Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Isaiah - At A Glance

66 Chapters - Written about 700 BC by Isaiah.

Theme: Return, repent, and be renewed. Rejoice in God's redemption.

Isaiah 1
At a Glance (31 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Heaven and earth are My witnesses. The sons which I have reared have revolted against Me. Even an ox or donkey knows its master but Israel does not recognize Me.

__4-6_Notice this sinful nation of people weighed down with iniquity. They are evil doers born of evil doers. They have abandoned the LORD.

Where will you take another hit? Your rebellion has made you sick from head to toe. You are covered with bruises, welts, and raw wounds. And you have no one to dress your wounds.

__7-9_Your land is desolate, your cities have been burned, and strangers are in your fields and vineyards. Unless the LORD had left some survivors, we would be like Sodom and Gomorrah.

__10-15_Hear Me now. I have enough of burnt offerings. Who has asked you to trample upon My courts? Stop bringing your worthless offerings. I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts. They make Me weary. When you pray to Me, I will hide My eyes. I will not listen because your hands are covered with blood.

__16-19_Wash yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Learn to do good, seek justice and reprove the ruthless. Defend the orphan and plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD. Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow. If you obey Me you will eat the best of the land.

__20-23_If you refuse to obey you will be devoured with the sword. Truly, the LORD has spoken.

The faithful city that was once full of righteousness has become a harlot. Murderers dwell in her. Your splendor is tarnished, your rulers are rebels. Everyone loves a bribe. They do not defend the orphan or hear the widow's plea.

__24-28_Therefore, the LORD says, I will turn against you. I will purify you until your judges are as they once were and your city can be called a city of righteousness. Zion will be redeemed with justice and righteousness. Sinners and transgressors will be crushed. Those who forsake the LORD shall come to an end.

__29-31_Surely you will come to loathe your places of false worship. Those who do these things shall burn with their sacred gardens. The fire will not be quenched.

Isaiah 2
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Here is the word which Isaiah saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: in the last days the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of mountains. All the nations will come to it to hear God teach His ways so that we may walk in His paths.

__4-6_They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. They will never again learn war.

Thou has abandoned Thy people because they are filled with worldly influence. Come house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

__7-22_They are so impressed with their acquisitions. When the LORD comes they will try to hide in the rocks to escape His splendor. The proud will be abased and the lofty humbled, for the LORD of Hosts will have a day of reckoning against the proud and lifted up. Do not be impressed with man whose breath of life is in his nostrils.

Isaiah 3
At a Glance (26 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The LORD God of hosts is going to remove bread and water from Jerusalem and Judah. He will also remove the men of influence, the judge and the prophet, the diviner and the elder, the warrior and the captain of fifty, as well as the counselor and the artisan.

__4-12_The people will be oppressed by the children who are their rulers. Jerusalem will stumble for Judah has fallen. They have rebelled against the LORD. They do not even try to conceal their sin. O My people! Women rule over them and their oppressors are children. Those who guide you are leading you astray.

__13-15_The LORD stands to judge the people. The plunder of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding them down?

__16-26_Moreover, the LORD said, because the daughters of Zion are proud and walk with their heads high, using mincing steps and seductive eyes, the LORD will afflict all their supposed beauty, making their foreheads bare. He will take away all their ornaments and fancy clothes. Their men will fall by the sword.

Isaiah 4
At a Glance (6 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_In that day seven women will take hold of one man. They will be willing to earn their own keep. All they will want is to be called by his name in order to take away their reproach.

In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful. The fruit of the earth will be the pride and adornment of the survivors of Israel.

__3-6_Those who are left in Zion will be called holy, everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. After the LORD has washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion He will provide a cloud overhead by day and a flaming fire by night. There will be shelter to give shade from the heat of day as well as protection from the storm and rain.

Isaiah 5
At a Glance (30 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_Let me sing a song for my well beloved. He had a vineyard on a fertile hill. He improved the ground and planted the choicest vine. He set up a tower in its midst and prepared to gather wine into a wine vat. He expected good grapes but the vine produced worthless fruit.

__3-6_So I ask you, O Judah, to judge between Me and My vineyard. What more could have been done to produce good grapes? So now I will lay waste to the vineyard. It will not be pruned or hoed any more. Briars will grow up in its place. I will even take away the rain.

__7-10_For the LORD's vineyard is Israel and the men of Judah are His delightful plant. He looked for justice and found bloodshed. Woe to those who accumulate houses and fields. The LORD has sworn that all this wealth shall come to nothing. The crops will yield little.

__11-17_Woe to those whose motivation is music, food, and strong drink. They have not considered the LORD's deeds. My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge. The grave has a large appetite and Jerusalem with it splendor will go down into it. The common man will be humbled and the important man will be abased. God is holy.

__18-23_Woe to those who practice iniquity while asking to see God's purposes. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes. Woe to those who are valiant while having excesses and justifying the wicked for a bribe while taking away the rights of those who are in the right.

__24-30_These people will come to nothing because they have rejected the law of God. The anger of the LORD burns against them. Their destruction will be complete. He will use a distant nation to accomplish this. This nation will work His purposes for them.

Isaiah 6
At a Glance (13 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_In the year king Uzziah died I saw the LORD sitting on an exalted throne. The train of His robe filled the temple. Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings. With two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet and he flew with two of them.

__3-5_One seraphim called to the other, Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory. The temple thresholds trembled at the sound of His voice. Then I said, woe is me. I am an unclean man coming from an unclean people and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts.

__6-8_One of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal from the alter and he touched my mouth with it. He said, your iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven.

Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then I said, here am I Lord. Send me.

__9-13_And He said, go and tell this people to keep on listening without understanding.

Render the hearts of this people insensitive lest they should understand return and be healed.

Then I said, Lord, how long? He answered me, until the land is utterly desolate. Yet there will be a holy seed in its stump.

Isaiah 7
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-2_Now it came about in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin the king of Aram and Pekah, the king of Israel, went up to Jerusalem to wage war, but could not conquer it. When Ahaz first heard that they were coming he and the people of Jerusalem were very frightened.

__3-13_The LORD told Isaiah to go meet Ahaz and tell him not to be fainthearted for Aram and Pekah will not prevail against you. Then the LORD offered for Ahaz to ask for a sign from the LORD, any sign no matter how difficult. But Ahaz said he would not test the LORD.

__14-16_Therefore the LORD himself gave him a sign: Behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son and she will name Him Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. And before the child reaches this stage the two kings you dread will be forsaken.

__17-25_The LORD will bring on you and your people terrible days such as have not come before. He will bring Egypt and Assyria against you. Some may survive with a few animals. Those survivors will be watched over by the LORD. The land will revert to a wilderness covered with briars and thorns. Vineyards will be used for grazing sheep.

