1 Corinthians 3:17 If _anyone_ destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is _sacred_, and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 10:31 So _whether_ you eat or drink or _whatever_ you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Mark 7:2 Saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were "_unclean_," that is, _unwashed_.
Mark 7:3 (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a _ceremonial_ washing, holding to the _tradition_ of the elders.
Mark 7:4 When they come from the _marketplace_ they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other _traditions_, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles. )
Mark 7:5 So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, "Why don't your _disciples_ live according to the _tradition_ of the elders instead of eating their food with 'unclean' hands?"
The object of the discussion in Mark 7 was not the Levitical health laws of Leviticus 11 which were given by a loving God to preserve the health of His people. The discussion was about the Jewish "tradition of the elders" (mark 7:5). The Pharisees believed that to eat with unwashed hands, a person absorbed or took in defilement from the Gentiles. Jesus was not repudiating the health laws which our Lord Himself gave. Instead He was rejecting the idea that a person was ceremonially defiled by touching a Gentile. In the context of Mark 7, Jesus is saying that "nothing from outside you can produce defilement or sin. " All sin begins in the mind. The Jews rejected God's commandments, to maintain their tradition of exclusiveness (mark 7:9). The expression "purging all meats" (k. J. V. ) in verse 19 is better translated "purging all foods. " The word is "broma. " No food is ceremonially unclean. No food carries sin within it. Not from without, but from within sin arises (mark 7:21). Jesus did not promote unclean animals as food. They were scavengers never to be eaten. The issue in Mark 7 is not health as to whether or not to eat unclean animals, but rather ceremonial defilement which the Jews believed came from touching Gentiles, transferring their defilement into themselves through foods into the body.
Contrary to popular opinion, the Biblical health laws are not for the Jews alone.
When Noah entered the ark, he was instructed to bring the unclean in by twos. Since the clean animals would be eaten due to the shortage of vegetation after the flood, they were brought in by sevens.
In Leviticus 11, God distinguishes between clean and unclean animals for all mankind.
The prophet Isaiah reveals the results of rebellion as destroying those who eat unclean animals. God knows best. He wants for us to be in good health. He invites us to give up anything that will harm our body temple in which He want to dwell.
Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven of every kind of _clean_ animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of un_clean_ animal, a male and its mate,
We might ask, "was God giving Noah permission to eat snakes, rats, alligators, lizards, worms, and cockroaches? Certainly not! Noah already knew the difference between clean and unclean foods. God was simply making a statement. Noah, you may now eat flesh foods. The evidence is that God clearly forbade unclean animals later in both Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.
Malachi 3:6 "I the LORD do not change. So you, O _descendants_ of Jacob, are not _destroyed_.
All of God's Laws Including Those Relating to Health Were Given in Love to Reduce Disease and Increase Happiness.
Many in the scientific community recognize that the health principles of the Bible can significantly assist in reducing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. God's ways are best.
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has _fruit_ with seed in it. They will be _yours_ for food.
This passage describes a group who depart from the Biblical faith in the last days. According To Timothy 4:3, they teach twin errors. This group forbids marriage and commands to abstain from meats (k. J. V. ) or foods (greek: broma) which God has created to be received with thanksgiving. The word meat (k. J. V. ) refers not to animals in particular, but food in general. The same word is used in the Greek version of the Old Testament in Genesis 1:29. The Greek word broma, could as well be translated as food, rather than meat. Meat was an old English term that was used for food. Throughout the centuries, certain ascetics, monks, and priests have declared the world as evil. Both marriage and food are created by God. They are both part of God's good plan for the human race. According to 1 Timothy 4:4, 5, those creatures sanctified by the word of God are good and not to be refused when received with thanksgiving. Paul here is arguing against the fanaticism which declares all physical pleasure as evil. God desires that His creatures heartily enjoy the food He has created for them. The issue here is not clean or unclean foods, but whether food itself is part of the material world and to be rejected through a monastic life. Paul says no! God's creation is good.
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living _sacrifices_, holy and pleasing to God--this is your _spiritual_ act of worship.
Next Bible Study: 25-State of the Dead