__1 - New Cloth And New Wine
__2 - Building On The Rock Or The Sand
__3 - The Two Debtors
__4 - The Unclean Spirit
__5 - The Sower
__6 - Wheat And Tares
__7 - The Growing Seed
__8 - Mustard Seed
__9 - Leaven
_10 - Hidden Treasure
_11 - Pearl Of Great Price
_12 - Dragnet
_13 - New And Old Treasures
_14 - The Unforgiving Servant
_15 - The Good Samaritan
_16 - The Persistent Friend
_17 - The Rich Fool
_18 - The Watchful Servants
_19 - The Barren Fig Tree
_20 - Choosing The Best Place
_21 - The Great Supper
_22 - The Cost Of Discipleship
_23 - The Lost Sheep
_24 - The Lost Coin
_25 - The Lost/Prodigal Son
_26 - The Unjust Steward
_27 - The Rich Man And Lazarus
_28 - The Unprofitable Servants
_29 - The Unjust Judge And The Widow
_30 - The Pharisee And The Tax Collector
_31 - The Laborers In The Vineyard
_32 - The Minas
_33 - Two Sons
_34 - The Wicked Vinedressers
_35 - The Wedding Feast
_36 - Two Servants
_37 - Ten Virgins
_38 - The Talents
_39 - The Sheep And The Goats

Light of God's Word - Home Page

This page designed by Ron Booth (c) 09/23/18 Version #0180923-2205.
All Bible quotes given in the KING JAMES VERSION unless otherwise specified.