Isaiah 8
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_Then the LORD told me to take a large tablet and write on it with ordinary letters: speed the spoil, hasten the plunder.

I had a son and the LORD told me to named him Mahershalalhashbaz (meaning speed the spoil, hasten the plunder). Before he is old enough to talk, Assyria will spoil Damascus and Samaria.

__5-15_Then the LORD said that because the people had rejected His protection for Rezin's, the He would bring Assyria against them. Be broken and shattered, no matter what you do. It is the LORD of Hosts that you should regard as holy. You should be fearing the LORD of Hosts and no one else.

__16-22_Bind the testimony and seal the law among my disciples. I will wait eagerly for the LORD who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob. People should consult God rather than a medium. Everything is to be compared to the law and the testimony. If they disagree with either of these then there is no light in them.

Isaiah 9
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-5_There shall be no more gloom as in former times. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. They will be glad in Your presence the way people are glad when they feel much gain. For Thou shalt remove the yoke of their burden.

__6-7_For a Child will be born to us and the government will be upon His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to His government on the throne of David. He will uphold justice and righteousness and peace will be the result.

__8-16_The LORD sends a message to Jacob and Israel. Every good thing will be replaced by something even better. But in spite of what the LORD holds out to the people, they do not turn back to Him. Therefore, the LORD will cut off their leaders who do wrong and their false prophets who push from behind with the same philosophy.

__17-21_The LORD has no pleasure in the young men. Neither has He pity for the orphans or the widows. They are all godless and speak foolishness. Yet His hand is stretched out to them.

Wickedness burns like fire. It consumes briars and thorns. By the fury of the LORD the land is burned up while the people devour each other.

Isaiah 10
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-4_Woe to those who deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of their rights. What will you do in the day of punishment? Of what value will your wealth be to you?

__5-14_Woe to Assyria who is the rod of My anger against My people. When I have completed My work on Mount Zion and Jerusalem, I will punish Assyria, whom I have used for a while to do My work. My people have something to learn and I have used Assyria to teach them.

__15-34_The axe cannot take credit for what it cuts down, only the one swinging the axe. Assyria will one day be cut down, too. In that day those who are left in Israel will rely on the LORD God of hosts. A remnant will return. In a little while My indignation against you will be spent and my anger will be directed at Assyria.

Isaiah 11
At a Glance (16 V)
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1-5_There will be an offspring from the line of Jesse on whom the Spirit of the LORD will rest. He will be blessed with wisdom, understanding, strength, knowledge and the fear of the LORD. He will give good council. He will judge with righteousness.

__6-7_The wolf will live with the lamb,
The leopard will relax by the kid,
And the young lion with the calf.
A little boy will lead them.
The cow and the bear will graze together while their young lie down together.
The lion will eat straw like an ox.

__8-9_The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra and the weaned child will put his hand in the viper's den. They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD.

__10-16_The day will come when the nations will resort to the root of Jesse. In that day the LORD will recover His people from all nations. His people will no longer be looked down on. It will be as in the day when they came out of Egypt.

Isaiah 12
At a Glance (6 V)
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1-3_Then you will say in that day, I will give thanks to the LORD. Though He was angry with me, now He comforts me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. For the LORD God is my strength and song. He has become my salvation. Therefore I will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation.

__4-6_In that day you will say, give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make His deeds known among the peoples. Praise the LORD in song and shout for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 13
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-16_The oracle concerning Babylon which Isaiah saw. The LORD of Hosts is mustering an army that will come from a very far country to destroy the whole land. This destruction comes from the Almighty. It will be a terrible time for Israel.

__17-22_Behold, I will stir up the Medes against Babylon. It will be overthrown and never inhabited again. The Arab will not pitch his tent there. Neither will shepherds make their flocks lie down there. It will be a place for desert creatures such as the owl, the ostrich and the shaggy goat. Jackals will inhabit their palaces.

Isaiah 14
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-11_When the LORD has compassion on Jacob and brings you back to your own land, strangers will attach themselves to you. They will participate in the inheritance of the LORD. In that day the LORD will give you rest from your harsh service and Babylon will no longer be your oppressor. The whole earth will be at rest.

__12-14_How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth. You have weakened the nations. You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will make myself like the Most High.

__15-32_Nevertheless, you will be thrust down to Sheol. You will be nothing of your former self. The day will come when you will be forgotten. The LORD of Hosts has planned and will cause to happen that which He has decided is to happen. No one can stop Him.

This oracle came in the year king Ahaz died.

Isaiah 15
At a Glance (9 V)
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1-9_The oracle concerning Moab. Devastation and ruin will come suddenly. Everyone will be crying. Their abundance will be carried away and their blood will be everywhere.

Isaiah 16
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-14_We have heard of Moab's excessive pride and idle boasts. Its vineyards will be destroyed. This word comes from the LORD. Within three years the glory of Moab will be reduced along with its population. What remains will have no strength.

Isaiah 17
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-11_The oracle concerning Damascus. Behold, Damascus is about to fall in ruin. In that day the glory of Jacob will fade. Only a little gleanings will survive. Desolation will follow because you have forgotten the God of your salvation. You will plant and your harvest will be sickness and incurable pain.

__12-14_The nations rumble. God rebukes them and they flee away, chased like chaff before a wind. Such will be the portion of those who plunder Israel.

Isaiah 18
At a Glance (7 V)
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1-7_Send a message to the land beyond Cush, those who use papyrus vessels and are a powerful and oppressive nation. As at the sound of a trumpet, God will cut and prune. At that time a gift of homage will be brought from a powerful and feared nation to the place of the name of the LORD of Hosts, even Mount Zion.

Isaiah 19
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-4_The oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud and is headed for Egypt. Their idols will tremble at His presence. The hearts of the Egyptians will melt. He says, I will cause them to fight one another and confound their strategy. I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel king.

__5-15_And the waters from sea to sea will dry up. The fishermen and other workers who depend on the waters for their livelihood will be very unhappy. The counsel of Pharaoh's best advisers is foolishness. They need to understand what the LORD of Hosts has purposed concerning Egypt. Instead his counselors will lead Egypt astray.

__16-21_In that day the hand of the LORD will wave over the Egyptians causing them to tremble. The mere mention of the land of Judah will cause dread to fall on them. In that day the LORD will be worshipped in their cities. The LORD will become their Deliverer and Champion and make Himself known to them.

__22-25_The LORD will strike Egypt and the result will be their healing. In that day there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria and they will worship together in one place or the other. Israel will be the third party, a blessing in the midst of the earth. The LORD will bless all three.

