Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Genesis - At A Glance

50 Chapters - Written about 1446 BC by Moses

Theme: God's explanation of the creation of the world and of man and woman. Then sin entered and everything went downhill from there. Genesis takes the reader down to the time that Jacob took his family down to Egypt to be cared for by his son Joseph. Genesis covers the first two thousand years of earth's history.

Genesis 1
At a Glance (31 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It was shrouded in darkness and was without form. The Spirit of God moved over the surface of the waters. Then God said, let there be light and there was light. He saw that it was good and He separated the light from the darkness. That evening and morning made the first day.

__6-8_Then God said, let there be an expanse separating the waters by placing some of the water above the expanse. God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and morning, a second day.

__9-13_Then God gathered the waters below the heavens making seas. God saw that it was good. He said, let the earth sprout vegetation. The plants and trees are to produce seed so that they can reproduce, each after its kind. God saw that this was also good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.

__14-19_Then God said, let there be lights in the heavens to separate the day from the night and give light to the earth. They are to mark the days, seasons and years. God made two great lights: the greater to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night. He also made the stars. It was good. The evening and morning made the fourth day.

__20-23_God said, let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth in the expanse of the heavens. God created the great sea monsters. Everything He created was able to reproduce after its kind. God said, let everything be fruitful and multiply. And the evening and the morning was the fifth day.

__24-26_God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures each able to reproduce after its kind. There were cattle, creeping things and all kinds of beasts. God saw that it was good.

Then God said, let Us make man in Our image, like Us, and let them rule over the fish, the birds, the cattle and the creeping things.

__27-28_When God created man in His own image He created them male and female. He blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over everything that moves on the earth and in the sea.

__29-31_Then God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed on the surface of the earth and every tree that yields fruit with seeds as food for you. And I have given the beasts and the birds every green plant for food. God saw that everything He had made was very good. And that evening and morning was the sixth day.

Genesis 2
At a Glance (25 V)
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1-3_Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in six days. On the seven day God rested from all the work He had done. He blessed and sanctified the seventh day because He was resting from all His work of creation.

__4-6_Here is a little more detail about creation week. Now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth. Neither had any plant sprouted. The Lord had not yet sent rain and there was no man to cultivate the ground. At this time God sent a mist to rise from the earth and water the ground.

__7-8_Then the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man then became a living being.

God planted a garden toward the east in Eden. It was there that He placed the man He had made.

__9-14_And out of the ground God caused to grow every tree that was pleasing to look at and good for food. In the middle of the garden grew the tree of life. The tree of knowledge of good and evil also grew in the garden. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden. It divided into four rivers: Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.

__15-17_The LORD took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it. And the LORD God told the man that he could eat freely from any tree in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He told him, if you eat from this tree you shall surely die.

__18-20_Then God said it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Out of the ground He formed every beast of the field and bird from the sky for the man to see and name. The man gave names to everything God brought to him, but for Adam no suitable helper was found.

__21-23_So the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man. He took a rib from him and closed up the flesh. Then the Lord made a woman out of Adam's rib and brought her to him. When the man saw her, he said, this one is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of Man.

__24-25_For this reason a man shall leave his mother and father and bond with his wife, and they shall become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Genesis 3
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-3_Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field. He spoke to the woman, asking her, has God said you may not eat from any tree of the garden? The woman said to the serpent, we may eat from the trees of the garden freely except from the tree in the middle of the garden. We cannot touch it or eat from it lest we die.

__4-6_The serpent then said, you will not surely die. God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like Him knowing good and evil. Seeing that the tree was good for food, and a delight to look at, and that it would make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband and he ate.

__7-9_It was then that their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together to cover their loins. That evening they heard the Lord God walking in the garden. They remained hidden until the Lord called out to them saying to them, where are you?

__10-12_Adam said, I heard you coming through the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. So I hid myself. Then God said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I told not to eat from?" Adam said, the woman you gave me brought me the fruit and I ate it."

__13-14_Then the Lord God said to the woman, what have you done? The woman said, the serpent deceived me and I ate the fruit. Then the Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this you are cursed more than all other creatures. You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life.

__15-16_And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. You shall bruise His heal and He shall bruise your head.

To the woman He said, I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth. Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.

__17-19_Then to Adam He said, because you listened to your wife and have eaten from the tree that I told you not to eat from, I am cursing the ground. As you work to raise your food, it will be hard work. Thorns and thistles will come out of the ground and by your sweat you will eat bread. You came from dust and to dust you shall return.

__20-24_The man called his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living. And the Lord God clothed Adam and Eve with garments of skins. He said, the man and his wife must not continue to eat from the tree of life and live forever. So He made them leave the garden and He stationed cherubim to keep everyone out of the garden.

Genesis 4
At a Glance (26 V)
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1-3_Adam and Eve had a son whom they named Cain. Eve said, I have gotten a man with the Lord's help. Sometime later she had another son. They named him Abel. He became a keeper of flocks while Cain was a tiller of the soil. In the course of time each brought offerings to the Lord. Cain brought produce from the ground.

__4-7_Abel brought an offering from the best of his flock. The Lord recognized Abel's offering but did not have regard for what Cain had brought. This made Cain very angry. The Lord asked him, why are you angry? If you do what is right you will be happy. Otherwise, sin is trying to overtake you. You must master it.

__8-9_Cain told Abel what the Lord had said to him. Sometime later when they were out in the field Cain killed Abel. Later the Lord said to Cain, where is Abel your brother? Cain said, I do not know. Am I supposed to keep track of my brother?

__10-12_Then God said, what have you done? Your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground that has received it. For this reason the ground is cursed for you and will not yield its strength when you cultivate it. You will become a wanderer on the earth.

__13-15_Cain said to the Lord, my punishment is too great for me. Working with the ground was my greatest pleasure. Now wherever I go, whoever sees me will want to kill me. So the Lord said, whoever kills you will receive seven times the punishment. The Lord appointed a sign for Cain so that anyone finding him would not kill him.

