Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5

1 Thessalonians - At A Glance

5 Chapters - Written about AD 51 by Paul

Theme: We believe that in Christ we will live forever. At His second coming He will take to heaven all who are His. The Gospel is not only what we believe. It is how we must live.

1 Thessalonians 1
At a Glance (10 V)
See Each Verse

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1-10_Greetings. We rejoice in the way you have responded to the Holy Spirit as you have learned from the gospel.

1 Thessalonians 2
At a Glance (20 V)
See Each Verse

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1-12_When we first came to you we spoke the gospel under much opposition. We tried to speak it truthfully while not depending on anyone for our living. We did not want to be a burden to anyone or have anyone say we were preaching for gain.

__13-20_We constantly thank God for you as we realize that you have taken this message as the word of God. You have been willing to suffer for your belief in Jesus. You are our glory and joy.

1 Thessalonians 3
At a Glance (13 V)
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1-13_When we felt like there was nothing more to be done in Athens we left. We sent Timothy to you and he has brought back good news of your faith and love. This has comforted us. We hope that God will allow us to come to see you again.

1 Thessalonians 4
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-12_You know what we have taught about living moral lives. God has called us to purity. We are to lead quiet lives by attending to our own business while working with our hands.

__13-18_We want you to understand that those who are asleep in death will rise up again. The LORD Himself will descend from heaven with a shout. Those who are His He will raise from the grave and the living who belong to Christ will meet them with the LORD in the air and we will all go to heaven. Comfort each other with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5
At a Glance (28 V)
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1-11_You know very well that the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night. It will be a surprise and will come in times of difficulties. Do not sleep and be unaware of the times. We are to have faith, love, and hope through Christ Who died for us. Whether we die or remain until He comes, we will live with Him.

__12-15_I ask you to have love and respect for those in charge of instructing you. Admonish the unruly, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak and be patient with everyone. Do not repay evil with evil. Rather, seek what is good for everyone.

__16-28_Pray all the time giving thanks with rejoicing. Do not quench the Spirit by ignoring His messages He has given through His prophets. Hold fast to what is good and abstain from every form of evil. May the God of peace sanctify you entirely so that you are preserved without blame at the LORD's coming. He is faithful and will bring it to pass.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5

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