Isaiah 20
At a Glance (6 V)
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1-3_In the year when the Sargon, king of Assyria captured Ashdod, the LORD spoke through Isaiah saying, take off your sackcloth and shoes. So Isaiah went naked and barefoot. The LORD then said, Isaiah is going naked and barefoot three years as a sign against Egypt and Cush.

__4-6_So it will be when Assyria leads away the captives of Egypt and Cush, young and old, naked and barefoot, all to Egypt's shame. Cush was their hope and Egypt their boast. They trusted in themselves and now there is no escape.

Isaiah 21
At a Glance (17 V)
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1-17_An oracle concerning the sandy wastes of the Negev by the sea. Fallen, fallen is Babylon. The oracle concerning Edom. The night is far gone. If you want to know more, come back again. The oracle about Arabia. Thus says the LORD. In a year all resistance to war will be finished.

Isaiah 22
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-11_The oracle concerning the valley of vision.
What is the matter with you? You are full of boasting. You have depended on weapons and fortifications. You did not depend on Him who planned it all long ago.

__12-14_Therefore in that day the LORD God of Hosts will give you sorrow for laughter because you said, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die and so you shall die, says the LORD of Hosts. Surely your iniquity shall not be forgiven you until you die.

__15-21_You have hewn a tomb for your resting place but the LORD says He will cast you into another country where you will die. You will be deposed of your office and pulled down from your station. I will give your position to My servant Eliakim. I will clothe him with your tunic and entrust him with your authority.

__22-25_I will give him the key of the house of David. What he opens no one will shut and what he shuts no one will open. I will drive him like a peg in a firm place. All the glory of his father's house will be hung on him. And the peg will give way and fall, along with everything hanging on it. For the LORD has spoken.

Isaiah 23
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-7_The oracle concerning Tyre.
Tyre is destroyed without house or harbor. Sidon's merchants were silenced, the grain from the harvest of the Nile was her revenue and she sold it to the nations. Those who hear of this in Egypt will be in anguish for you have always done this for them.

__8-18_Who has planned this against Tyre whose merchants and traders were the honored of the earth? The LORD of Hosts has planned it to defile the pride of her beauty and to demolish Canaan's strongholds. He has said, you shall exult no more. Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years. Then she shall go back to being what she was.

Isaiah 24
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-6_Behold, the LORD lays the earth waste, distorting its surface and scattering its inhabitants. The earth has been polluted by those who transgress laws, violate statutes and break everlasting covenants. This is why a curse devours the earth. Those who live on it are held guilty. Therefore the earth is destroyed and few men are left.

__7-15_The sounds of merry making are not heard. Every house is shut up so that none may enter and all joy is turned to gloom. The gate is battered to ruins. Everything waits for people to raise their voices with shouts of joy as they glorify the LORD in the east.

__16-20_From the ends of the earth we hear songs of glory to the Righteous One.

But I say, woe is me, woe is me. There will be no escape. The earth is split through and shaken violently. The earth reels to and for like a drunkard for its transgression is heavy upon it. And it will fall, never to rise again.

__21-23_So it will happen in that day. The LORD will punish the host of heaven, on high, and the kings of earth on earth. They will be confined and after many days they will be punished. Then the LORD of Hosts will reign on Mount Zion.

Isaiah 25
At a Glance (12 V)
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1-5_O Lord, Thou art my God. I will exalt Thee, I will give thanks to Thy name. For Thou hast worked wonders, using plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. You have determined which cities will prosper. You have been a defense to the needy and the helpless. In a ruthless world You have been a refuge and a shade from the heat.

__6-9_The LORD of Hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for His people. He will swallow up the evil that has stretched over all nations. He will swallow up death and wipe away all tears. It will be said in that day, behold, this is our God for Whom we have waited. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.

__10-12_For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain. Moab will be trodden down and the LORD will lay low his pride. The fortifications of his wall have been thought to be unassailable but they will brought down to the ground.

Isaiah 26
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-6_In that day a song will be sung in the land of Judah, a song about what God has done to make His city secure. Those who steadfastly trust You will be kept in perfect peace because they trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever because He is our everlasting Rock. He has brought low those who felt that they were unassailable.

__7-10_The way of the righteous is smooth. O Upright One, make the path of the righteous level. We have followed the way of Your judgments while we wait eagerly for You. We have thought about You diligently day and night. Even when you have shown the wicked your favor, they have not perceived your majesty and righteousness.

__11-15_O Lord, Your hand is lifted up and they do not see it. You will establish peace for us because You have performed our works for us. Through You alone we confess Your name. You have brought the wicked to nothing while extending our borders.

__16-21_We have been as a pregnant woman approaching her time of delivery and unable to accomplish deliverance from the earth. Your dead will live. Their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust will wake up and shout for joy. Come My people and hide a little while until the LORD's indignation runs its course. The LORD is about to come.

Isaiah 27
At a Glance (13 V)
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1-6_In that day the LORD will punish the Leviathan, that twisted serpent and He will kill him. In that day the LORD will watch over His vine carefully. In the days to come Jacob will take root and Israel will blossom and sprout, and they will fill the whole world with fruit.

__7-13_Jacob's iniquity will be forgiven. Alters of false worship will be entirely removed. The LORD will cleanse the land from the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt. He will gather the children of Israel one by one. No matter where they have perished, the LORD will bring them back to worship at Jerusalem.

Isaiah 28
At a Glance (29 V)
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1-8_Woe to the proud who rule in Ephraim. They will come to nothing. Their strength is the wine they drink. Priest and prophet also reel from strong drink, even while having visions.

__9-13_To whom will He teach knowledge? Who will interpret His message? For He says, order upon order, line upon line, a little here and a little there. He has offered rest and repose but they would not listen. They will be allowed to be broken and taken captive.

__14-16_Therefore hear the word of the LORD. You who rule in Jerusalem think you can make a covenant with death and it cannot touch you. You have made falsehood your refuge. Thus says the LORD, I am laying a stone in Zion, a tested and costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.

__17-29_I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level. Your covenant with death shall be canceled. The more you resist, the harder it will be for you. Listen to My voice. Just as the farmer does different tasks to get a harvest, so the LORD instructs a person. He will not thresh grain forever. His wisdom is great.

Isaiah 29
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-14_Woe to Ariel (Jerusalem), the city where David once lived. You shall be brought low. The LORD will punish you with thunder, earthquake and fire. His messages are sealed from you. Then the LORD said, because the people honor me with only their lips and their reverence consists of rote tradition, I will not be with them.

__15-24_Woe to those who think they can hide their plans from the LORD. They have it backwards. Can the clay tell the potter what to make? In a little while all who are intent on doing evil will be cut off. The day is coming when those who were in error will know the truth and those who criticize will finally accept instruction.