__16-18_Cain left the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod which is east of Eden. He and his wife had a son they named Enoch. Cain built a city and named it Enoch.
To Enoch was born Irad;
Irad became the father of Mehujael.
Mehujael became the father of Methushael.
Methushael became the father of Lamech.

__19-22_Lamech took Adah and Zillah as wives. Adah gave birth to Jabal whose descendants lived in tents and had livestock. His brother's name was Jubal. His descendants played the lyre and the pipe. Zillah also gave birth to Tubal-Cain who forged implements of bronze and iron. They had a daughter they named Naamah.

__23-25_Lamech said to his wives, hear what I have to say. I killed a man who wounded me. If Cain is to be avenged sevenfold, then I must be avenged seventy sevenfold.

Adam and Eve had another son whom they named Seth. Eve said, God has given me another son in place of Abel whom Cain killed.

__26_And Seth had a son he named Enosh. Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

Genesis 5
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-5_These are the generations from Adam. God created them in His own likeness, male and female and called them Man.

Adam lived one hundred and thirty years before having a son named Seth who was born in Adam's likeness. Adam lived another eight hundred years having other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and thirty years.

__6-8_Seth lived one hundred and five years before becoming the father of Enosh. Then he lived another eight hundred and seven years having other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and twelve years.

__9-11_Enosh lived ninety years and became the father of Kenan. Then he lived another eight hundred and fifteen years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and five years.

__12-14_Kenan lived seventy years and became the father of Mahalalel. Then he lived another eight hundred and forty years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and ten years.

__15-17_Mahalalel lived sixty five years and became the father of Jared. Then he lived another eight hundred and thirty years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived eight hundred and ninety five years.

__18-20_Jared lived one hundred and sixty two years and became the father of Enoch. Then he lived another eight hundred years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and sixty two years.

__21-24_Enoch lived sixty five years and became the father of Methuselah. Then Enoch walked with God three hundred more years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived three hundred and sixty five years. He walked with God and God took him to heaven without him seeing death.

__25-27_Methuselah lived one hundred and eighty seven years and became the father of Lamech. Then he lived another seven hundred and eighty two years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived nine hundred and sixty nine years.

__28-31_Lamech lived one hundred and eighty two years and became the father of Noah, saying this one shall give us rest from the toil of working with the ground which the Lord has cursed. Then he lived another five hundred and ninety five years and had other sons and daughters. In all he lived seven hundred and seventy seven years.

__32_And Noah was five hundred years old and became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Genesis 6
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-4_As daughters were born to the ungodly, the sons of God saw that they were beautiful and took them as wives for themselves. The Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with men. I will shorten his days to one hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were an ungodly race made up of mighty men of renown.

__5-8_The Lord saw that man's wickedness was so great on the earth that his every thought was continually evil. It grieved Him that He had made man. The Lord said, I will blot out the life of every man, every beast and every bird on the face of the earth. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

__9-12_Here is the record of the generations of Noah. He was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. He walked with God. He had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. As God looked on the earth He saw that it was corrupt, and the earth was filled with violence.

__13-15_God told Noah that because the earth was filled with violence, He was going to make an end to all flesh. He told Noah to make an ark of gopher wood. It was to have rooms and he was to cover it inside and out with pitch. It was to be four hundred and fifty feet long, seventy five feet wide and forty five feet high.

__16-17_He was to make a window one and one half feet from the top. There was to be a door in the side and a first, second and third deck. God said, I am bringing a flood of water on the earth to destroy all flesh in which there is the breath of life. Every living thing was to perish.

__18-22_God said, I will establish My covenant with you and you shall enter the ark, you, your sons, your wife and your son's wives. You shall bring into the ark a male and female of every kind of living thing. This will include birds, animals and creeping things. Take enough food for you and the animals. Noah did all that God commanded.

Genesis 7
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-2_Noah built the ark and he and his family were saved. Then God said to Noah, enter the ark along with your family, for you alone have I found to be righteous at this time. You shall take with you by seven, a male and female of the clean animals and of the unclean a single pair, a male and a female.

__3-5_Take also of the birds of the sky, seven pairs, male and female, to keep them alive on the face of all the earth. In seven more days I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights. Every living thing will be blotted out. Noah did everything the Lord commanded him.

__6-12_Noah was six hundred years old when the flood water came upon the earth. He and his family and the animals went into the ark and after seven days the flood waters came. All the fountains of the deep burst open and the flood gates of the sky also opened. The rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights.

__13-19_Noah's family and the animals had gone into the ark on the same day just as the God had commanded. Then God closed the door behind them. The flood came upon the earth for forty days and lifted the ark above the earth and it floated on the surface of the water. The waters rose until all of the mountains were covered.

__20-24_The water prevailed twenty two feet above the mountains. Everything that moved on the earth perished: birds, cattle, beasts, every creeping thing, and all mankind. God blotted out everything that breathed. Only Noah and those with him in the ark survived. The flood waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days.

Genesis 8
At a Glance (22 V)
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1-5_God watched over Noah and the ark and caused a wind to blow over the earth. It had stopped raining and the fountains of the deep were stopped. The waters steadily decreased. In the seventh month the ark came to rest within the mountains of Ararat and as the waters continued to decrease, by the tenth month their tops could be seen.

__6-10_When forty more days had passed Noah opened the window and released a raven that flew back and forth until the waters dried up from the earth. Then he sent out a dove, but when it found no place to rest it returned to the ark. Noah put out his hand and took her into the ark. Seven days later he sent her out again.

__11-13_Toward evening she returned with a freshly picked olive leaf in her beak. Noah knew that the waters were abated. He waited another seven days and sent her out again. This time she did not return to him. In Noah's six hundred and first year the water was dried up. Noah removed the covering of the ark giving a view of dry ground.

__14-20_Near the end of the second month God told Noah to go out of the ark with his wife, his sons, and their wives. They were to bring all the animals out. Everything and everyone was to multiply and fill the earth. Noah built an altar and sacrifice one of every clean animal and bird.

