnezzar has come against the land we have moved into Jerusalem.

Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah saying, tell the men of Judah that the sons of Rechab have obeyed their father but you have not obeyed Me. Repeatedly I have asked you to turn from your evil ways but you have ignored Me.

__17-19_Therefore the LORD will bring disaster on Judah and all of its inhabitants.

Then Jeremiah told the Rachabites that the LORD was promising them that Joadab the son of Rechab would not lack a man to stand before the LORD forever.

Jeremiah 36
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-3_In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the LORD told Jeremiah to take a scroll and write on it all the words the LORD had spoken concerning Judah and the other nations the LORD had spoken about. He did this in the hope that every man of Judah would turn from his evil way so that the LORD might forgive their iniquity.

__4-8_Jeremiah called Baruch to write down on the scroll what he dictated concerning the LORD's words. He told Baruch that he, Jeremiah, was restricted from going into the house of the LORD. So Baruch was to go there and read the scroll to the people. Perhaps they will repent. Baruch went and read the words of the LORD in the LORD's house.

__9-14_During the fifth year and the ninth month of Jehoiakim's reign many of the people were in Jerusalem to proclaim a fast before the LORD. Baruch read Jeremiah's scroll to them. Micaiah heard him and reported all he had said to the officials in the king's house. They then called Baruch to bring his scroll and read it to them.

__15-19_They invited Baruch to sit with them and read the scroll. Having heard the words of the scroll they agreed that the king should hear these words. They asked Baruch where the scroll had come from. When he told them that Jeremiah had dictated it, they said that both he and Jeremiah should go into hiding for the time being.

__20-22_Then the officials took the scroll and left it with Elishama the scribe while they reported the words to the king. The king sent Jehudi for the scroll and then had him read it out loud. The king was sitting in his winter house with a fire burning in a brazier in front of him.

__23-24_When Jehudi had read three or four columns, the king would cut it from the scroll with a scribe's knife and throw it into the brazier. He continued to do this until the entire scroll had been burned up. Even though the king and all his servants had heard the words, they were not afraid.

__25-26_Even though three of those present had asked king Jehoiakim not to burn the scroll, he would not listen. The king then commanded that Jeremiah and Baruch be seized, but the LORD hid them.

__27-32_Then the LORD told Jeremiah to take another scroll and to write everything from the first scroll on it. And concerning Jehoiakim you shall say, thus says the LORD, you have burned the scroll because it said that Babylon will overcome this land. You shall die. Your sons will not follow you. And Baruch wrote it all down.

Jeremiah 37
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-4_Nebuchadnezzar made Zedekiah, a brother to Jehoiakim, king of Judah. But once again, none of them would listen to the words of the LORD spoken through Jeremiah. Zedekiah did send a message to Jeremiah asking him to pray to the LORD in our behalf. Jeremiah was still moving about freely. They had not yet put him in prison.

__5-8_Pharaoh's army had set out from Egypt and when the Chaldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard the report they lifted the siege on Jerusalem. The LORD told Jeremiah to tell the king of Judah that Pharaoh, who had been coming to their assistance, would return to Egypt. The Chaldeans will return and burn their city with fire.

__9-12_Do not be deceived into thinking that the Chaldeans are gone for good. They will prevail against you.

Now it happened that when the siege had been lifted by the Chaldeans because of Pharaoh's army, that Jeremiah went out of Jerusalem to the land of Benjamin to take possession of some property.

__13-16_While he was at the Gate of Benjamin a captain of the guard arrested Jeremiah accusing him of defecting to the Chaldeans. Jeremiah denied this but the guard would not listen. He brought Jeremiah to the officials who beat him and put him into the dungeon where he remained many days.

__17-20_King Zedekiah brought him out of prison to his palace and secretly asked him if there any word from the LORD? Jeremiah said, yes. You will be given into the hand of the king of Babylon. Where are your prophets who prophesied smooth things? And why have I been put into prison? Please do not put me back there.