Isaiah 30
At a Glance (33 V)
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1-11_Woe to the rebellious children, declares the LORD. They execute any plan but Mine. They look for a refuge in Egypt. An oracle concerning the beasts of the Negev. In a land where wild animals live the people carry their treasures on donkeys and camels. They are a rebellious people who will not listen to instruction.

__12-17_Therefore, since you have rejected this word you will be broken and of no value. In repentance and rest you shall be saved. Quietness and trust should be your strength. But you were not willing. Instead you trusted in your fast horses and deliverance of your own devising.

__18-20_The LORD longs to be gracious to you and bestow compassion on you. He is a God of justice. How blessed are those who long for him. Although the LORD has given you the bread of privation and water of oppression, He will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher.

__21-24_You will hear a word behind you, saying, this is the way, walk in it. This will happen whether you turn to the right or to the left. When you get rid of every form of false worship, then He will give you rain for the seed you sow and make the ground yield bread to you. And you and your livestock will be satisfied with plenty.

__25-26_There will be streams of running water on every lofty mountain and every high hill. The moon will be as bright as the sun and the sun will be seven times brighter. All of this will happen when the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.

__27-33_Behold, the LORD comes surrounded with a dense smoke and a consuming fire. He will shake the nations back and forth in a sieve. You will have songs in the night and gladness of heart because you are going to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel. The LORD will cause His voice of authority to be heard.

Isaiah 31
At a Glance (9 V)
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1-3_Woe to those who go to Egypt for help and rely on their horses and chariots. They do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek the LORD. He is wise and will bring disaster to these decisions. The Egyptians are men, and not God. The LORD will stretch out His hand their horses will stumble.

__4-9_For thus says the LORD of Hosts, He will come to wage war against those who fight against Jerusalem. He will protect and deliver it. Return to Him from Whom you who have walked away. In that day every man will get rid of all his idols, and his enemies will perish. This word is from the LORD.

Isaiah 32
At a Glance (20 V)
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1-8_Behold a king will reign righteously, and princes will rule justly. Then people will actually see and hear. They will discern truth and repeat it clearly. No longer will the fool be called noble. He who kept food from the hungry and kept drink from the thirsty will no longer be allowed to rule.

__9-20_Rise up you women who have had it so easy. In a little over a year your lives will not be worth anything to you. You will be dressed in sackcloth. This will go on until the Spirit is poured out from on high and righteousness serves in quietness and confidence forever. Then My people will live in peace.

Isaiah 33
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-5_Woe to you who deal treacherously. When you have finished destroying, you will be destroyed.

O Lord, be gracious to us. We have waited for You. Be our salvation in the time of distress. The LORD is exalted for He dwells on high. He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness.

__6-12_He shall be our stability, a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the LORD is our treasure. When things get really bad then the LORD will arise. He will be exalted and lifted up. Then He will show His power.

__13-16_His wonders will be heard from afar. Who will be able to stand before Him? Only the one who walks righteously, and speaks with sincerity, he who rejects unjust gain and does not look at evil. His bread will be given him and his water will be sure.

__17-24_Your eyes will see the King in His beauty and you shall see Jerusalem undisturbed. For the LORD is our judge and lawgiver. The LORD is our king. He will save us. No one will say I am sick. The people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity.

Isaiah 34
At a Glance (17 V)
See Each Verse

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1-15_Let all the nations of the earth draw near and listen. The LORD's indignation is against them and they will be utterly destroyed. The sky will be rolled up like a scroll, for the LORD has a day of vengeance for the cause of Zion. Their land shall become burning pitch that is not quenched. Wild animals shall possess the land.

__16-17_Seek the book of the LORD and read: not one of these will be missing. None will lack its mate. He has commanded it and His Spirit will gather them. They shall possess it forever. From generation to generation they shall dwell in it.

Isaiah 35
At a Glance (10 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_The wilderness and the desert will be glad. They will see the glory and majesty of the LORD. Encourage the exhausted, strengthen the feeble. Say to the anxious, take courage, your God will come and save you. The eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf unstopped, the lame will leap and the dumb will shout for joy.

__7-10_The scorched land will become a pool and the thirsty ground will have springs of water. The land will become lush with a Highway of Holiness running through it. Only the redeemed will walk there. The ransomed of the LORD will return with everlasting joy to Zion. They will find only gladness and joy. Sorrow will be gone.

Isaiah 36
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Now it came about in the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah, that Sennacherib, king of Assyria, came up against the fortified cities of Judah and seized them. The king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem to King Hezekiah with a large army.

__4-7_Rabshakeh sent a message to Hezekiah saying, your counsel and strength are empty words. Whom will you rely on? Are you relying on Pharaoh king of Egypt? He is a crushed reed. But if you say, we trust in the LORD our God, is this not He whose alters Hezekiah has taken away telling you that you must worship in Jerusalem?

__8-10_Come make a bargain with the king of Assyria and I will give you two thousand horses if you have riders for them. How can you choose any offer from Egypt over my offer. I have come up without the LORD's approval to destroy this land. The LORD said to me, go up against this land destroy it.

__11-12_Then Hezekiah's men asked Rabshakeh to speak in Aramaic instead of Judean so the people on the wall wouldn't understand this conversation. But Rabshakeh replied that his master had sent him with this message for everyone, including those doomed to starvation if they didn't accept Assyria's offer.

__13-20_Then Rabshakeh cried with a loud voice speaking Judean saying, hear the words of the king of Assyria. Do not let Hezekiah deceive you for he is not able to deliver you. Do not let him try to convince you that the LORD will deliver you. Have any of the gods of the nations delivered them from Assyria?

__21-22_But the people were silent and answered him not a word. Hezekiah had told the people that no one was to answer him. Hezekiah was not there to listen to his words.

Then servants of Hezekiah came to him with torn clothes as they told him all of Rabshakeh words.

Isaiah 37
At a Glance (38 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_When Hezekiah heard what he had said, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and entered the house of the LORD. He sent Eliakim his servant and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet. They told him of Hezekiah's great concern. Perhaps God will react to Rabshakeh's haughty words.

__6-7_Isaiah told them to tell Hezekiah not to be afraid of the word of Rabshakeh with which he blasphemed God. I will cause him to hear a rumor and he return to his own land where he will fall by the sword.

__8-19_When Rabshakeh got home he sent a letter to Hezekiah saying pretty much what he said before. Hezekiah took the letter to the house of the LORD and spread it out before Him. He prayed, Lord, you have heard and seen all that Sennacherib said in reproach of You. You know how he has devastated all the countries and their gods.

__20-22_O Lord, deliver us from his hand so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone are God. Then Isaiah sent word to Hezekiah saying, thus says the LORD God of Israel, because you have prayed to me about Sennacherib, king of Assyria, here is what I am saying to him.