__21_The Lord was pleased with Noah's sacrifices. He said, though man's heart is evil continually, yet I will never again curse the ground on his account. Neither will I destroy every living thing as I have just done. While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 9
At a Glance (29 V)
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1-7_God blessed Noah and his sons and told them to be fruitful. He said the animals will all fear you. Everything that moves shall be food for you. The life is in the blood and you must not eat the blood. If a man kills another man, his life shall be required of him. You have been made in God's image.

__8-19_God said, I do establish My covenant with you, and with all the animals. This is its sign. When you see clouds rolling across the sky, and you then see My bow in the clouds, remember My promise to never again destroy the earth by a flood.

The earth was repopulated from Noah's three sons.

__20-24_Noah began farming and grew some grapes. He made wine and got drunk. While sleeping it off in his tent, he was uncovered. Ham looked in on him and told his brothers about it. They then covered their father without looking at his nakedness. Later Noah learned of what Ham had done.

__25-29_Noah blessed Shem and Japheth but he cursed Ham's son, Canaan. He said, Canaan's descendants shall serve the descendants of Shem and Japheth.

Noah lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood. In all, he lived nine hundred and fifty years.

Genesis 10
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-5_Here are the records of the generations born after the flood to Shem, Ham and Japheth.

The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras.

The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah.

The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim. Each was settled in their own land.

__6-10_The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, put and Canaan. The sons of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca.

The sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.

Cush became the father of Nimrod who became a mighty hunter on the earth. Babal was the beginning of his kingdom. So were Erech, Accad and Calneh in the land of Shinar.

__11-14_From there Nimrod went into Assyria and built Nineveh, Reoboth-Ir, Calah and Resen.

Mizraim became the father of: Ludim, Anamim, Lahabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Caphtorim and Casluhim, from whom came the Philistines.

__15-20_Canaan became the father of: Sidon, Heth, Jebusite, Amorite, Girgashite, Hivite, Arkite, Sinite, Arvadite, Zemarite and Hamathite. These are the sons of Ham according to their languages and nations.

__21-25_Shem was the older brother of Japheth. The sons of Shem were: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram.

The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether and Mash.

Arpachshad became the father of Shelah.
Shelah became the father of Eber. To Eber were born Peleg and Joktan. The earth was divided in the days of Peleg.

__26-32_Joktan became the father of: Almodad, Shepeph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Orphir, Havilah and Jobab.

These are the sons of Shem according to their languages and nations.

These were the families of the sons of Noah. Out of these came the nations on the earth after the flood.

Genesis 11
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-5_At this time the whole earth used the same language. As they spread to the east they came to a plain in the land of Shinar. They settled there and decided to use bricks to build a city. They used tar for mortar. Then they decided to build a tower that would reach up into the sky.

__6-9_The Lord said, because these people all speak the same language, they will be able to do whatever they propose. Let Us go down and confuse their language so that they cannot understand each other. In this way the Lord scattered the people over the earth and they stopped building the city. This was why the city was called Babel.

__10-11_Here is the record of the generations that came from Shem: Shem was one hundred years old and became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood. Then he lived five hundred more years and had other sons and daughters.

__12-15_Arpachshad lived thirty five years and became the father of Shelah. Then he lived four hundred and three years and had other sons and daughters.

Shelah lived thirty years and became the father of Eber. Then he lived four hundred and three years and had other sons and daughters.

__16-19_Eber lived thirty four years and became the father of Peleg. Then he lived four hundred and thirty years and had other sons and daughters.

Peleg lived thirty years and became the father of Reu. Then he lived two hundred and nine years and had other sons and daughters.

__20-23_Reu lived thirty two years and became the father of Serug. Then he lived two hundred and seven years and had other sons and daughters.

Serug lived thirty years and became the father of Nahor. Then he lived two hundred years and had other sons and daughters.

__24-28_Nahor lived twenty nine years and became the father of Terah. Then he lived one hundred and nineteen years and had other sons and daughters.

Terah lived seventy years and became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran. Haran became the father of Lot. Haran died in Ur of the Chaldeans in his father Terah's presence.

__29-32_Abram took Sari as his wife and she was barren. Nahor married Milcah, Haran's daughter.

Terah took his son Abram, his nephew Lot, and Sarai, and left Ur heading for Canaan. They went as far as Haran and settled there. Terah lived two hundred and five years and died in Haran.

Genesis 12
At a Glance (20 V)
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1-3_The Lord said to Abram, leave your country and your father's house and go to a land I will show you. I will bless you and make you a great nation. Those who bless you I will bless. Those who curse you I will curse. Through you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

__4-7_Abram was seventy five years old when he left Haran as God had directed. Lot went with him. Taking all their belongings they set out for Canaan. Abram went as far as Shechem to the oak of Moreh. The Lord again appeared to Abram and said that He would give him this land. Abram built an altar to the Lord who had appeared to him.

__8-10_Then he proceeded to the mountain east of Bethel where he pitched his tent and built an altar to the Lord. Here he called upon the name of the Lord. Then he journeyed on toward the Negev. At that time there was a famine in the land and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn because the famine was severe.

__11-15_As he came near Egypt he asked his wife to do him a favor. She was beautiful and he feared the Egyptians might kill him so they could have her. He asked her to say she was his sister. So when they arrived in Egypt, the Egyptians saw she was beautiful and recommended her to Pharaoh and she was taken into his house.

__16-19_Because of this Abram was treated well and given sheep, oxen, donkeys, camels and male and female servants. But the Lord struck Pharaoh and his household with plagues because of Sarai. Pharaoh called Abram and asked him why he had not been truthful about Sarai being his wife. He told Abram to take your wife and go.

__20_Pharaoh commanded his men to escort Abram away with all he had, including his wife.

Genesis 13
At a Glance (18 V)
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1-4_So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev and Lot went with him. Abram was very rich in livestock, silver and gold. They traveled from the Negev as far as Bethel where he had once before pitched his tent. Here he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord.

__5-9_Lot had continued to travel with Abram and together they had too much livestock for the land to sustain. Their herdsmen fought over pasture. The Canaanite and Perizzite were also dwelling in the land. Abram said to Lot, there should be no strife between us or our herdsmen. You choose the land you want and I will take the other.

