Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Zechariah - At A Glance

14 Chapters - Written about 480 BC by Zechariah.

Theme: This book is a call to repentance and gives hope to God's people, revealing future deliverance through the Messiah. The Jews, though free from exile were discouraged. The temple had not been completed. Zechariah encouraged them to rebuild it. God would protect and empower them by His Holy Spirit to carry out His work.

Zechariah 1
At a Glance (21 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_In the eighth month of the second year of Darius the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the prophet saying, the LORD was very angry with your fathers. The LORD is calling you to return to Him. Do not be like your fathers. Your fathers are gone but My word remains.

__7-8_On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the prophet.

I saw in the night a man riding on a red horse. Then he was standing among the myrtle trees in a ravine with red, sorrel, and white horses behind him.

__9-12_The man standing in the myrtle trees explained to me that the others he saw had been sent by the LORD to patrol the earth. They reported that all the earth was peaceful. Then the angel of the LORD asked, how long, O Lord, will You have no compassion for Jerusalem and Judah, with which you have been indignant these seventy years?

__13-17_The LORD answered the angel with comforting words. He said that He was jealous for Jerusalem and Zion. He was angry with the nations who had hurt Judah for they had overstepped their bounds. The LORD said that He would return to Jerusalem and His house would be rebuilt. My cities will again overflow with prosperity and I will comfort Zion.

__18-21_I looked and saw four horns. I was told that these had scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. The LORD sent four craftsmen to overthrow the horns of the nations who have worked against Judah.

Zechariah 2
At a Glance (13 V)
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1-5_I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line. He said he was going to measure Jerusalem. Someone else spoke, saying, Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls because of the great number of men and cattle in it. The LORD said that He would be a wall of fire around the city and be the glory in her midst.

__6-9_Ho there, flee from the land of the north, for the LORD has dispersed you to the four winds. Those of you living with the daughter of Babylon must escape. Anyone who would hurt Zion would be touching the apple of His eye. The LORD will wave His hand over them and they will be plundered.

__10-13_Sing for joy, O daughter of Zion, for the LORD will dwell in your midst. Many nations will become part of the LORD's people. The LORD will possess Judah as His portion in the holy land.

Zechariah 3
At a Glance (10 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Then I saw Joshua the high priest standing before the LORD. Satan stood at his right to accuse him. The LORD rebuked Satan saying, Joshua is a brand plucked from the fire.

Joshua stood before the angel wearing filthy garments. The angel arranged for their removal, and said, I have taken your iniquity away.

__6-8_The LORD then admonished Joshua to walk in His ways and to perform His service. As a result, Joshua would govern His house and have free access among those standing there.

You Joshua, and the others who serve with you, are a symbol of My servant the Branch.

__9-10_I have set a stone with seven eyes before Joshua. The inscription I have put on the stone says that the LORD will remove the iniquity of the land in one day. In that day everyone will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and fig tree.

Zechariah 4
At a Glance (14 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_The angel asked me what I saw? I said that I saw a gold lampstand having seven lamps. There were two olive trees, one on either side of the lampstand. The angel asked me what they were for. I did not know. Then the angel told me to tell Zerubbabel this message from the LORD: not by might or power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD.

__7-10_No obstacle that Zerubbabel faced would be too large. As he laid the last stone on the LORD's house he would realize that it was all by the grace and power of the LORD. His eye ranges over the entire earth.

__11-14_I asked Him what was the reason for the two olive trees on either side of the lampstand? He said, these are the two anointed ones who are standing by the LORD of the whole earth.

Zechariah 5
At a Glance (11 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_I looked up and saw a flying scroll. It was twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide. He told me that the scroll told of a curse against those who steal and swear, and said, they will be purged from the earth.

__5-8_Next the angel showed me an ephah with a lead cover. He told me that what it contained was a symbol of the land. There was a woman sitting in the ephah. He said this is wickedness. Then he threw her down into the middle of the ephah and covered its opening with the lead cover.

__9-11_Then I saw two women with wind in their wings come and take the ephah, and lift it up between the earth and the heavens. I asked the angel where they were taking the ephah. He said, they will build a temple for her in the land of Shinar. When it is finished she will be set on her own pedestal.

Zechariah 6
At a Glance (15 V)
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1-4_I looked up and saw four chariots coming from between bronze mountains.

The first chariot had red horses.
The second chariot had black horses.
The third chariot had white horses.
The fourth chariot had dapple horses.

I asked for an explanation of what I had been shown.

__5-8_The angel said, these are the four spirits of heaven going forth after standing before the LORD of all the earth. The black horses, followed by the white horses, go to the north country. The dappled horses go to the south country. They were eager to go. He explained that those in the north had appeased His wrath.

__9-13_He told me to make a crown of silver and gold and place it on Joshua the high priest. He said to tell Joshua that a man, whose name is Branch, will build the temple of the LORD. He will have honor and sit and rule on His throne. He will be a priest on His throne. The counsel of peace will be between the two offices.

__14-15_Those who are far off will come and build the temple of the LORD. Then you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent this message to you. This will take place if you completely obey the LORD your God.

