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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Theme: The book of Hebrews presents the sufficiency and superiority of Christ. He is greater than anyone or anything. Hebrews 1 Hebrews 2 __9-18_He was for a time made lower than the angels that He might taste death for everyone. Therefore He is the perfect author of our salvation and above every angel. He was made like us in all things so that He can be our merciful and faithful high priest. Because He was tempted He is able to come to our aid.
Hebrews 3 Hebrews 4 __7-16_Today is the appointed day to hear His voice and obey. Entering God's rest requires diligence. God's word is living and active, able to judge our thoughts and intentions. All things are open to His sight. As our high priest He is able to understand our weakness. Let us draw near to Him with confidence in His mercy and grace.
Hebrews 5 Hebrews 6 __9-20_But we are sure of better things for you as you realize the full assurance of your hope in Jesus. This will cause your experience to remain vibrant with faith and patience. You may trust in God for He has promised you salvation and He always keeps His word.
Hebrews 7 __22-28_Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. He abides forever and holds His priesthood permanently. He always lives to make intercession. He does not need sacrifice for himself because He is without sin.
Hebrews 8 Hebrews 9 __22-28_Both covenants require the shedding of blood for forgiveness. In this better covenant Jesus shed his blood once and made it possible for anyone to have salvation by trusting in Him.
Hebrews 10 __19-25_With such a wonderful and better plan for dealing with sin we should draw near to Him having sincere hearts full of assurance and faith in what He has said He will do for us. We should get together on a regular basis to encourage each other with this hope.
__26-31_However, if we continue in sin after understanding this great truth, there is no other way for God to save us from sin. The only other option for us will be the terrifying prospect of judgment.
__32-39_When you responded to this truth it was not without personal cost. Some of you were publicly derided. Some lost property and status. Yet you were happy to exchange these things for lasting heavenly possessions. Do not now throw this away. Endurance with faith is required if our souls are to be preserved.
Hebrews 11 __7-16_Noah, Abraham and Sarah are examples of those who died while still looking for what had not yet been received. Because of their faith God was not ashamed to be called their God.
__17-31_Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses are all examples of men who learned to put their faith in God and not in the world. By faith the walls of Jericho fell down. It took seven days. Even Rahab had faith in something better than she had before she met the spies.
__32-40_God's people have been stoned, sawn in two, and killed with the sword, destitute and ill treated, wandering in deserts, mountains and caves. They were approved by God through their faith and yet did not receive what they had been promised because God had something better in store for them when they would be raise to a new life.
Hebrews 12 __5-17_When the LORD disciplines you take it as from a father's hand. It is for your own good. He loves you. Pursue peace and sanctification. Do not come short of God's grace by being immoral and godless. Esau did not care about his birthright until the time came when it was no longer available. Do not make his mistake.
__18-29_Since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude by offering to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 13 __7-17_Hold in high esteem those who taught you truth. You are to represent Jesus who is the same in all cases at all times. Varied and strange teachings do not represent Him. The grace of Jesus Christ is key to everything we teach. What we have now does not compare to what we hope for in Jesus. Do what is right. Obey your leaders.
__18-25_Pray for us. God's eternal saving peace will equip you for His own purpose and your happiness.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for each book of the Bible. Some books have more detail than others.
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