__10-13_Lot looked around and saw the well watered valley. Sodom and Gomorrah were there and had not yet been destroyed. It was like the garden of the Lord. Lot chose this and thus they separated. So Abram settled in the land of Canaan. Now the men of Sodom were very wicked in the Lord's eyes.

__14-18_After Abram and Lot had separated, the Lord spoke to Abram. He said, look all around you. All the land you can see in every direction I will give to you and your descendants forever. No one will be able to count your descendants. Then Abram moved his camp to the oaks of Mamre at Hebron and built an altar to the Lord.

Genesis 14
At a Glance (24 V)
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1-3_In the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam and Tidal king of Goiim, all made war with Bera king of Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admath, Shemeber king of Zeboiim and the king of Bela, which became Zoar. All these came to the valley of Siddim, which became the Salt Sea.

__4-9_For twelve years they had served Chedorlaomer, but the following year they rebelled. So in the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings with him came and defeated all the country around. Coming back past Sodom they fought with the king of Sodom and his confederates.

__10-12_The valley of Siddim was full of tar pits and as the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, some of their people fell in. Others escaped to the hill country. The invading kings took the goods they found at Sodom and Gomorrah and departed. They also took Lot and his possessions.

__13-16_A fugitive came and told Abram what had happened. Abram took three hundred and eighteen trained men born in his house and pursued the invading kings as far as Dan. Dividing his forces he fought them at night and defeated them. He then chased them as far as Hobah which is north of Damascus. He brought back all the goods and Lot.

__17-20_When Abram returned from defeating Chedorlaomer and the kings with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of God Most High. He blessed Abram and he blessed God Most high. Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

__21-24_The king of Sodom asked Abram for his people and offered to let Abram keep the goods. Abram said that he had promised God that he would not keep anything lest someone should say they had made Abram rich. But he did ask that food eaten be allowed them and that the men who had accompanied him be given their share.

Genesis 15
At a Glance (21 V)
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1-3_After this the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision. He said, Abram, do not be afraid. I will protect you and your reward will be very great. Abram said, O Lord God, what will You give me? I am childless and the one who will succeed me is my servant Eliezer of Damascus, because You have not given me an offspring.

__4-6_The Lord said to him, this man will not be your heir. It will be one who comes from your own body. Then He took Abram outside and said, when you look up at the stars, can you count them? That is how many descendants you will have. Abram believed the Lord and He reckoned Abram's belief as righteousness.

__7-9_Then God said, I am the Lord who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans. I am giving you this land. Abram asked, how can I know that I shall possess it? So the Lord told him to bring a three year old heifer, a three year old female goat, a three year old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.

__10-12_Abram brought them and cutting them in half, laid the pieces opposite each other. He did not cut the birds. He kept the birds of prey away from the carcasses. When the sun had gone down Abram fell into a deep sleep. It was very dark and he was frightened.

__13-15_God said to him, you may know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in another land that is not theirs. They will be slaves for four hundred years. I will then judge that nation and they will come out with many possessions. But you will live to a good old age and go to your grave in peace.

__16-17_In the fourth generation your descendants shall return here. For now the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete. Then Abram saw what appeared to be a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between the animal pieces.

__18-21_The Lord's covenant with Abram that day was that the land would be given to Abram from the river of Egypt to the River Euphrates. The land would come from the Kenite, the Kenizzite, the Kadmonite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Rephaim, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Girgashite and the Jebusite.

Genesis 16
At a Glance (16 V)
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1-5_Abram had lived ten years in Canaan. His wife, Sarai, had not given him any children. So she suggested they might obtain children through Hagar, Sarai's Egyptian maid. Abram agreed to this but when she conceived, her attitude toward her mistress changed and Sarai decided a mistake had been made.

__6-9_So Abram said to Sarai, she is your maid. Do with her as you wish. So Sarai treated her harshly and she fled from the camp. The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water and asked her why she was there. Hagar said she was fleeing from Sarai. The angel of the Lord said she should return and submit to Sarai's authority.

__10-13_Besides this the angel promised to greatly multiply her descendants so that they would be too many to count. He said, you will bear a son. You shall call him Ishmael. He will be a man to reckon with. He will live to the east of his brothers. She recognized that she had talked with God and marveled that she had lived.

__14-16_Because of this she named the place Berr-Lahai-Roi. So Hagar bore Abram a son and called the boy Ishmael. Abram was eighty six years old when Ishmael was born.

Genesis 17
At a Glance (27 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_When Abram was ninety nine years old the Lord appeared to him, and said, I am God Almighty. Walk before Me perfectly. I will establish My covenant with you and multiply you exceedingly. Abram fell on his face while God talked with him. God said, I am changing your name from Abram to Abraham.

__6-8_I will make you exceedingly fruitful. Nations will come from you. The covenant I am making with you is everlasting to you and your descendants after you. All The land of Canaan will be an everlasting possession and I will be their God.

__9-14_My covenant with you and your descendants is that every male among you must be circumcised. This is to be done to everyone born among you when he is eight days old. When you buy a slave, he is to be circumcised as well. To not do this is to break your covenant with Me.

__15-17_Then He said, you shall no longer call your wife Sarai. Sarah will be her name from now on. I will bless her and give you a son by her. She shall be a mother of nations. Then Abraham fell on his face and he laughed. He said, will a son be born to a man one hundred years old and will Sarah bear a child when she is ninety?

__18-20_Abraham said, cannot Ishmael be the one to live before You? God said, no, Sarah your wife shall bear a son and you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish My everlasting covenant with him and his descendants. As for Ishmael, I have heard you. I will bless him and make him fruitful. He will father twelve princes.

__21-27_But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year. Then God went up from talking with Abraham and Abraham circumcised Ishmael and every male of his household just as God had directed. Abraham was also circumcised at that same time. Ishmael was thirteen years old.

Genesis 18
At a Glance (33 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_The Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre while he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. When Abraham saw them standing near by, he bowed low and said, please stop and wash your feet and have a bite to eat to refresh yourselves before going on your way. They said, we will do as you say.