__21_Then Zedekiah commanded that Jeremiah be kept in the court of the guardhouse and be given a loaf of bread every day. This was done until all the bread in the city was gone. So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guardhouse.

Jeremiah 38
At a Glance (28 V)
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1-6_Jeremiah was heard telling the people that those who stay in the city will die by the sword, famine or pestilence. He who goes out to the Chaldeans will save his life. The LORD says that this city will fall to the Babylonians. Zedekiah let his officials put Jeremiah down into a cistern with ropes where Jeremiah sank into the mud.

__7-13_An Ethiopian eunuch named Ebed-Melech spoke to Zedekiah in Jeremiah's favor and the king told him to take thirty men and get Jeremiah out of the cistern before he died. Using ropes and rages under Jeremiah's arms, Ebed-Melech lifted him out of the cistern. Jeremiah then stayed in the court of the guardhouse.

__14-16_King Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah and said to him, please do not hide anything from me. Jeremiah said, if I do this you will certainly put me to death. Besides, you will not take my advice. But Zedekiah swore by God that he would not put Jeremiah to death or turn him over to those seeking his life.

__17-19_Jeremiah said, thus says the LORD. If you will go out to the officers of the king of Babylon, you will live and this city will not be burned, neither will your household be destroyed. Otherwise the city will be burned and you will not escape. Zedekiah said that he was afraid of those who had already gone to the Babylonians.

__20-26_Jeremiah told him that he would not be given over to them and that he should obey the LORD. Otherwise the city would be burned and his family would not escape. Zedekiah said that no one should know of their conversation and that Jeremiah would not die.

__27-28_The officials came to Jeremiah asking what he and the king had discussed. Jeremiah said that he had been pleading his case to the king and they left him alone since no one had actually heard the conversation. So Jeremiah stayed in the court of the guardhouse until the city was captured.

Jeremiah 39
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-5_In king Zedekiah's eleventh year Babylon breached the city wall and came into the city. Zedekiah and all the men of war saw them and fled the city through the king's garden. The Babylonians pursued them and caught up with them. They took Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon who then passed sentence on him.

__6-10_The king of Babylon killed Zedekiah's sons and the nobles of Judah. He then put out Zedekiah's eyes. His palace was burned with fire and the walls of Jerusalem were broken down. Anyone found in the city was taken into exile in Babylon. Some of the poorest people were left to care for the fields and vineyards.

__11-18_Nebuchadnezzar gave orders that Jeremiah was not to be harmed in any way. His wishes were to be granted.

The LORD had told Ebed-Melech through Jeremiah that he would be protected from those who might wish him harm because he had trusted the LORD.

Jeremiah 40
At a Glance (16 V)
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1-4_The captain of the bodyguard had taken Jeremiah in chains with the exiles of Jerusalem and Judah that were being taken to Babylon. He said to Jeremiah, the LORD your God promised this calamity against this place. Behold, I am going to free you and you can come with us under my protection and provision.

__5-6_Or if you prefer, you may stay with Gedaliah whom the king of Babylon appointed over the cities of Judah. It is your choice. So Jeremiah stayed with Gedaliah and the rest of the people left in the land.

__7-12_When all the Jews from the surrounding countryside and from Moab and among the sons of Ammon and in Edom heard the Gedaliah had been appointed by Babylon to oversee them, listened when he said they should gather the wine, the summer fruit and the oil.

__13-16_Johanan spoke secretly to Geladiah telling him that a man named Ishmael was being sent from Ammon to kill him. Gedaliah did not believe them. Johanan then sought permission to kill Ishmael. Geladiah wouldn't hear of it.

Jeremiah 41
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-4_During the seventh month Ishmael who was of the royal family came with ten men to meet with Gedaliah. While they were eating bread at Mizpah, Ishmael and his men put Gedaliah to death. They also struck the Jews with Gedaliah and the Chaldeans who were men of war that had been left to keep order.

__5-7_The next day before anyone knew of the slaughter of the previous day, eighty men came from Shechem, Shiloh and Samaria with their beards shaved off, their clothes torn, bringing grain offerings and incense to the LORD. Ishmael came out to meet them, weeping as he went. He invited them in. Once they were in he killed them.