__23-29_You have raised your voice against the Holy One of Israel! Your servants you have reproached the LORD while you have trusted in your chariots. In fact, it was I who planned long ago for you to turn fortified cities in to ruins. I know everything about you, including what will become of you. Your arrogance has become your undoing.

__30-38_My zeal for Israel shall insure their survival. The king of Assyria shall not come to this city with shield and arrow. I will defend the city and save it for My own sake. Then the angel of the LORD went out and struck down 185,000 Assyrians and Sennacherib went home where his sons killed him.

Isaiah 38
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill. Isaiah came to him with a message from the LORD. Set your house in order for you are about to die. Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed, Lord, remember how I have walked before you with my whole heart. I have done what was good in your sight. And he wept bitterly.

__4-8_The LORD sent Isaiah to Hezekiah to say that He had heard Hezekiah's prayer. He would have an additional fifteen years to live during which time He would deliver Hezekiah and the city from Assyria. Here was the sign that he might believe. The shadow on the stairway would go backwards ten steps.

__9-22_After his illness Hezekiah wrote the following: in the middle of my life I was about to have my life cut short. My soul was bitter and I asked the LORD to restore my life. Those who die cannot praise Thee. It is the living who give thanks to Thee.

Isaiah told his servants to place a cake of figs on his boil so that he might recover.

Isaiah 39
At a Glance (8 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_At that time Merodach-Baladan, son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent a letter and a present to Hezekiah, for he had heard that he had been sick and had recovered. This pleased Hezekiah and he showed them all his treasure house. There was nothing that he did not show them.

__3-6_Then Isaiah came to Hezekiah and asked what the men wanted and where had they come from? Hezekiah said that they were from Babylon. And Isaiah asked, what have they seen in your house? Hezekiah said, I showed them all my treasures. Then Isaiah said, here is what the LORD says. The day is coming when everything you have will be carried to Babylon.

__7-8_Some of your sons shall be taken away to become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. Then Hezekiah said, the word of the LORD is good. He said this thinking, at least there will be peace and truth during my days.

Isaiah 40
At a Glance (31 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Comfort My people, says your God. Speak kindly to Jerusalem. Tell her that her warfare has ended and her iniquity removed.

A voice is heard calling, clear the way for the LORD. Make a smooth highway for our God. Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed and all flesh will see it. The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

__6-11_A voice calls out, all flesh is grass that withers when the LORD blows on it. But the word of God stands forever. Shout the news that your God will come with might and His reward is with Him. Like a shepherd He will tend His flock. He will carry the lambs in His bosom and gently lead the nursing ewes.

__12-17_Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and measured the heavens. Who has numbered the dust of the earth, or weighed the mountains or the hills? Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or counseled Him? Who can teach Him anything? He regards all the nations as less than nothing.

__18-25_To whom will you liken God? How can you compare Him to an idol that someone made? Do you not know? Have you not heard? He who sits upon the circle of the earth, the One Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, reduces rulers to nothing. He blows on them and they wither. To whom will you liken Me, says the Holy One?

__26-27_Lift up you eyes on high and see Who created the stars, Who calls them all by name. Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power not one of them is missing. How then can you imagine that anything you do escapes His notice?

__28-31_Haven't you heard that God does not get weary? His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary. Though a young person does grow tired, yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength. They mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not get weary.

Isaiah 41
At a Glance (29 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_Coastlands, listen to Me in silence and let the people gain new strength. Come together for judgment. Who is He Who delivers up nations before Him and subdues kings. Who has called forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD, am the first and the last, I am He.

__5-16_People are afraid so they depend on a craftsman for their encouragement. But you, Israel, My servant, Jacob whom I chose, a descendant of My friend Abraham. Do not fear for I am with you. I will uphold your right hand. I am your Redeemer. You will rejoice in the LORD, the Holy One of Israel.

__17-20_The afflicted and the needy are seeking water and there is none. I, the LORD, will answer them. I will open rivers and springs. I will make the wilderness a pool of water. I will place beautiful trees where they may be seen and recognized. It will be reckoned that the LORD has done this. The Holy One of Israel has created it.

__21-29_The LORD says to those who can do so to tell what is going to happen. Announce what is coming and declare that which will come afterward. I have caused one to come from the north. Who else has declared this from the beginning? There is no one. Their works are worthless. Their molten images come to nothing, so why consider them?

Isaiah 42
At a Glance (25 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_Behold My Servant, My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will not raise His voice. A bruised reed He will not break nor will He extinguish a dimly burning wick. He will not be disheartened or crushed until he has established justice on the earth.

__5-9_Thus says the LORD Who created the earth and spread out the heavens and Who gives breath to people, I am the LORD. I have called you in righteousness. I will watch over you. I have appointed you to open blind eyes, to release those who are in darkness. I am the LORD and I do not give my glory to another.

__10-17_Sing to the LORD a new song. Let the whole earth do this. Let them shout for joy and give glory to the LORD, for He will prevail against His enemies. I have kept silent for a long time. Now I will act. I will lead the blind out of darkness into light. Those who trust in idols as their gods shall be utterly put to shame.

__18-25_If you are deaf, listen. If you are blind, see. The LORD is pleased for His righteousness sake to make the law great and glorious. But this is a people who have become prey with no one to deliver them. Who will listen? Was it not the LORD you sinned against when you did not obey His law. So He has sent affliction.

Isaiah 43
At a Glance (28 V)
See Each Verse

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1-2_But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob. Do not fear for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. The rivers will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.

__3-7_For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your saviour. Do not fear. I am with you. I will bring My sons and daughters from the ends of the earth, everyone called by My name and whom I have created for My glory.

__8-13_Bring out those with eyes who do not see, and those with ears who do not hear. You are My witnesses to the nations that they may understand that I am He. There was none before Me and none will come after Me. I am the LORD and there is no Savior beside Me. You are My witnesses, even from eternity, I am He.

__14-21_Thus says the LORD your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, those who take you captive will become captives. Do not call to mind the former things. I will do something new. I will renew the land where both man and beast will glorify Me. The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise.

__22-28_Yet, you have not called on Me, O Jacob. You have not honored Me with sacrifices or offerings. Instead, you have burdened Me with your sins. I am the One who wipes away your transgressions for My own sake and I will not remember your sins. Let us argue our case together that you may be acquitted.

Isaiah 44
At a Glance (28 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Listen, O Jacob My servant and Israel whom I have chosen. Thus says the LORD, I made you. I formed you from the womb. Who will help you? I will pour My Spirit on your offspring, One will say, I am the LORD's. Another will write on His hand, I am the LORD's, and He will name Israel's name with honor.

__6-11_Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and His Redeemer, the LORD of Hosts. I am the first and the last and there is no God beside Me. Who is like Me Who declared the end from the beginning? It is futile to make images. Those who fashion them will be put to shame. Those making them are just men.