__6-10_So Abraham hurried to ask Sarah to bake bread cakes while he arranged for the calf, the milk and the curds. After he had placed the food before them they asked, where is Sarah? Abraham said, in the tent. Then He said, I will return to you this time next year and Sarah your wife shall have a son. She was in the tent listening.

__11-15_Because they were advanced in age, Sarah laughed to herself, to think that they would have a child. The Lord asked Abraham, why did Sarah laugh? Is there anything too difficult for the Lord? Next year Sarah will have a son. Sarah denied that she had laughed. The Lord said, but you did laugh.

__16-20_Then the men got up and started toward Sodom. Abraham walked with them for a ways. The Lord said, shall I keep from Abraham what I am about to do? I have ordained that he become a mighty nation. He is to command his children after him to follow Me and do righteousness. The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah has come to Me.

__21-32_I am going down there to see for Myself. The other men turned to go to Sodom while the Lord talked with Abraham. Abraham asked, will you destroy the whole city if there are fifty righteous in it? The Lord said no. Then Abraham asked the same for forty five, forty, thirty, twenty, and ten. Each time the Lord said that He would spare Sodom for that many.

__33_After this the Lord went on and Abraham returned to his place.

Genesis 19
At a Glance (38 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_The two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of the city. Lot rose to greet them and invited them home to wash, eat and spend the night. They said that they would stay in the city square. But Lot urged them until they came with him. He prepared food and baked unleavened bread and they ate.

__4-9_Before they retired for the night the men of Sodom surrounded the house and called to Lot to bring the men out who were visiting him. Lot went out and tried to talk them out of what they were asking. They threatened him and insisted that the men be brought out. Lot even offered his virgin daughters. They wanted only the men.

__10-14_The visitors reached out and pulled Lot inside to safety and struck the men outside with blindness. They still tried to find the door, even though they were blinded.

His visitors told him to get his family together and get out of the city for they were going to destroy it. Lot spoke to his sons-in-law but they didn't believe him.

__15-17_When morning was about to come the angels urged Lot to take his wife and two daughters out of the city before it was destroyed. When Lot hesitated, they took the hands of him, his wife and their two daughters and brought them out of the city. They said, escape for your life. Do not remain in the valley. Go to the mountains.

__18-26_Lot was afraid to go to the mountains and begged to be allowed to escape to Zoar, a little town nearby. The angels agreed and told them to hurry. The sun had come up when Lot came to Zoar. Then the Lord rained fire and brimstone from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot's wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.

__27-29_The next day Abraham got up early and went to the place he had talked with the LORD before He had departed the previous day. Looking toward Sodom and Gomorrah he saw the smoke rising from the valley. The LORD remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the city he lived in before overthrowing it.

__30-36_Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and stayed in a cave in the mountains. The daughters talked together about the problem of finding husbands. They made a plan to get their father drunk and become pregnant by him. This they did. He never knew what had happened until afterwards.

__37-38_The older daughter had a son she named Moab. The younger bore a son she named Ben-Ammi. He was the father of the sons of Ammon.

Genesis 20
At a Glance (18 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_Abraham journeyed to the Negev and stayed a while in Gerar. Fearing he might be killed, he referred to his wife as his sister and Abimelech, king of Gerar, took Sarah intending to make her his wife. Before he married her God came to him in a dream and said, you are a dead man because the woman you have taken is already married.

__4-7_Abimelech said to God, but Abraham said she was his sister and she agreed to this. Will you slay us when we did not know the wrong we were doing? God said, I know that you did not know. Now restore her to Abraham and he will pray for you. But if you do not restore her, you and everyone who belongs to you shall surely die.

__8-14_So the next morning Abimelech explained everything to his servants. He then called Abraham and asked him what he had done. Abraham said he thought Abimelech might kill him and take his wife. And she is the daughter of my father but not my mother. We agreed to say this for my safety.

__15-18_Abimelech then gave Abraham sheep, oxen and male and female servants and restored Sarah to him. He also gave Abraham a thousand pieces of silver. Abraham prayed to God and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his maids so they could once again have children.

Genesis 21
At a Glance (34 V)
See Each Verse

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1-5_Then the LORD did for Sarah as He had promised. She conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age. Abraham named his son Isaac. He circumcised him when he was eight days old, just as God had commanded. Abraham was one hundred years old when Isaac was born.

__6-10_Sarah said, God has made me to laugh. Who would have ever said to Abraham, Sarah will nurse children? But I have given him a son in his old age. Isaac grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast. Sarah watched Hagar's son, Ishmael, mocking Isaac and told Abraham to drive out the maid and her son.

__11-14_Abraham was greatly distressed at this request. God told Abraham to do as Sarah had requested for through Isaac your descendants shall be named. I will also make a nation of Ishmael. So the next morning Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away with bread and water and she wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.

__15-18_When the water was used up she left the boy under one of the bushes. She went about a bow shot away because she did not want to watch him die. God heard the boy crying and called to Hagar from heaven. What is the matter? He asked. Do not fear. I have heard the voice of the lad. Go get the boy. I will make a great nation of him.

__19-21_Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. She filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. God was with him and he grew and became an archer. He lived in the wilderness of Paran. Eventually his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.

__22-25_About this time Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, spoke with Abraham. They said that they had seen that God was always with him in all that he did. They wanted to make a treaty with him. Abraham agreed. He then took this opportunity to complain because Abimelech's servants had seized his well.

__26-34_Abimelech said he had not heard about this until that day. So the two of them made a covenant. Abraham then gave Abimelech seven ewe lambs to signify that he, Abraham, had dug the well. After they had made their covenant, Abimelech left. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba and sojourned in Canaan.

Genesis 22
At a Glance (24 V)
See Each Verse

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1-3_After this God tested Abraham by asking him to take Isaac to the land of Moriah. God said, when you get there I will tell you on which mountain to offer him as a burnt offering. So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey. He took two young men with him and his son Isaac. He also brought wood.

__4-6_On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. He told the young men to wait there. He said we will worship and then return to you. Isaac carried the wood. Abraham carried the fire and the knife.