__8-10_Ishmael let ten of them live because they said they had wheat, barley, oil and honey hidden in the field. The rest whom he had killed he threw in a cistern. He took captive the remnant of the people at Mizpah, including the king's daughters, and proceeded to cross over to the sons of Ammon.

__11-15_Johanan and all the commanders heard of what Ishmael had done. They took all their men and went to fight with Ishmael. They found him by the great pool of Gibeon. When Ishmael's captives saw Johanan and his men they rejoiced and turned back to him. Ishmael escaped with eight men to the sons of Ammon.

__16-18_Then Johanan and the commanders made plans to go to Egypt because they feared the Chaldeans would take revenge for what Ishmael had done to Gedaliah and the others at Mizpah.

Jeremiah 42
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-6_Then the commanders and Johanan came to Jeremiah asking him to pray to the LORD for guidance as to what they should do. Jeremiah agreed to pray and the people promised to do whatever the LORD told them to do.

__7-17_At the end of ten days the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah. He called all the people together and told them that the LORD wanted them to stay right there on the land. He would take care of them. They were not to be afraid of Babylon. If you go to Egypt, the sword, famine and pestilence will over take you there.

__18-22_Then Jeremiah told them that the LORD's wrath which He had poured out on Jerusalem would be poured out on them if they did not listen. To ask for the LORD's direction while planning to follow their own plans would result in certain destruction. The LORD has spoken, Jeremiah said. Do not go to Egypt.

Jeremiah 43
At a Glance (13 V)
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1-3_As soon as Jeremiah had finished telling all the people the words of the LORD, Azariah, Johanan and all the arrogant men told him he was lying about what the LORD had said. They accused Baruch of inciting him against them so that the Chaldeans might put them to death or take them in exile to Babylon.

__4-7_Johanan and all the commanders did not obey the voice of the LORD to stay in Judah. Taking the entire remnant in Judah, men, women and children, the king's daughters, together with Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch, they went to Egypt as far as Tahpanhes.

__8-10_Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes saying, take some large stones and hide them in the mortar in the brick terrace at the entrance to Pharaoh's palace while some of the Jews are watching. Then tell them that the God of Israel will send for Nebuchadnezzar and he will set his throne over these stones.

__11-13_He will come and strike the land of Egypt. Some will be killed and some will be taken captive. And I will set fire to the temples of the gods of Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar will also shatter the obelisks of Heliopolis which is in the land of Egypt.

Jeremiah 44
At a Glance (30 V)
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1-3_The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah for all the Jews living in Egypt at Tahpanhes. You have seen all the calamity I have brought on Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah. They are in ruins and no one lives in them because of the wickedness they and their fathers committed by serving other gods.

__4-7_Yet I sent My prophets asking you not to do this abominable thing that I hate. You did not listen or stop burning sacrifices to other gods. Because of this I poured out my wrath and so the streets of the cities of Judah and Jerusalem have become a ruin. Your current actions are going to leave you without a remnant.

__8-13_Your acts of wickedness, like that of your fathers, has provoked Me to anger. Because you have not become contrite, and have not walked in My law or My statutes, therefore says the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, I am going to set My face against you, and even to cut off all of Judah. I am punishing you as I punished Jerusalem.

__14-16_There will be just a few survivors from the remnant of Judah who have entered Egypt. Then all the men who were aware that their wives were burning sacrifices to other gods, along with all the women standing by in the large assembly responded by saying that they would not listen to this message.

__17-19_Instead we will continue as before, burning sacrifices to the queen of heaven. When we did this in Jerusalem we always had plenty of food and were well off. We didn't see any misfortune. Since we stopped burning sacrifices to the queen of heaven we have lacked everything.

__20-30_Jeremiah responded by saying, you did these things until the LORD was no longer able to endure it. Because of your actions, your land has become a ruin and calamity has fallen on you. The LORD says He will bring harm on you and not good in this place. Only a few of you will leave Egypt. He will give Pharaoh over to Babylon.

