__1 - Water Turned To Wine
__2 - The First Catch Of Fish
__3 - Jesus Stilled The Storm
__4 - Feeding The 5,000
__5 - Jesus Walks On Water
__6 - Feeding The 4,000
__7 - The Coin In The Fish's Mouth
__8 - The Fig Tree Withered
__9 - The Second Catch Of Fish
_10 - The Nobleman's Son
_11 - The Paralytic Man
_12 - Peter's Mother-In-Law
_13 - The First Leper
_14 - The Paralytic At Capernaum
_15 - The Man With The Withered Hand
_16 - The Centurion's Servant
_17 - Two Blind Men
_18 - The Woman With Bleeding
_19 - The Canaanite Woman's Daughter
_20 - The Dead Mute Of Decapolis
_21 - The Blind Man At Bethsaida
_22 - The Man Born Blind
_23 - The Infirm Woman
_24 - The Man With Dropsy
_25 - Ten Lepers
_26 - Blind Bartimaeus
_27 - The High Priest's Servant's Ear
_28 - The Demoniac At The Synagogue
_29 - The Mute Demoniac
_30 - The Blind, Mute Demoniac
_31 - Two Demoniacs
_32 - The Demon Possessed Boy
_33 - The Widow's Son At Nain Raised From The Dead
_34 - Jairus's Daughter Raised From The Dead
_35 - Lazarus Raised From The Dead

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This page designed by Ron Booth (c) 09/23/18 Version #0180923-2205.
All Bible quotes given in the KING JAMES VERSION unless otherwise specified.