__7-9_Isaac spoke to his father, saying, we have the wood and the fire. Where is the lamb for the burnt offering? Abraham said, God will provide the lamb for Himself. So they walked on together. When they came to the place God had shown Abraham, he built the altar, laid the wood on it, bound Isaac and laid him on top of the wood.

__10-12_As Abraham prepared to take the life of his son, an angel of the LORD called to him from heaven, saying, Abraham, Abraham! Here I am, he answered. And the angel said, do not take the life of the lad. Now I know that you fear God since you did not hold back your only son from Me.

__13-17_Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. He took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering in the place of his son. He named the place, The LORD Will Provide. Then the angel of the LORD called Abraham a second time and said, because you did not withhold your son, I will greatly multiply your seed.

__18-24_Through Isaac all nations will be blessed because you obeyed My voice. So they returned to Beersheba where Abraham continued to live.

Abraham learned that Milcah had born children to Nahor, Abraham's brother: one was Kemuel who became the father of Bethuel and he became the father of Rebekah.

Genesis 23
At a Glance (20 V)
See Each Verse

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1-6_Sarah lived one hundred and twenty seven years and died in Hebron. Abraham mourned for her. He then went to the sons of Heth, and said, I am a stranger here and I have no place to bury my dead. They replied, you are a mighty prince among us. We will happily let you use any of our grave sites.

__7-11_So Abraham rose and bowed to the sons of Heth. If you are willing for me to bury my dead, ask Ephron the son of Zohar to give me the cave of Machpelah which is at the end of his field. I will pay the full price for it. Ephron was sitting among them and answered Abraham, saying, no my friend, I will give you the cave.

__12-16_Abraham bowed before the people of the land then spoke to Ephron in their hearing. He said, please state the value of the field I want to buy. Ephron said to Abraham, what is the value of the field at four hundred shekels of silver between us? Bury your dead. So Abraham weighed out the price he had named.

__17-20_So Ephron's field at Machpelah and the cave in it and all the trees within its confines were deeded over to Abraham in the presence of the sons of Heth and all who sat at the city gate. Afterwards Abraham buried Sarah, his wife, in the cave in the field of Machpelah at Hebron.

Genesis 24
At a Glance (67 V)
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1-3_Abraham was advanced in age. The LORD had blessed him in every way. He said to his servant who had charge of everything he owned, please make a vow with me by placing your hand under my thigh. I want you to swear by the LORD God of heaven and earth that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites.

__4-7_I want you to go to my country and my relatives to get a wife for Isaac. The servant said to him, what if the woman is unwilling to come here? Should I take your son back to your land? Abraham said, do not take him back there. The God who brought me here will send his angel before you and you will find a wife for him there.

__8-10_But if she should refuse to come back with you, you will be free from this oath. Just do not take Isaac back there. So the servant made the oath concerning the matter with Abraham. He took ten camels carrying a variety of goods and went to the city of Nahor in Mesopotamia.

__11-13_When he arrived he made his camels kneel down by the well outside the city. It was at the time when the women came to draw water. The servant prayed, O Lord, the God of Abraham, please grant me success, and show Your loving kindness to my master Abraham. The women are coming to draw water.

__14-16_May it be that the girl to whom I ask a drink of water will say, drink, and I will water your camels also. May she be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. When he had finished praying, Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel came out with her jar on her shoulder. She was very beautiful and she was unmarried.

__17-20_The servant ran to meet her and said, please let me drink a little water from your jar. She said to him, yes. Please drink and she lowered her jar and gave him a drink. After he drank she said, I will draw for your camels until they have finished drinking. She emptied her jar in the trough and drew for all his camels.

__21-23_The servant watched all this to see if the LORD was going to make his journey successful. After the animals had finished drinking, he took a gold ring weighing a half shekel, two bracelets weighing ten shekels in gold, and said, please tell me. Whose daughter are you? Would there be room for us to lodge in your father's house?

__24-27_She said, I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah whom she bore to Nahor. We have plenty of feed, straw and room to lodge in. Then the man bowed low and worshiped the LORD. He said blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham. The LORD has guided me to my master's brother.

__28-31_The girl ran and told her mother's household everything that had happened. Her brother Laban saw the ring and the bracelets the man had given Rebekah. He went and found the man standing with his camels by the spring and invited him home assuring him that there was a place for his camels.

__32-34_So Abraham's servant entered the house and Laban unloaded his camels. He gave them straw and feed. Then he brought water to wash the feet of the man and those with him. When food was set before him he said he would not eat until he had stated his business. Laban said, please speak. So he said, I am Abraham's servant.

__35-38_The LORD has greatly blessed my master with flocks and herds, silver and gold, servants, maids, camels and donkeys. Sarah my master's wife bore a son in his old age and he has given everything to him. My master sent me here to find a wife from among his relatives because he does not want his son to marry a Canaanite.

__39-42_I said to him, suppose the woman does not want to come? He said to me, the LORD before whom I have walked will make your journey successful and you will find a wife for my son from my father's house. If she will not come you will be free from my oath. So as I came to the spring today, I asked the LORD to make my journey a success.

__43-48_I asked for a sign as to which maiden was the right one. She should offer to water my camels after giving me a drink. And Rebekah came to spring and did this very thing. I asked whose daughter she was and learned that she is a daughter of my master's kinsman. So I put the ring in her nose and bracelets on her wrists.

__49-53_Deal kindly with me and tell me if she may come back with me? Laban and Bethuel said, this is from the LORD. She may go with you. Then Abraham's servant bowed low and worshiped the LORD. Then he brought out articles of silver and gold and garments which he gave to Rebekah. He gave other precious things to her brother and mother.

__54-57_Then he ate with the men and spent the night. The next morning he said, send me back to my master. The brother and mother said, let the girl stay at least ten days. Then she can go. But the servant replied, I must not delay. I must go to my master. They said, we will ask the girl if this is acceptable to her.