Zechariah 7
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-6_In the fourth year and the ninth month of Darius the word of the LORD came to Zechariah. Men had come to weep before the LORD at His house. God told Zechariah to tell the people that when they fasted and mourned those seventy years, was it a fast to the LORD? But when you ate and drank wasn't that for yourselves?

__7-10_The words of the prophets in former times are still worth hearing. The LORD's words today are the same as they were then. Execute true judgment and show compassion to everyone. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, neither the stranger nor the poor. Let none of you imagine evil against his brother.

__11-14_They hardened their hearts against these ideas back then and they brought the LORD's wrath on the nation. They would not listen to Me. So when they cried to Me in their distress, neither would I hear. I scattered then with a whirlwind among the nations, and their land became desolate.

Zechariah 8
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-8_The LORD spoke, saying, I was very zealous for Zion. I am returning and I will dwell in Jerusalem. It shall be known as a city of truth and the mountain of the LORD. The streets shall be filled with old people as well as children. I will save My people from the east and the west. I will be their God in truth and righteousness.

__9-15_Let your hands be strong in building the temple. It shall no longer be as it was in former days. I will prosper the land causing it to produce. Though you were a curse among the heathen, now you shall be a blessing. Fear not. Let your hand be strong.

__16-23_Be sure to execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates. In those days men from every nation will ask to go with a Jew because of his reputation of having God with him.

Zechariah 9
At a Glance (17 V)
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1-17_The LORD has a burden against all the lands around the tribes of Israel. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. See, your King is coming to you. He is just and endowed with salvation, humble, riding on a foal of a donkey. Because of the blood of My covenant, I have set you free and you are the precious stones of a crown sparkling in His land.

Zechariah 10
At a Glance (12 V)
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1-6_Ask for rain from the LORD for He makes the storm clouds and gives showers and vegetation to each man's field. The diviners give false information. The people wander like sheep without a shepherd.

I shall strengthen Judah and bring My people back because I have compassion for them. It will be as though I never rejected them.

__7-12_They will be numerous once more. They will remember Me from far countries and I shall gather them back and strengthen them in the LORD.

Zechariah 11
At a Glance (17 V)
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1-17_The flock is doomed to slaughter. I will no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the land. I have two staffs. One I call Favor and the other I call Union. I cut Favor into pieces to break my covenant which I made with all peoples. Then I cut my second staff, Union, in pieces, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

Zechariah 12
At a Glance (14 V)
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1-7_Here is the word of the LORD, Who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundations of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him. Israel and Jerusalem will become such that all the nations of the earth will gather against them. In that day I will watch over the house of Judah.

__8-10_In that day the LORD will defend Jerusalem. Even the feeble will be like David. I will destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. I will pour out My Spirit of grace and supplication on the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that they look on Me Whom they have pierced. They will mourn for Him as one mourns for a firstborn.

__11-14_In that day the land will mourn, every family by itself, even the wives by themselves.

Zechariah 13
At a Glance (9 V)
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1-6_In that day a fountain will be opened for Jerusalem, for sin and impurity. The LORD declares that in that day He will remove idols, prophets and unclean spirits. No one will listen to someone who prophesies.

If anyone asks Him how He was wounded He will say He was wounded in the house of His friends.

__7-8_Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, declares the LORD of Hosts. Strike the Shepherd and the sheep be will scattered. Two thirds of the land will be cut off.

__9_The other third I will bring through the fire of refining. I will test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name and I will answer them. I will say, they are My people and they will say, the LORD is my God.

Zechariah 14
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-3_The day is coming when the LORD will right all the wrongs done against His people. He will gather all the nations against Jerusalem and the city will be captured and plundered. Then the LORD will fight against those nations.

__4-5_In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives on the east side of Jerusalem. This will cause the mountain to split into a very wide plain. People will flee just as they fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah the king of Judah. Then the LORD, my God, will come, and all the Holy Ones with Him.

__6-8_In that day there will be no light in the heavens. The LORD knows how this will happen. It will come about after this that living waters will flow out of Jerusalem to the east and the west. This will happen in summer and winter.

__9-11_The LORD will be King over all the earth. In that day He will be the only King. All the land will be changed into a plain. Jerusalem will remain and the people will dwell securely in it with no more curse.

__12-13_And here is the plague the LORD will send against all the people who have gone up against Jerusalem. Their flesh will rot while they are standing, even their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues in their mouths. In that day a great panic from the LORD will seize them and they will turn on each other.

__14-17_The wealth of the surrounding nations will be gathered to Jerusalem in great abundance. And the plague that fell on the people will also fall on the animals. After that the people who are left will go up to Jerusalem year by year to worship the LORD of Hosts and to celebrate the Feast of Booths, lest they receive no rain.

__18-21_You can see that the Feast of Booths is very important.

And the bells on the horses will be inscribed with the words, HOLY TO THE LORD.

And the cooking pots in each house will be like the bowls before the alter.

There will no longer be an unbeliever in the house of the LORD of Hosts.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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