__12-17_The man shapes iron into a cutting tool doing his work over hot coals with a hammer and a strong arm. He needs food and water to keep up his strength. With his tools he cuts wood to warm himself and cook his meal. He then uses the other part of the log to make an image of something to worship.

__18-23_These people do not see or understand. They follow error until they cannot comprehend their folly. Remember, O Jacob, and Israel, I have formed you and you are My servant. I have wiped away your transgressions like a thick cloud. Return to Me for I have redeemed you. Shout for joy, for the LORD has done this.

__24-28_Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, Who formed you from the womb, I am the maker of all things. By Myself I stretched out the heavens and spread out the earth. I have confirmed the word of My servants and made fools of diviners. It is I Who says that Jerusalem will be inhabited. I have called Cyrus My shepherd and he will do My will.

Isaiah 45
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-7_Thus says the LORD to Cyrus, His anointed. I have taken you by the right hand to subdue the nations. I will give you wealth and treasure that you may know that it is I, the LORD God, who has called you by name for the sake of My servant Jacob, and Israel My chosen one. I am the One Who formed the light and created darkness.

__8-13_Let the clouds pour down righteousness and the earth open up and salvation bear fruit. Woe to the one who quarrels with His maker. Will the clay say to the potter, what are you doing? Thus says the LORD, it is I Who made the earth and created man and stretched out the heavens. I will build my city and let my exiles go free.

__14-19_Thus says the LORD, men of stature from Egypt and Cush will bow down to you. They and their idols will be put to shame. They will admit that Israel has been saved by the LORD. You will never again be put to shame. For thus says the LORD Who created the heavens, I am the LORD and there is none else. I speak righteousness.

__20-25_Gather yourselves and draw near, you fugitives of the nations who carry their wooden idols and pray to a god who cannot save. There is no other god besides Me. Turn to Me and be saved, everyone on the earth. When they turn to Me they will say, only in the LORD is righteousness and strength. All Israel will glory in the LORD.

Isaiah 46
At a Glance (13 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_The images of Bel and Nebo are burdensome to carry. They cannot rescue themselves as they go into captivity. Listen to me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of Israel, you have always belonged to me. I am the same, no matter how old your get to be. I shall carry you. I shall deliver you.

__5-9_To whom would you liken Me? Who is My equal? No matter how much gold and silver is used to make a God, it must be carried about and it cannot deliver anyone who worships it.

__10-11_Remember the former things long past for I am God and there is no one like Me. I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times those things which have been done. I have said, My purpose will be established. Truly, I have spoken; Truly I will bring it to pass.

__12-13_Listen to me, you stubborn minded, you who are far from righteousness. I bring near My righteousness, and My salvation will not delay. I will grant salvation in Zion, and My glory in Israel.

Isaiah 47
At a Glance (15 V)
See Each Verse

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1-7_Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon. Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. You will no longer be called the queen of the kingdoms. I was angry with My people and gave them into your hand. You did not show mercy on the aged. You thought you would be a queen forever.

__8-11_You thought you were invincible not knowing that you would experience loss of children and widowhood. You felt secure in your wickedness thinking no one saw you. Your wisdom and knowledge deluded you. You said in your heart, I am, and there is no one beside me. But disaster will fall on you for which you cannot atone.

__12-15_Try to use your spells and many sorceries. See what the astrologers can do for you. Perhaps those who predict by the new moons can save you from what is to come upon you. They are nothing and cannot deliver themselves from the power of what is to come. Each of your counselors wanders in his own way. There is none to save you.

Isaiah 48
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-11_I want those of you who claim to be part of Judah and Israel to listen carefully. Though you claim to be Mine, you give credit to your idols for the things I do. From long ago I have given ample evidence of My great abilities but you are obstinate. You have been a rebel from birth. I will not give My glory away.

__12-19_Listen to Me, Jacob and Israel, I am able to bring to pass what I have said about Babylon. I am the LORD Who leads you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to My commandments! Then everything would have gone much better for you. Your children would multiply, and they would never be cut off from My presence.

__20-22_Go forth from Babylon. Celebrate that the LORD has redeemed His servant Jacob. They did not thirst when He led them through the deserts. He gave them water from the rock. He split the rock and water gushed forth. There is no peace for the wicked, says the LORD.

Isaiah 49
At a Glance (26 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_Listen to Me, all people of the earth. The LORD called Me from the womb and named Me before I was born. He made My mouth like a two edged sword. He said to Me, You are My Servant in Whom I will show My glory. But I said, I have toiled in vain. Surely the justice due Me is with the LORD, and My reward is with God.

__5-7_And now, says the LORD, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant and bring Israel back to Him, You will raise up the tribes of Jacob and I will make You a light to the nations, that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.

The LORD says to the despised One, though you are abhorred, princes shall bow down to You.

__8-13_The LORD Says, in a favorable time I will restore the land to You. Those who are bound shall go forth. They will not hunger or thirst. They will be sheltered from the sun. They will come from every direction. Shout for joy, O heavens! Rejoice O earth! For the LORD will comfort His people and have compassion on His afflicted.

__14-21_Zion says, the LORD has forgotten me. Can a woman forget her nursing child? Even though she might forget, I will not forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of My hands. I know everything about your heartache. I have plans to restore it all to you, most of all the children taken from you.

__22-23_Thus says the LORD, I will cause the nations to bring back your sons and daughters. Those who have caused you the most harm will be your benefactors. You will know that I am the LORD. Those who wait for Me with hope will not be put to shame.

__24-26_No matter how difficult it may appear for Me to accomplish this, I will contend with those who contend with you. I will save your sons. And all mankind will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Isaiah 50
At a Glance (11 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Thus says the LORD, I have not divorced your mother or sold her to My creditors. Behold, I did sell you for your iniquities and your transgressions did not cause your mother to be sent away. My hand is not too short that it cannot ransom. I have the power to deliver.

__4-7_The LORD God has made Me able to sustain the weary. He awakens Me each morning and helps Me to listen. I have not disobeyed Him.

I gave My back to those who strike Me, and My cheek to those who pluck out My beard. I did not cover My face from humiliation and spitting. The LORD God helps Me so that I am not disgraced.

__8-11_The LORD God vindicates and helps Me. Those who are against Me will eventually come to nothing. Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of His servant? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. Everyone who has caused trouble walking in the light of your own making will come to a terrible end.

Isaiah 51
At a Glance (23 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Listen to Me, those who pursue righteousness, those of you who seek the LORD and look to the rock from which you were hewn. Look to Abraham and Sarah from whom you came. As I blessed them so I will comfort Zion giving her joy and gladness.