__58-61_They called Rebekah and asked her if she was willing to go immediately? She said, I am ready. Thus they sent her away with Abraham's servant and his men. They blessed Rebekah and said, may you become the mother of thousands. Then Rebekah arose with her maids and mounted the camels and followed the man.

__62-65_After going to Beer-Lahai-Roi, Isaac had returned and gone out to meditate in the field. Evening was approaching. As the caravan neared the camp, Rebekah saw Isaac and got down from her camel. She asked, who is the man who is walking to meet us? The servant said, he is my master. Then she put on her veil and covered herself.

__66-67_The servant told Isaac everything that had happened. Then Isaac brought her into his mother's tent and took her as his wife. He loved her and was comforted after his mother's death.

Genesis 25
At a Glance (34 V)
See Each Verse

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1-4_Abraham took another wife named Keturah. She gave him six sons: Zimran, Joksham, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Jokshan was the father of Sheba and Dedan. The sons of Dedan were Asshurim, Letushim and Leummim. The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida and Eldaah. All these were from Keturah.

__5-11_At the time of his death Abraham gave gifts to all his other sons and sent them away but to Isaac he gave everything else. Abraham lived one hundred and seventy five years. He died at a ripe old age, satisfied with life. Isaac and Ishmael buried him with Sarah in the cave of Machpelah.

__12-18_Ishmael's sons: Neaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedmah. Ishmael lived one hundred and thirty seven years.

__19-26_Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to be his wife. Because she did not have children, Isaac prayed for her and she had twins. They struggled within her and she was in distress. Then the LORD told her that two nations were in her womb. The older would serve the younger. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born.

__27-30_Esau, the older brother of Jacob, grew up to be a hunter. His father enjoyed the taste of the game he brought home. Jacob, the younger, was more of a home body. He was cooking lentil stew when his brother came home famished from the hunt. He asked for some of the stew.

__31-34_Jacob said sure, on the condition that you sell me your birthright. Esau said, I am starving to death. What do I care for the birthright? Jacob said, swear to me. So he swore to Jacob and sold his birthright to him. Jacob gave him bread and lentil stew and Esau went on his way. Thus he despised his birthright.

Genesis 26
At a Glance (35 V)
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1-6_There was another famine in the land so Isaac went to Gerar to Abimelech king of the Philistines. The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, do not go down to Egypt. Stay in this land I will bless you and your descendants just as I promised Abraham because he obeyed My commandments and My laws. So Isaac lived in Gerar.

__7-10_When the men of the place asked about his wife he said, she is my sister. He was afraid they might kill him on account of her for she was beautiful. One day Abimelech looked out a window and saw Isaac caressing Rebekah. He called Isaac and said, she must certainly be your wife. Why did you lie? I could have died because of her.

__11-15_So Abimelech told everyone to stay away from Rebekah.

Now Isaac sowed a crop and the LORD blessed him so that he reaped a hundred fold that year. He continued growing richer until he was wealthy. He had flocks and herds and a great household. The Philistines envied him. They had filled in the wells his father had dug.

__16-21_Abimelech told Isaac to move away for he was becoming too great for them. Isaac move some distance and dug again the wells his father had dug. He gave them the same names as his father had given them. They found a flowing well and the herdsmen of Gerar contended with him. He dug another well and they quarreled over it, too.

__22-24_He moved on to another place and dug a well there. No one bothered them so he named the well Rehoboth, for he said, at last the LORD has made room for us where we can be fruitful. After a time he moved to Beersheba. The LORD appeared to him that night and said, I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not fear. I will bless you.

__25-28_Isaac built an altar and called upon the name of the LORD. He pitched his tent there and his servants dug a well. Afterwards Abimelech came to him from Gerar with his advisors. Isaac said, why have you come to me, since you hated me and sent me away? They said, we see that the LORD is with you. Let us make a covenant together.

__29-33_Abimelech said that he wanted to be sure Isaac would not harm him just as he had not harmed Isaac. We know that you are blessed of the LORD. So Isaac made a feast and they ate and drank. The next day they got up early and exchanged oaths. They left in peace and the same day that Isaac's servants said they had found water.

__34-35_Esau was forty years old when he married a Hittite woman named Judith. They brought grief to Isaac and Rebekah.

Genesis 27
At a Glance (46 V)
See Each Verse

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1-41_Isaac sent Esau out to hunt some of his favorite game, planning to bless him afterwards. Rebekah learned of this and helped Jacob deceive Isaac. So he dressed like Esau and his father gave him Esau's blessing. When Esau found out what Jacob had done, he promised to take revenge after his father died.

__42-46_Rebekah learned of Esau's plan to kill Jacob. She advised him to flee to Haran and stay with Laban for a while until Esau's fury subsided. She said, I'll send for you when I think it is safe for you to return. She then said to Isaac, I am tired of Esau's wife. If Jacob took one locally like her my life would not be worth living.

Genesis 28
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-9_Isaac blessed Jacob and sent him to Haran to get a wife from their relatives. He said, God Almighty give the blessing of Abraham to you and your descendants. When Jacob had left and Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan displeased his father, he got a wife from Ishmael.

__10-17_On the way to Haran Jacob had a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven.

__18-22_Jacob covenanted with God and promised that if God blessed him he would return a tenth (tithe) to God.

Genesis 29
At a Glance (35 V)
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1-35_Jacob arrived in Haran and agreed to work for Laban seven years in exchange for Rachel whom he loved. When it was time to get married Laban tricked him and gave him Leah. After one week he also got Rachel by working another seven years. Leah had children but Rachel did not.

Genesis 30
At a Glance (43 V)
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1-43_Leah and Rachel gave Jacob their handmaids as wives to bear children for them. Then Leah had another child but it didn't make Jacob love her more. At this time Jacob asked Laban to let him go back to his own country. Instead, Laban made another deal with Jacob and Jacob grew even richer.

Genesis 31
At a Glance (55 V)
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1-55_Jacob perceived that Laban's sons did not like him. While Laban was away shearing his sheep Jacob got everything together and left. When Laban discovered this, he also discovered some missing idols and gave chase. God told him in a dream to not hurt Jacob. He searched for the idols and not finding them he blessed Jacob.

