Why This Web Site Exists

Lightofgodsword.com provides a systematic look at the Bible, letting the Bible explain itself. This web site attempts to cover many of the texts from the Bible concerning the subjects listed. Much of the scripture quoted is from the King James Bible, unless the RWB Paraphrase Version has been specified.

The RWB Paraphrase is a verse by verse look at the Bible using todays modern language while remaining faithful to the meaning as viewed when comparing the King James Version, the New King James Version, the New American Standard Version, the New International Version and the Revised Standard Version. When the meaning still seems unclear, other versions of the Bible have been consulted.

The fill in the blank Bible studies allow for the use of any one of these versions. See a further explanation at the bottom of this page.

At the beginning of each chapter of the Bible there are three options:
See Chapter at a Glance- This is a condenced rendering of the chapter
See Comments - This is the paraphrase with comments including some cross references
Go to top - This takes you to the top of the current Bible book

Ronald W. Booth, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, is the author and designer of this website.

As You Study the Bible

Instead of taking a text by itself, it is often best to study the context in which a scripture verse appears. In other words, look at the surrounding scripture texts and then try to understand the circumstances in which the message was written down. This solves many of the problems raised by those seeking to cast doubt on supposed inconsistencies within the Bible. Contextual study also sheds light on some of the misinterpretations and unbiblical teachings within the Christian community.

It is interesting to note that some Messianic prophecies quoted by the gospels and Paul, at first glance do not seem to be Messianic. As we remember that Paul, and the other apostles, had cultural connections that linked them more closely to the Old Testament, it can help us to seek to understand as they did, what the Old Testament writers intended to convey to their readers.

We need to pray for and seek such an understanding in order that we, too, may be able to mine the riches placed within the Old Testament, the only scriptures available to Jesus and the members of the early church. This should not be misconstrued as license to make our own interpretation of obscure passages, or of any other scripture.

We can expect scripture to explain scripture. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2 Peter 1:21) This means that the men who applied portions of scripture from the Old Testament, to what they saw fulfilled in their time, were also inspired as they wrote down their thoughts for what eventually became the New Testament, a record of fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, and a primer for consistent Christian living for all time.

Letting scripture explain scripture requires that we read the entire Bible with an open mind. Jesus reprimanded the leaders of His day for not knowing the scriptures. Jesus answered and said unto them, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. "(Matthew 22:19) These learned men, leaders of their religious communities, had read the scriptures much, memorizing large portions of the Old Testament. Their minds were closed to the understanding offered by Jesus. It did not fit their cherished interpretations. This new way of thinking challenged their authority.

Trust the Bible to Explain the Bible

It is hoped that as you review the groupings of scripture in the lessons provided on this web site, you will see the Bible as an ever clearer revelation of God's divine character and of His will for you from this day forward. Perhaps you will also see how important you are to Him. He is doing everything possible to work with you as an individual. As you become more aware of this effort on His part, how will you respond?

Using The Bible Study Tools

The tools provided as Bible Study Helps include a list of Jesus Miracles and the references to them in the four gospels. The same is true of the list of Jesus Parables and the Harmony of the Gospels. The Harmony of the Gospels shows each gospel's account of each part of Jesus life in the order in which it happened, to the best of Biblical scholarship's studied opinion. You, too, may study for yourself to determine your own understanding of Jesus life here on earth from His birth to His ascension.

Additional Tools are added from time to time.

Bible At A Glance is not designed to teach doctrine nor is it to replace the Bible. It is meant to give a broad overview of the order in which things happen in the brief glance provided for a book of the Bible. Some books of the Bible in this section have been given more attention than others.

God's Word Into My Heart is a paraphrase. I created each book of the Bible in my own words while looking at various translations. My main purpose for producing this has been so that I have to read the Bible more carefully. Perhaps someone else will enjoy reading it, too.

Messianic Prophecies is another recent addition to the tool list. This is a partial list of Old Testament Messianic prophecies followed by the New Testament reference to each prophecy's fulfillment in the person and life of Jesus Christ.

Study Charts is a collection of short studies that lend themselves to being displayed in a chart format. Many of them include graphical images.

Finances And the Christian addresses some of the challenges the Christian faces when managing his resources.

Points of Interest is a catch all for various subjects of interest.

Bible Studies Using Five Bible Translations lets you select the version of the Bible you wish to study from. Lessons are available in the following translations:
____King James Version
____New America Standard Version
____New King James Version
____New International Version
____Revised Standard Version

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This page designed by Ron Booth (c) 12/30/09 Version #0121207-1915.

A principle source for the Bible Studies is Mark Finley's "Studying Together",
A Ready-Reference Bible Handbook, 1995