__4-8_Pay attention to Me, O My people. A law will go forth from Me. My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth. The sky will vanish and the earth will wear out like a garment. You who have my law in your heart, listen. Do not fear the reproach of man. My righteousness shall be forever.

__9-11_Wake up. Put on strength, O Arm of the LORD. Do the things as You have done in the past. You dried up the sea and made pathways in it for the redeemed to cross over. So the ransomed of the LORD will return to Zion with shouts of joy. Sorrow and sighing will flee away.

__12-16_I am He who comforts you. Why are you afraid of a man who dies. Have you forgotten that the LORD is your Maker, the One Who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth? The exiled will soon go free for I am the LORD your God. I have put my words in your mouth, and have covered you with the shadow of My hand.

__17-23_Rouse yourself! Awake, O Jerusalem. You have drunk the LORD's cup of anger. You are like an antelope in a net, full of the wrath of the rebuke of your God. Behold, I have taken the cup out of your hand. You will never drink it again. I will instead give it to those who were your tormentors.

Isaiah 52
At a Glance (15 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_Awake, O Zion. Get dressed in your best. You are going to be freed from the uncircumcised. You were sold for nothing and you shall be redeemed without money. Those who took My people captive continually blaspheme My name. My people shall know My name. They will hear Me say to them, here am I.

__7-10_How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace, happiness and salvation, and says, your God reigns. Break forth with shouts of joy, for the LORD has redeemed Jerusalem. He has bared His holy arm before the nations.

__11-15_Touch nothing unclean. Purify yourselves. The LORD will go before you and He will be your rear guard. My Servant will prosper, though His appearance was marred more than any man. Thus He will sprinkle many nations and cause people to understand what they hear.

Isaiah 53
At a Glance (12 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Who has believed the message from the LORD about the One Who grew up as a tender shoot in dry ground. He had no stately form to attract others. He was despised and forsaken of men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

__4-6_He bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. We looked at Him and thought, surely God is afflicting Him. He was pierced through and crushed for our iniquities. By His scourging we are healed. All of us are like sheep who have gone astray. The LORD has caused the iniquity of all of us to fall on Him.

__7-9_Though oppressed and afflicted, He did not open His mouth. He was like a lamb about to be slaughtered. By oppression and judgment He was taken away. He was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due. His grave was with the wicked, though He was without sin.

__10-11_The LORD was pleased to crush Him, if He would render Himself as a guilt offering. He will see good results because of His sacrifice and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand. By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify many by bearing their iniquities.

__12_Therefore I will allot Him a portion with the great because He poured out Himself to death and was numbered with His transgressors. He bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors.

Isaiah 54
At a Glance (17 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_Shout for joy, you who have never borne a child for you will have many children and need to enlarge your dwelling. Fear not, you will no longer be shamed. Your husband is your Maker. His name is the LORD of Hosts and He is your Redeemer. For the LORD has called you like a wife who was rejected in her youth.

__7-10_For a little while I hid my face from you but with everlasting loving-kindness I will have compassion on you, says the LORD your Redeemer. Just as I swore that the waters of Noah should not flood the earth again, so I have sworn not to be angry with you. No matter what may happen, My love for you will remain.

__11-14_O afflicted one who has felt tossed about as in a storm, though you have been without comfort, I will give you precious stones of antimony, sapphires, rubies and crystal. You will have an entire wall of precious stones. All your children will be taught of the LORD. In righteousness you will be established.

__15-17_If anyone attempts to hurt you it will not be My chastening. I myself have created your deliverance. Every tongue that accused you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD.

Isaiah 55
At a Glance (13 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Ho! Everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters. You who have no money come, buy and eat. Purchase the best at no cost. Why spend money for what will not sustain or satisfy you? Incline your ear to Me. Listen and live and I will make a covenant with you like I did with David. The LORD God has glorified you.

__6-9_Seek the LORD while He is near and may be found. Let the wicked forsake his way and turn to the LORD. Then He will have compassion on him and abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways, says the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways.

__10-11_Just as the rain and snow come down from heaven to water the earth and make things grow and furnish bread, so My word which goes forth from My mouth shall not return to Me empty. It will accomplish what I desire.

__12-13_For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The mountains and hills will break forth with shouts of joy and all the trees will clap their hands. Instead of thorns and nettles you will have cypress and myrtle. It will be an everlasting memorial to the LORD, a sign which shall not be cut off.

Isaiah 56
At a Glance (12 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Thus says the LORD, preserve justice and do righteousness, for my salvation is about to come. The one who does this and does not profane the Sabbath will be blessed. Even to the eunuch who does what pleases Me, I will give an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.

__6-8_The foreigner who joins himself to the LORD, and holds fast to My covenant, I will bring to My holy mountain. Their burnt offerings will be acceptable on My alter, for My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. The LORD will gather the dispersed of Israel. Yet I will gather others as well.

__9-12_All the beasts of the field and forest are invited to come eat. All the watchman are blind. They seem unable to call out a warning. They love to lie around and sleep. Their greed is never satisfied. They are shepherds without understanding. They expect to live each day with increasing excess.

Isaiah 57
At a Glance (21 V)
See Each Verse

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1-10_The righteous man perishes and no one cares. As he is taken away he has peace.

But those of you who perform every sort of wickedness, creating alliances for evil, your road is growing long and tiring, yet you continue in evil anyway.

__11-13_To whom did you think you would have to give an account? Certainly you weren't thinking of Me. I kept silent and you thought I would not bring your deeds into judgment. When you are in distress, let you idols deliver you. Those who have taken refuge in Me shall inherit the land possess My holy mountain.

__14-17_It shall be said, build up and prepare the way for my people. Remove every obstacle from their path. Thus says the LORD, I dwell with the contrite and lowly of spirit. I revive the heart of the contrite. I will not always be angry. I hid My face because of his iniquities while he kept turning away from Me.

__18-21_I have seen his ways, but I will heal him and give him praise for his lips. He will say, peace to him who is far and peace to him who is near. But the wicked are like the tossing sea that will not be quiet. Its turbulence brings up refuse and mud. There is no peace for the wicked, says my God.

Isaiah 58
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-5_Declare with trumpet like voice the transgression of My people. In spite of this they seek Me day by day. They delight in the nearness of God. They ask why I do not listen when they fast. It is because their goals are contention and strife. This is not the fast of My choosing.

__6-9_The fast I choose is to loose the bonds of wickedness, to let the oppressed go free. You should divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house. When you see someone without clothes, cover him. Then the LORD will bless you. You will call on the LORD and He will say, here I am.

__10-12_If you give yourself to the hungry, your gloom will become midday and the LORD will continually guide and satisfy you. You will raise up the foundations of old. You will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.