Genesis 32
At a Glance (32 V)
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1-32_Jacob sent a message to Esau and then received news that Esau was coming with four hundred of his men. Jacob prayed for deliverance and that night he wrestled with an angel. Near morning the an Angel put his hip out of joint. At the break of day his name was changed to Israel because he strove with God and prevailed.

Genesis 33
At a Glance (20 V)
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1-20_Jacob and Esau meet. Jacob had sent gifts for Esau as he came towards Jacob. After they met Esau offered to help Jacob with his move but Jacob declined. Traveling as far as Shechem, he bought a piece of land, and built an alter.

Genesis 34
At a Glance (31 V)
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1-31_Leah had a daughter named Dinah. While she visited the local young women she caught the eye of one of the princes. This man took advantage of her, but Jacob did nothing about it. When Simeon and Levi heard about it, they engineered a slaughter of the local men, talking them into being circumsized. Then on third day when the men were sore they slaughtered them.

Genesis 35
At a Glance (29 V)
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1-15_God sent Jacob to Bethel where he had had the dream about the ladder to heaven. Before they left for Bethel Jacob told his household to put away their idols. He buried these, along with their ear rings under an oak tree.

__16-26_Rachel gave birth to Benjamin and then died.

Here are the twelve sons of Jacob: Leah had Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. Rachel's sons were Joseph and Benjamin. Bilhah, Rachel's maid had Dan and Naphtali. Zilpah, Leah's maid, had Gad and Asher.

__27-29_Jacob came to his father Isaac in Hebron. The days of Isaac were one hundred and eighty years when he breathed his last. He died at a ripe old age and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

Genesis 36
At a Glance (43 V)
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1-43_The record of the generations of Esau. He married Canaanite women: Adah and Oholibamah, both daughters of Elon the Hittite. He also married Basemath, a daughter of Ishmael. His sons and their sons are all listed in this passage. He lived in Seir. Esau is Edom.

Genesis 37
At a Glance (36 V)
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1-36_At the age of seventeen Joseph was having dreams which made his brothers hate him. They sold him to some Midianite traders who sold him to Potiphar in Egypt.

Genesis 38
At a Glance (30 V)
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1-30_Judah left home to visit an Adullamite by the name of Hirah. He eventually took a Canaanite woman named Shua as his wife. She bore him three sons: Er, Onan and Shelah. After a time his wife Shua died. Read the story to see how it happened that Judah had twin son by Tamar.

Genesis 39
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-23_Joseph did so well working for Potiphar that he eventually was put in charge of everything in Potiphar's house. Potiphar's wife was responsible for Joseph ending up in prison.

Genesis 40
At a Glance (23 V)
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1-23_In prison Joseph interpreted the dreams of the king's cup bearer and that of his chief baker. His interpretation proved to be correct.

Genesis 41
At a Glance (57 V)
See Each Verse

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1-36_Joseph was brought out of prison to interpret Pharaoh's two dreams.

__37-57_Joseph was put in charge of gathering grain in the seven years of plenty and distributing it during the seven years of famine.

Genesis 42
At a Glance (38 V)
See Each Verse

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1-38_The famine was very bad even in Canaan. Jacob heard of food available in Egypt and sent ten of his sons to buy some. Simeon was kept in prison until Benjamin should come down with the brothers to prove that they are not spies. Jacob said that he had lost Joseph and now Simeon. He would not let Benjamin go down to Egypt.

Genesis 43
At a Glance (34 V)
See Each Verse

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1-34_When the grain ran out Judah finally convinced Jacob to let them take Benjamin with them to Egypt so that they could buy more grain. When they arrived, they were treated to a good meal at Joseph's house. They did not know, of course, that they were dealing with Joseph.

Genesis 44
At a Glance (34 V)
See Each Verse

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1-34_Having eaten, the eleven brothers departed with full sacks of grain. In a short time they were overtaken and accused of stealing Joseph's special cup. Their sacks were searched and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. They all returned and Judah pled for Benjamin by offering to take his punishment.

Genesis 45
At a Glance (28 V)
See Each Verse

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1-28_Seeing that his brothers had changed, Joseph made himself known with many tears. When he saw his brothers fears he assured them that they were forgiven. He sent them home to bring their father and their families to stay in Egypt for the duration of the famine. When the brothers went home and told their father that Joseph was alive, he fainted.

Genesis 46
At a Glance (34 V)
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1-34_God came to Jacob in a vision and told him to take his whole family to Egypt. When they arrived Joseph told his brothers to explain to Pharaoh that they were farmers and shepherd so that they would not be asked to serve in the court.

Genesis 47
At a Glance (31 V)
See Each Verse

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1-12_Joseph introduced his family to Pharaoh, having instructed them to say that they were shepherds. The Egyptians considered shepherds to be very low class and that would keep them from working in his court and getting into trouble. Joseph brought his father to Pharaoh and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

__13-26_During the famine Joseph sold grain to the Egyptians until their money and land was all sold to Pharaoh. Then they agreed to become Pharaoh's slaves in exchange for grain.

__27-31_Jacob was old and worried about being buried in Egypt. He made Joseph promise to take his body back to Canaan to be buried with his kin.

Genesis 48
At a Glance (22 V)
See Each Verse

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1-22_Joseph brought his two sons for Jacob's blessing. Jacob gave the older son's blessing to his younger brother.

Genesis 49
At a Glance (33 V)
See Each Verse

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1-33_Jacob gave his final blessing to his twelve sons and made a prophecy concerning each one of them. Then he died.

Genesis 50
At a Glance (26 V)
See Each Verse

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1-14_Joseph asked Pharaoh's permission to bury his father in Canaan.

__15-21_Joseph's brothers were then concerned that Joseph would now take revenge. Joseph told them that they had meant to cause harm but God had brought about good from it.

__22-26_Joseph lived to be 110 years old. He saw his children's children. He arranged for his bones to be carried up to Canaan and buried with his kin in Canaan when they should return.

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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This page designed by Ron Booth (c) 12/30/20 Version #0201230-1439.
This is a condensed paraphrase.