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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Theme: This book affirms the sanctity of marriage and gives a picture of God's love for His people. Sex is God's gift to His creatures. He wants sex to be motivated by love instead of lust. It is for mutual pleasure and not selfish enjoyment. In mutual love and enjoyment each makes the other feel loved and beautiful. Song of Solomon 1 I want his kisses. His love is better than wine. He has a pleasing fragrance. I love his name. He has brought me into his chambers. We will rejoice in our love. My skin is swarthy for the sun has burned me. I had to care for the vineyards. I wonder where he pastures his flock and where he rests at noon.
__9-17_You are so lovely, my darling. We will make you ornaments of gold and silver. While I sat at the table my perfume gave off it fragrance. How beautiful you are, my darling. Your eyes are like doves. How handsome you are, my beloved. How pleasant our surroundings.
Song of Solomon 2 My darling is like a lily and by comparison, other maidens are thorns. Among young men my beloved is like an apple tree among the trees of the forest. I delight in his shade and his fruit. His banner over me is love. Let his left hand be under my head and his right hand embrace me.
__7-12_Do not awaken my beloved until she is ready. Listen! My beloved comes Climbing the mountains and leaping on the hills. He is like a young stag peering through the lattice. My beloved responded, saying, get up my beautiful one. Winter is past. The rain has finished. Flowers are appearing. I hear the turtledove calling.
__13-17_The figs are ripe and the vines are in blossom. O my dove let us explore these wonders. Your voice is sweet and your form is lovely. Catch the little foxes that run in the vineyards as they blossom. My beloved is mine and I am his. He pastures his flock among the lilies until the cool of the day.
Song of Solomon 3 She sleeps and I do not want to awaken her until she pleases.
__6-11_What is this I see coming up from the wilderness? I smell myrrh, frankincense and scented powders. It is Solomon's traveling couch with sixty mighty men around him. He sits in his sedan chair with its silver posts, back of gold and purple fabric. He wears his crown that was placed on his head by his mother at his wedding.
Song of Solomon 4 __7-15_You are altogether beautiful, my darling bride. You have made my heart beat faster just by glancing my way. Your love is more satisfying than wine. Your lips are sweet and your fragrance is pleasant. You are like a wonderful garden with pleasant fruit and the finest spices. You are as a garden spring flowing with fresh water.
__16_Awake north wind. Come south wind. Cause my garden to breath out fragrance. Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come to his garden and eats its choice fruits!
Song of Solomon 5 I was asleep but my heart was awake. I have washed and prepared myself. I am aroused by my beloved. Everything about me called out to him. But then he was not there. I went looking for him and I was misunderstood.
__9-16_What sort of person is your beloved? He is wonderfully handsome. He is one in ten thousand. Everything about him is perfection. This describes him well. He is my friend.
Song of Solomon 6 You are as lovely as Jerusalem, my darling. When you look at me I am bashful. Your hair is beautiful and your teeth, as well. You are most perfect of all women.
__10-13_Who is this that grows like the dawn, as beautiful as a full moon and as pure as the sun? I went down to the orchard to see the blossoms on the nut trees. Then I checked to see if the vines had budded or the pomegranates had bloomed. Come back, O Shulammite, so that we may look at you.
Song of Solomon 7 __6-13_How delightful you are, my love! You are stately like a palm tree. The fragrance of your breath is like apples and your mouth is like the best wine. I am my beloved's and his desire is for me. Let us go into the country and rise early to visit the vineyards and see the fruit blossoms. I have saved the best fruit for you.
Song of Solomon 8 Do not arouse or awaken my beloved until she pleases.
__5-7_Who is coming from the wilderness leaning on her beloved? Beneath the apple tree I awakened you. Place me like a seal over your heart and on your arm. For love is as strong as death. Many waters cannot quench love. If a man were to give all his riches for love it would be utterly despised.
__8-14_We have a little sister not yet spoken for. We will guard her, carefully watching out for her well being. I am fully grown. In his eyes I am as one who has found peace. Solomon had many vineyards but I have my own vineyard and I give it to you, Solomon. Hurry, my beloved, and be like the stag on the mountains of spices.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for each book of the Bible. Some books have more detail than others.
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