Why Did Idols Appeal To The Israelites?

It doesn't seem to make sense that the kings of the Old Testament had God's word and the prophets and they still turned to idols. Why was this?

As you read the Old Testament, you discover that a revival followed by clean living usually lasted while that generation lived. The revival experience was not something easily passed to the next generation.

Some examples can be found in each of the following references. They are repetitious.
Judges 2:11; Judges 3:7; Judges 4:1; Judges 6:1; 1 Kings 11:6; 1 Kings 14:22; 1 Kings 15:26; 1 Kings 15:34; 1 Kings 16:30; 1 Kings 22:52; 2 Kings 8:18; 2 Kings 8:27; 2 Chronicles 22:4

It is worth noting that even Solomon, with the advantage of great wisdom, was no match for the allure of idols. Wisdom does not protect us from the devil for he is a wise and mighty fallen angel. Following God's word and relying on His strength is our only protection.

Idol worship, as demonstrated in Old Testament times, appealed to all that is wrong with sinful man. When sin came into the world mankind became very interested in power, pleasure, passion and popularity with piers.


THEN: The people wanted freedom from the authority of God and His priests. They wanted a religion that fit their way of thinking, rather than pattern their way of thinking after God's ways.

NOW: We do not want to answer to a higher authority either.


THEN: Idol worship exalted sensuality without responsibility or guilt. People would act out the vicious and sensuous attributes of the gods they worshiped. This sort of worship sanctioned their sinful inclinations.

NOW: People have made a god of pleasure, even seeking it at the expense everything good.


THEN: Worshiping idols, man became little more an an animal. This sort of worship allowed the people to see as normal the exploitation of others sexually, politically, and economically.

NOW: Man is still being reinterpreted as an animal with the condoning of sinful drives and passions. Rather than exploit one another, God intended that our passions should build one another up.


THEN: The high and holy nature of God was replaced by gods who were mere reflections of a corrupted human nature. True sacrifice was not appreciated.

NOW: Sacrifice is seen as a self-inflicted punishment that makes no sense. Success is to be sought at all costs.

Why did idols appeal to the Israelites in the Old Testament?

As societies go through change, they often throw out the norms and values no longer considered necessary or acceptable. Believers must be careful to test everything with God's word. The scripture is wonderfully applicable to every society in any age. When we throw away God's truth only godlessness and evil remain.

Idols appealed to people in Bible times for the same reasons our idols appeal to us. We need to do what they did in order to come back to God. They repented and the result was revival.

So Must We.

Parts of the above taken from the "Life Application Study Bible" KJV, 2004, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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