Chapters: 1 2

Haggai - At A Glance

2 Chapters - Written about 520 BC by Haggai.

Theme: The purpose of this book is to call the people to complete the rebuilding of the temple. Fifteen years after returning they still had not completed it. They were more concerned about building their own homes. Haggai assured them of the divine presence of the Holy Spirit and the hope of the coming Messiah who would reign.

Haggai 1
At a Glance (15 V)
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1-2_In the second year of Darius the word of the LORD came by the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah. Joshua was the high priest. The people were questioning if it was the right time to rebuild the house of the LORD.

__3-6_The word of the LORD came to Haggai saying, is it time for you to live in nice houses while the LORD's house lies desolate? Consider your ways. You sow much and harvest little. You eat and drink but are not satisfied. You put on clothing but do not feel warm. What you earn you put into a purse with holes.

__7-11_God says, consider your ways. Go up to the mountains and bring back wood to rebuild the temple that I may be pleased with it and glorified. While focusing on your comforts you have not realized any real benefit. I have not been able to bless you or the labor of your hands.

__12-15_Then Zerubbabel and Joshua, along with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God and showed Him reverence. God stirred them up and they came to work on the house of the LORD. This was during the sixth month of the second year of Darius the king.

Haggai 2
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-5_A month later the LORD spoke through Haggai to the leaders and the people. Those of you who can remember the former temple realize that this temple is nothing in comparison to the former temple. Nevertheless, take courage for I am with you. My Spirit is abiding in your midst. Do not fear.

__6-9_Before long I will shake the nations. Many will come to worship at this house. Money is never the problem. It all belongs to Me.

The latter glory of this temple will be greater than the glory of the first temple. In this place I shall give peace.

__10-23_A couple months later the LORD spoke through Haggai again, saying, that which the LORD makes holy does not make anything else holy by association. Now that you have begun work on my house I will bless you much more. I will overthrow the thrones of nations but you will remain. I have chosen you, declares the LORD of Hosts.

Chapters: 1 2

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