Chapters: 1 2 3

2 Peter - At A Glance

3 Chapters - Written about AD 67 by Peter

Theme: 2 Peter warns Christians about false teachers and exhorts all to grow in their faith and knowledge of Christ.

The cure for complacency, lawlessness and heresy is found in the confident assurance that Christ will return. Christians must resist the pressure to give up.

2 Peter 1
At a Glance (21 V)
See Each Verse

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1-11_God and Jesus have granted you everything pertaining to life and godliness. Reach for moral excellence leading to knowledge, then self-control, then perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, which all lead to love. As these qualities increase you become more useful and when you practice these things you do not stumble.

__12-21_I feel that I must remind you that we have not told you cunningly devised fables. We were eyewitnesses of Jesus majesty. We heard His Father's voice declaring Him to be His beloved Son. Pay attention to the prophetic word as you realize that no prophecy came by human intention. Men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 2
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-9_There have been false prophets in the past and there will be false teachers among you. Some will deny Jesus as they follow their sensuality. Their judgment is sure just as it was for the people in Noah's day, as well as at Sodom and Gomorrah. The LORD knows how to rescue the Godly from temptation.

__10-22_The unrighteous will surely suffer the wages of doing wrong. The wicked promise freedom from restriction while they are themselves slaves of corruption. If God rescues you from the defilements of this world and you turn back to worldliness, your last state is worse than the first.

2 Peter 3
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-7_In the last days mockers will ask, where is the promise of His coming? Things just keep on as they have always been. These should remember that God created everything by His own word. He also destroyed the world with a flood. And the heavens and the earth are currently reserved for fire in the day of judgment.

__8-13_A day with the LORD is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. He is not slow in keeping His promise and He is patient with you. The day of the LORD will come unexpectedly to those who are not watching. Because of this we ought to live Godly lives. Continue to look for new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells.

__14-18_Be diligent to be found by Him in peace and blameless. Paul has said the same things in his letters. Some things are hard to understand. The untaught and the unstable distort these things to their own destruction. Do not be carried away by their error. Instead, continue to grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus.

Chapters: 1 2 3

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