Jeremiah 45
At a Glance (5 V)
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1-5_Jeremiah spoke this message as Baruch wrote it down in the fourth year of Jehoiakim.

The LORD has added sorrow to my pain. I am weary with groaning. I have no rest. The LORD is going to tear down what He has built. He will bring disaster on all flesh, but He will give your life as booty wherever you may go.

Jeremiah 46
At a Glance (28 V)
See Each Verse

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1-12_A message from God concerning Egypt when Nebuchadnezzar defeated its army beside the Euphrates River. Your best soldiers will flee in terror. Your boasting will come to nothing. There will be no cure for your wounds.

__13-26_Egypt cannot save you from exile. The LORD God will punish Amon, and the god of the Thebes, as well as all the other gods of Egypt. Afterwards the land shall recover from war.

__27-28_O My people, do not fear. You shall return to your own land. I will save you and bring your children from a distant land. I will destroy all the nations to which I exiled you. I will punish you only enough to correct you.

Jeremiah 47
At a Glance (7 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_This is God's message concerning the Philistines of Gaza. A strong force is coming from the north. Tyre and Sidon will be destroyed. And the LORD will destroy the Philistines.

Jeremiah 48
At a Glance (47 V)
See Each Verse

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1-10_Concerning Moab, the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel says, you will be destroyed. The sword will follow after you. Devastation and great destruction. Moab is broken. Flee, save your lives. Because you trusted in your own achievements and treasures you will be captured. No city will escape.

__11-35_Moab has been undisturbed since its beginning and it has stayed pretty much the same. The LORD says that Moab and its best warriors will be destroyed. Leave your cities and dwell among the crags. I shall make an end of Moab, declares the LORD.

__36-47_The LORD says, My heart wails for Moab. The hearts of the mighty men of Moab will be like the heart of a woman in labor. Moab will be destroyed from being a people because they were arrogant toward the LORD. Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days, declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 49
At a Glance (39 V)
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1-6_Concerning the sons of Ammon, the LORD says, behold the days are coming when I will cause a trumpet blast of war to sound against Ammon. Her towns will be set on fire and become a desolate heap. Behold, I am going to bring terror upon you. But afterwards I will restore the fortunes of the sons of Ammon.

__7-22_Concerning Edom, thus says the LORD. I will bring disaster upon Esau. Edom will become an object of horror. Everyone who passes by it will take note of its punishment. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, no one will live in Edom. Anyone who tries to settle there I will drive away. The LORD's decree will be known far and wide.

__23-27_Concerning Damascus, it has become helpless. Her young men will fall in her streets. The LORD says that He will set fire to the wall of Damascus and remove the fortified towers of Ben-Hadad.

__28-33_Concerning Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar defeated, thus says the LORD. Their belongings will be taken. Terror will be on every side. Hazor will become a haunt of jackals and a desolation forever.

__34-39_Here is what the LORD told Jeremiah concerning Elam. This was during the beginning of Zedekiah's reign. I will scatter Elam to the four winds. They will no longer be a nation. But it will come about in the last days that I will restore the fortunes of Elam, declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 50
At a Glance (46 V)
See Each Verse

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1-10_The word which the LORD spoke concerning Babylon: A nation will come up against her out of the north. Bel will be put to shame and Marduk will be shattered. In those days the sons of Judah will seek the LORD with weeping and join themselves to Him in an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten.

__11-16_Because Babylon was so jubilant in plundering My heritage, I will bring it to shame. Babylon will be brought low and her walls will be torn down. This is the LORD's vengeance against her.

__17-20_Israel is a scattered flock. The lions have driven them away. First Assyria and now Babylon. The LORD says He will punish Babylon, just as He punished Assyria. And He will bring Israel back to His pasture. In those days iniquity will not be found in Israel. God will have a remnant that He has pardoned.