__13-14_If you turn away from doing your own pleasure on the Sabbath, and call it a delight, the holy day of the LORD, honoring it with Godly thoughts, then your delight in the LORD will be rewarded. I will make you to ride on the heights of the earth. I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob, for the LORD has spoken.

Isaiah 59
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-8_Behold, the LORD's hand is not too short to save or His ear unable to hear. It is your iniquities that have made a separation between God and you. Your hands are defiled with blood and your lips have spoken lies. No one sues righteously or pleads justly. Their thoughts are of iniquity and they do not know the way of peace.

__9-15_Therefore, justice is far from us. Our sins testify against us. We have turned away from our God. Yes, truth is lacking. He who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey.

__15-18_The LORD saw all of this and it was displeasing in His sight. He saw that there was no one to intercede. Then His own arm brought salvation. He put on righteousness like a breastplate and a helmet of salvation is on His head. He put on garments of vengeance and a mantle of zeal. According to their deeds, so He will repay.

__19-21_They will fear the name of the LORD. He comes as a Redeemer to Zion, to those who turn from transgression. This is My covenant, declares the LORD. My Spirit is upon you and My words which I put in your mouth shall not depart from you, and neither from your offspring, nor from their offspring, says the LORD, now and forever.

Isaiah 60
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-9_Arise and shine. The glory of the LORD is upon you. Deep darkness covers the peoples. Because of the LORD's light upon you the nations will come to the light. Your sons and daughters will be gathered to you. You will see and be radiant. The wealth of the nations will come to you, all in the name of the Holy One of Israel.

__10-14_Though I struck you in My wrath, I will have compassion on you. You will no longer need to shut your gates at night. All who formerly despised you will bow down at your feet. They will call you the city of the LORD.

__15-22_Whereas you were forsaken and hated, I will give you joy from generation to generation. You will know that I am the LORD your Savior. Peace and righteousness will be your guide. The LORD will be your everlasting light and the days of your mourning will be finished. All you people will be righteous that I may be glorified.

Isaiah 61
At a Glance (11 V)
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1-3_The Spirit of the LORD is upon me because He has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the broken hearted and to proclaim liberty to captives; To proclaim the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort those who mourn, to give them the oil of gladness instead of mourning, that the LORD may be glorified.

__4-9_They will rebuild what was lost. Foreigners will take care of your pastures, vineyards and flock, while you will be called priests and ministers of our God. Your shame and humiliation will be replaced with everlasting joy. For I, the LORD, love justice. My people will be recognized as the offspring that the LORD has blessed.

__10-11_I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, my soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and wrapped me with a robe of righteousness. For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, so the LORD God will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.

Isaiah 62
At a Glance (12 V)
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1-5_For Zion's sake I will not keep silent until her salvation goes forth like a burning torch. The nations will see your righteousness. The LORD will give you a new name. You will no longer be thought of as forsaken, for the LORD delights in you. He will rejoice over you as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride.

__6-9_On the walls of Jerusalem I have appointed watchmen. You who call on the LORD shall not keep silent. Take no rest or give Him any rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. The LORD has sworn by His right strong arm that your gain shall not be given to others. What you garner you will eat as you praise the LORD.

__10-12_Clear the way for people to understand what is coming. Behold, the LORD has proclaimed to the ends of the earth, Lo, your salvation comes. Behold His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him. They will be called the holy people, the redeemed of the LORD. And you will be called a city not forsaken.

Isaiah 63
At a Glance (19 V)
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1-7_Who is it that comes from Edom marching in greatness and fine apparel? No one can stop His vengeance. He made them drink of His wrath.

I shall make mention of the loving kindness of the LORD and His great goodness toward Israel.

__8-14_He said, surely they are My people. So He became their Savior. In His love and mercy He redeemed them in days past. But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit. So He became their enemy. Then they remembered the old days during the time of Moses. Then they remembered all the miracles He worked for them while He led them.

__15-19_Look down from heaven, for Thou O Lord, art our Father. Why hast Thou caused us to stray from Thy ways and hardened our heart from fearing Thee? Thy holy people possessed Thy sanctuary for a little while and now our adversaries have trodden it down.

Isaiah 64
At a Glance (12 V)
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1-4_O that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake in Thy presence, to make Thy name known to Thy adversaries. For from of old they have not seen or heard of a God besides Thee, Who takes care of those who wait for Him.

__5-7_Thou dost meet him who is happy to do righteousness. Behold, You were angry, for we sinned for a long time. All of us have become unclean. Our righteous deeds are like filthy garments. Thou hast hidden Thy face from us and delivered us into the power of our iniquities.

__8-12_But now, O Lord, Thou art our Father. We are the clay and Thou art the potter. We are the work of Your hands. Do not remember our iniquity forever. Jerusalem has become a desolation. Wilt Thou afflict us beyond measure?

Isaiah 65
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-7_I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me; I said, here am I to a nation that did not call on My name. I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people who follow their own thoughts, a people who continually provoke Me to My face. They do abominable things. I will repay their iniquities.

__8-12_Thus says the LORD, I will not destroy all of them. I will bring forth offspring from Jacob. Sharon and the valley of Achor shall be a resting place for flocks and for My people who seek Me. But you who forsake the LORD are destined for the sword because I called you and you did not answer. You chose what is evil in My sight.

__13-16_Therefore, thus says the LORD God, My servants shall eat and drink, but you shall be hungry and thirsty. My servants shall rejoice, but you shall be put to shame. You shall cry out with a broken spirit. My servants shall be called by another name and forget their former troubles which will be hidden from My sight.

__17-20_For behold I create new heavens and a new earth. The former things shall not be remembered. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and there will no longer be heard the sound of crying. No longer will an infant live only a few days. For the youth will die at the age of one hundred.

__21-23_And they shall build houses and live in them. They shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit. No else will live in their house or eat their fruit. The people will live as long as a tree. My chosen ones shall wear out the work of their hands and shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity. They are blessed by the LORD.

__24-25_It shall come to pass that before they call I will answer. While they are still speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall graze together. The lion shall eat straw like an ox, and dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall do no evil or harm in all my holy mountain, says the LORD.

Isaiah 66
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-2_Thus says the LORD, heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool. What house could you build where I could rest? Everything that came into being was made by My hand. And I keep My eye on the one who respects My word.

__3-21_Those who bring offerings while delighting in abominations, I will punish. I called but they did not answer. They did evil in My sight and will be put to shame.

Zion is going through a rebirth. Be joyful Jerusalem. Be comforted. The LORD will execute justice.

__22-24_Just as the new heavens and the new earth will endure before Me, so your offspring and your name will endure. From new moon to new moon and from Sabbath to Sabbath all mankind will bow before Me. But the wicked will not be there.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

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Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for each book of the Bible. Some books have more detail than others.

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