__21-40_The LORD will summon many against Babylon to repay her according to her work. She has become arrogant against the LORD. The children of Israel are oppressed but their Redeemer, the LORD of Hosts, is strong. As He overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and no man lives there, so He will overthrow Babylon and no man will live there either.

__41-46_Behold, many people are coming from the north in battle against you, O daughter of Babylon. Your end is sure. It will be complete. All the nations will hear the outcry that Babylon has been seized.

Jeremiah 51
At a Glance (64 V)
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1-6_Thus says the LORD, I shall dispatch foreigners to Babylon that they may winnow her and devastate her land.

For neither Israel or Judah has been forsaken by his God, the LORD of Hosts, even though their land is full of guilt. Flee from the midst of Babylon and do not be destroyed in her punishment.

__7-14_Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD. The earth has been intoxicated as they have drunk her wine. Suddenly, Babylon has fallen and been broken. There is no healing for Babylon. Her judgment has reached unto heaven and her towers have gone up to the very skies. The LORD has aroused the Medes to destroy Babylon.

__15-16_It is the LORD who made the earth by His power. He established the world by His wisdom and by His understanding He stretched out the heavens. He causes the clouds to ascend and makes the lightening for the rain. He brings the wind from His storehouses.

__17-33_Mankind is without knowledge. The best craftsmen are put to shame when they make idols. It is not this way for those who make the LORD their strength and wisdom. The LORD says He will repay Babylon for her evil. She will become desolate forever. Babylon is like a threshing floor. Her time of harvest will come.

__34-44_May the violence done against My people come back on Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. The LORD will plead the case of the inhabitants of Zion. Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals. It will be an object of horror among the nations. The wall of Babylon will fall down.

__45-51_Come forth from her midst, My people, and each of you save yourselves from the fierce anger of the LORD. Indeed Babylon is to fall for the slain of Israel. We are disgraced because aliens have entered the holy place of the LORD's house.

__52-58_Though Babylon should ascend to the heavens and fortify her lofty stronghold, My destroyers will come to her, declares the LORD. Her broad wall will be completely razed and her high gates set on fire.

__59-64_Jeremiah wrote in a single scroll all the calamity that would come on Babylon. The scroll was to be read aloud after they arrived in Babylon. Then the scroll was to be tied to a stone and thrown into the middle of the Euphrates. You shall then say, just so shall Babylon sink down and not rise again.

Jeremiah 52
At a Glance (34 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king. He reigned eleven years in Jerusalem and did evil in the sight of the LORD. He rebelled against Babylon so in his ninth year of reign Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem and built a siege wall all around it. This went on until Zedekiah's eleventh year as king.

__6-8_Famine in Jerusalem became severe. When the city was finally broken into, the king and all the men of war fled by way of a gate in the king's garden. The army of the Chaldeans pursued Zedekiah overtaking him in the plains of Jericho. All his army had scattered from him.

__9-11_Zedekiah was captured and sentence was passed on him. His sons were slaughtered while he watched. The princes were also slaughtered. Then they put out Zedekiah's eyes, bound him in bronze fetters and took him to Babylon where he was put in prison until the day of his death.

__12-16_In the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Nebuzaradan, captain of the bodyguard, burned the house of the LORD, the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem. They broke down the walls around Jerusalem and carried into exile some of the poorest people. Some were left to be vinedressers and plowmen.

__17-19_The bronze pillars which were in the LORD's house, and the bronze sea, were broken in pieces and carried to Babylon. They also took all the pots, shovels, and various other items of bronze that had been used in the temple service. They also took many items of fine gold and fine silver that had been used in the temple service.

__20-23_The two pillars, the one sea, the twelve bronze bulls that were under the sea, along with all the other bronze items were beyond weight. Each pillar was eighteen cubits tall, twelve cubits in circumference and four fingers thick. Each had a bronze capital five cubits high with a network of one hundred pomegranates on each.

__24-34_Various officials from the temple and the king's court were taken to Babylon and there executed.

Jehoiachin, who had been kept in prison up to this point, was brought out and allowed to dress well and eat in the king's presence the rest of his life.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

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